2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
Hi, I'm Cynde Leshin, these blog writings document the training, rehab, and conditioning that I have done with my 2 Border Collies. My writing always tries to focus on helping other people learn something that may help them as well as of interest. It has been a journey of not only my experiences in dog training but also with encountered health issues
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
5M ago
Beckett Finishes his OTCH (OBEDIENCE TRIAL CHAMPIONSHIP) His registered name is now:OTCH HC Cedar Quantum Leap Beckett UD2 OM4 BN GN GO RA HSBds HSDs HIBs HIDs HSAdMsM HIAdMsM HXAdMsM SWN SCA CGC TKA. OTCH HC Cedar Quantum Leap Beckett UD2 OM4 BN GN GO RA HSBds HSDs HIBs HIDs HSAdMsM HIAdMsM HXAdMsM SWN SCA CGC TKA. This is my 2nd OTC ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
11M ago
Dylan was introduced to birch odor at 10 weeks. He picked up on this quickly and we did a lot of intro to odor as you can view online. I felt like he was ready to be introduced to the 2nd AKC odor - anise. No problem; no errors in finding or not finding it. This week I thought I would introduce the 3rd clove since he can find each of these odors easily and loves it. He can do indoor, outdoor, 12 closed containers and buried hides. :). He shows great confidence in his scent work and really seems to enjoy it.
About 2 weeks ago I thought I would try an obedience scent article “find mine”. Y ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
I was not going to write this blog for some time since my Border Collie, Myst, who was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had it confirmed with the Cadet Braf test was diagnosed July 7/7/21 on a regular annual vet visit. Today, February 26 2023 she is doing well with no life style change for this very high energy performance dog. I thought surely that any positive note about this would perhaps be a curse.
Then Dr. Karen Becker wrote in a recent newsletter “Dr Becker’s Food Recommendations for Cancer.” Reading this I was a little surprised to find that Myst has been on this diet for mos ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
After a lot of reading and research on human and dog’s health, I have learned the importance of a healthy microbiome. The microbiome is a unique collection of hundreds of different types of bacteria and other microbes (such as viruses, fungi, etc) in the gastrointestinal tract. Imbalance of bacteria in the gut leads to what is called “leaky gut” and ultimately leading to inflammation and many health problems in the body.
Pre and probiodics are used to help promote intestinal balance and prevent leaky gut. However, many things can disrupt this balance and lead to health problems. ANTIBIO ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
Beckett is my 3rd obedience dog now competing in Open and Utility. Kaffee was my first and earned the very difficult OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion) title. Myst earned her UDX and OM (Obedience Master) and now Beckett has earned his UD and is working on his UDX. My goal has been to expose my very novice Utility dog to new experiences, new environments and now more than ever – PRESSURES IN THE RING that can cause momentary distraction in the dog or an inability to perform an exercise since they were not focused and concentrating.
One would think that we learn and apply most of what we ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
After having so many obedience shows cancelled in Arizona this past year due to COVID, we finally got to an obedience show last weekend (March 21, 2021). I was not only so happy to finally be able to show again and to have an acceptable Open B run with my young Border Collie, Beckett, but also to get qualifying scores in the 190s for both Open B and Graduate Open (pre-utility class). Yes, I was happy that after over a year of not showing that my young dog did so well especially with distractions he was not accustomed to after training mostly alone.
After reviewing my show videos, I was ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
Each time I sit down to write about this topic I am stopped by my reflection of recently learning of people whose dogs LIVE in shock collars. I have written before about my choices in dog training and how upset it makes me to learn of these people I know whose dogs lives are shock collars or other aversive training behaviors.
Just as with COVID, there is great diversity in choices and beliefs in how people live their lives. Perhaps the hardest thing for me during this past year has been to accept the choices people make as to wearing masks, socially distancing, attending social gatheri ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
I wanted to write about how I am dealing with executive orders from our state and federal government to ….“Stay home, Stay healthy, Stay connected” and wear face masks when in public to prevent the spread of disease to others if we are asymptomatic. – I have read and stay updated and choose not to listen to a lot of social media and news shows on this pandemic. While it is important to stay informed and up to date, it is also very important not to panic and be paralyzed with fear and ultimately depression.
I thought that my observations of what was happening l ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
A few days before Christmas I took my almost 15 year old senior dog for his daily walk. Today was special since once again we could walk on the very short trail at our house. Kaffee seems to enjoy this short walk since he can go at his own pace, sniff, sniff, sniff and then trot up to me for a treat. After our 20 minute walk we went back to my house and into my office. About an hour later Kaffee tried to get up and was very unsteady on his feet, standing in an unusually wide stance for balance and had little coordination. Since this obviously was very scary for him he kept trying to fall me ..read more
2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
2y ago
The decision to spay or neuter our dogs is very difficult. In the past early spay/neutering was highly recommended by veterinarians to be done at a very early age – often between 6 months to 1 years. However research now indicates that early spay/neutering leads to health problems. We also know that neutering of large breeds predisposes these dogs to cancers and structural problems. The problem lies somewhere in the middle of drawing conclusions about health risks and predispositions for all dogs that have been spayed or neutered. The debate rages with breeders, owners and veterinarians ..read more