Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
Check out the Gibsonton dentist blog of Your Time Dental for up-to-date information on dentistry services, oral hygiene, and dental technology! Your Time Dental is exactly what our name implies: a place where you can get dental care or emergency assistance at a time that works for you.
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
1w ago
Life is hectic for many Gibsonton residents. At times, it’s impossible to get all the “gotta do’s” done, and many are postponed or dropped altogether. Sometimes your car has to wait another 500 miles for an oil change. Or you are a month late replacing your furnace filter. Or you realize that you’ve had a…
The post When Something’s Gotta Give in Gibsonton, Don’t Let It Be Your Smile appeared first on Your Time Dental more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
2w ago
Don’t like your teeth? We invite you to consider a smile makeover from Your Time Dental. 1. Look and feel younger. 2. Improve your oral health. 3. Increase your confidence. 4. Smile all the time! Hello, I am Dr. Kernagis. Welcome to my dental blog. I serve my patients at Your Time Dental Urgent Care,…
The post Want A Reason To Smile All The Time in Florida? appeared first on Your Time Dental more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
3w ago
Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Kernagis of Your Time Dental. If you are one of my patients, welcome back. If this is your first visit, I appreciate you stopping by. My comfortable team and I love taking care of our valued patients in the Gibsonton area. Today’s article is for smiles that are overdue for a…
The post Preventative Maintenance For Your Irreplaceable Smile appeared first on Your Time Dental more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
1M ago
Teeth whitening has become very popular as an affordable, manageable way to enhance your smile with little effort and no pain. Your Time Dental Urgent Care can help you understand your options for teeth whitening and the results you may expect from various teeth whitening options. Over-the-counter whitening systems can give varied effects, with many users not…
The post Want Whiter Teeth? appeared first on Your Time Dental more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
1M ago
Why should everyone brush at least twice a day? Let’s consider why this is essential. Brushing and flossing are the best ways to prevent decay. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and carefully flossing removes the food from our teeth and prevents the build-up of plaque. If we let food stay on our teeth, the starches in the…
The post How Brushing Prevents Gum Disease appeared first on Your Time Dental more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
1M ago
Though thin and partially translucent, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body and has the important job of protecting teeth from constant use and the continual assault of chemicals in food and drink. Enamel also protects tooth nerves from hot and cold food and beverages. That’s why enamel loss often causes tooth sensitivity.…
The post When It’s Better Not To Brush appeared first on Your Time Dental more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
2M ago
How does your dentist help you stay healthy?
Most individuals know that they can go to their dentist if they have a tooth or have a toothache. Because of this, they may not realize how many other health problems your dentist can help you with.
As a full-service dental practice, Your Time Dental provides comprehensive oral health care.
Bad Breath
Bad breath is usually due to bacteria build-up in the mouth. Perhaps, however, you have offensive breath even though you brush and floss daily. If that’s the case, speak with your dentist. She or he can help you discover the cause of your problem. It more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
2M ago
How are Americans doing when it comes to the dental health of the 65+ population?
The Good News:
The rate of decay in the elderly has decreased in the past thirty years.1
The Bad News:
25% of persons age 65+ have no remaining teeth2
Nearly 20% have untreated cavities3
10% of adults 65 and over have moderate to severe periodontal disease.
There is evidence to suggest that advanced gum disease is linked to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory disease
Most older Americans don’t have dental insurance
Clearly, there is room for improvement. What vital circumstances will improve the ora more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
2M ago
What is dental sleep medicine?
It’s a relatively new branch of dentistry that treats sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing problems.
Don’t confuse dental sleep medicine with dental sedation or sleep dentistry. Dental sleep medicine treats sleep apnea. At Your Time Dental, we can determine if dental sleep medicine is right for you.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a malady where you have frequent, intermittent pauses in breathing while sleeping. These pauses can last for up to 60 seconds. They are caused by soft tissue in the back of the throat that relaxes and obstructs the airway more
Your Time Dental Urgent Care Blog
2M ago
Many residents in our Gibsonton community experience dry mouth occasionally. Some develop dry mouth in social situations or when they are under a lot of stress. Sporadic or infrequent dry mouth is usually not a serious problem. Constant dry mouth, or xerostomia, is not only irritating, it can lead to acute health problems.
Your saliva plays a key role in maintaining your health. One of its roles is to help digest your food. The moment food enters your mouth, saliva starts breaking it down so your body can metabolize it. If you don’t produce enough saliva to carry out this task your body may n more