Judges: Who Can Save Us? INTRODUCTION SEMINAR Dr. David Howard
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
3d ago
Dr. David Howard helps us get an overarching sense of the book of Judges as we head into our study this Fall. He begins with the theme of the book—the downward spiral of Israel’s national and spiritual life into chaos and apostasy, showing the need for a godly king to lead it—and helps us to see how it was written in order to show the consequences of religious apostasy and to point the way to a king, who, if he were righteous, would lead the people to God. Dr. Howard teaches Old Testament and Hebrew courses in the M.Div. and M.A. programs at Bethlehem College and Seminary. Previously, he taugh ..read more
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Glory! Lesson 6 | Revelation 21:9–27 | Amy Katterson 7.31.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
1M ago
This week we considered what our life will be like in eternity. Although we may have some funny misperceptions (floating on a cloud with a harp?), the reality that we observed in our text is full of rich delight and soul-stirring joy. We noted these five elements in Revelation 21:9–27: Wedding (verses 9-10): The wedding supper of the Lamb inaugurates a relationship of communion and love with Christ that will grow and grow in endless joy and satisfaction. Wonder (verses 11-21): The holy city is going to have the glory of God, and we are going to be fit to dwell there with him in everlasting wo ..read more
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Glory! Lesson 5 | Revelation 19:6–9 | Lindsay Osborne 7.24.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
1M ago
The marriage supper of the lamb is a biblical picture of the joy-filled fellowship which awaits God’s people. In Revelation 19:6–9, we get a vision of a rejoicing heavenly multitude and the four reasons they overflow with praise to God on that occasion. 1. The Almighty God reigns! He has conquered every enemy. (1 Corinthians 15:54–57) 2. The marriage of the lamb, a glorious groom, is finally here! He loved us so much he paid for our sins. (John 1:29) 3. Christ’s Bride is ready! She has been given a beautiful garment of righteous deeds. (Ephesians 5:25–27) 4. The celebrants enter into an eterni ..read more
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Glory! Lesson 4 | Romans 8:18–23 | Kristin Tabb 7.17.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
2M ago
Pure Delight! In heaven, our capacity to behold and receive God’s glory will be different. When we experience God’s glory, our own will pale in comparison. Self will seem microscopic and insignificant in light of God’s glory, not because people do not matter, but because we will see the God whose image we bear. Worship will be unfiltered as faith becomes sight, and our capacity to take in God’s glory will be unhindered by sin because it will be utterly eliminated in light of the presence of our perfect God and Father and the God-man, Jesus. Our experience of the Spirit will be unquenched, and ..read more
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Glory! Lesson 2 | Revelation 21:1-5 | Kïrsten Christianson 6.26.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
2M ago
Heaven is about God, his sovereignty over all things, and his being our God and we living as his people. In other words, we will be present with God!  In Revelation, God through John shows that the promises he made in Genesis, and throughout all of scripture, are coming true for his people! Most spectacularly, all the hurts that we have committed or have been committed against us will be redeemed, as well as all brokenness of every kind. These words are trustworthy and true.  Remembering who Jesus is and what he did for us empowers us, by his Spirit, to persevere on this earth. Part ..read more
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Glory! Lesson 1 | John 3:14–18 | Pam Larson 6.19.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
3M ago
This week we asked this question about our destination: “Will heaven be our home? How do we get there? How can we know?” We began by going back to the Old Testament story of the bronze serpent being lifted up on a pole in order that whoever looked at the serpent would be cured. Jesus, like the bronze serpent, is our source of healing. He's the cure from the poison of sin and from the wrath of God. He was lifted up on the cross to die in our place and give us life. We look to Jesus and receive eternal life ..read more
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Glory! Summer Bible Study Introduction | Pastor Sam Crabtree | 6.12.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
3M ago
Women's Ministry welcomes guest speaker Pastor Sam Crabtree to introduce our study on Heaven ..read more
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MOMS Spring Tea Steadfast Stories
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
4M ago
Lydia Sandquist and Nora Byers from Monday night MOMS share how God has steadfastly loved and kept them as they have trusted steadfastly in him ..read more
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Habits of Humility | Heidi Brazis | MOMS 4.2324
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
4M ago
Heidi Brazis gives us some patterns of daily living that help toward loving and respecting our husbands and living with humility ..read more
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Job Lesson 10 | Job's Confession & Restoration | Job 42 | Pam Larson 4.17.24
The North Church Women
by The North Church Women
5M ago
Job's Confession & Restoration | Job 42 1—RESPONSE (Job 42:1–6)     A—RECOGNIZE God’s wonderful ways, power and purposes (v1–4)     B—RENEWED VISION (v5)     C—REPENTANCE (v6) 2—REBUKE and RECONCILIATION (Job 42:7–9) 3—RESTORATION (Job 42:10–17) And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:10–11 ..read more
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