Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
UAMF is a public organization created for the development of medical physics in Ukraine!
Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
EMITEL is an international project that began in 2005 with the creation of the Dictionary of Medical Physics Terms. More information about history of project foundation you can find here. The main goal of the project is to help students and medical physicists at the beginning of their career from different countries to learn the terms of medical physics. Another module of the project is an...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
Dear colleagues! We are pleased to announce that the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists of Ukraine (UAMP) has become a member of the European Federation of Medical Physicists Associations (EFOMP). Please read the official information on the EFOMP website. Since its inception, the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists has had one of its goals – to establish cooperation with foreign...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
On October 24-25, 2019, the regular Ukrainian Medical Physicists Forum took place, which was attended by leading specialists of Ukraine from medical institutions, scientific and educational institutions, private companies, international companies, authorities. During two days, reports on medical physics were presented, the project of the School of Therapeutic Medical Physics was presented...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
At the end of the first round of voting, candidates for the position of Vice President and members of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists were identified. Over the next two weeks, members of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists will vote first for the Vice President and then for the members of the Board. The voting results will be presented during the IV...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
New members of the Board of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists (UAMP) will be represented during the 4th Forum of Medical Physicists of Ukraine. Currently, an online vote is taking place during which all UAMP members are able to nominate their Candidates. All UAMP members received a link to the ballot at the email address given in the Questionnaire upon joining the UAMP.
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
Dear colleagues! We would like to present the approved "Recommendations of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists for the development of a master's program (or academic part of residency) in medical physics".. See Recommendations (only in Ukrainian) UAMP Doc2 Report1 The IAEA’s Postgraduate Medical Physics Academic Program was based on these recommendations. Training Course Series 56.
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
Dear Colleagues! We are delighted to announce the results of the 2022-23 UAMP Board and UAMP Vice-President elections. The majority of votes for the new UAMP Vice-President won Volodymyr Vashchyshyn, medical physicist of the Universal clinic “Oberig”, via an online voting system. He is the next UAMP President for the other two-years terms, 2024-25. Also by voting was approved the Board...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
Happy International Day of Medical Physics 2020! The theme of this year to mark the celebrations of the International Day of Medical Physics is “Medical Physicist as a Health Professional” Medical physicists today, like other health professionals, face the challenges and risks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, in many countries around the world, as in Ukraine in particular...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
EFOMP hereby announces a new Working Group (WG) entitled “The involvement of Medical Physics Experts in the life cycle of medical devices”. The WG will operate under the Professional Matters Committee from 1st of December 2020 to 1st December 2022. The rationale of the WG: This working group will work together to publish EFOMP Policy Statement no 17: The Involvement of Medical Physics Experts in...
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Ukrainian Assosiation Of Medical Physicists
2y ago
Since the founding of the Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists one of the main tasks of the organization has been communication between colleagues. As one of the tools in the implementation of the this task was the creation of the UAMP website. But it is important to communicate not only with Ukrainian medical physicists, but also with colleagues from abroad, because the development of...
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