Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
Alesha Rose is a former college cheerleader, mom of teenagers, & Army 1SG using home workouts to build a life of purpose.
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
10M ago
Hey girl! I am so excited for you to make the first step in creating the shifts in your mind and body by commenting on that video. YOU are capable. You aren’t too old to create what you want in your health goals. Its never too late to learn!
I’ve put my 3 favorite programs that have helped with less inflammation, creating more muscle, and can bring you joy in your life in less than 30 minutes a day. These workouts are part of a larger program where it is designed in a calendar in a way for results, working different muscle groups.
One Week Meal Plan
This m ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
You know what I dislike most? Meal prepping.
I hate doing it. But one thing that has truly helped not just eat whatever is meal planning. Totally a separate and less overwhelming thing from prepping!
By taking the time to plan out your meals in advance, you can ensure that you are fueling your body with nutritious, balanced options that will help you reach your goals. Say goodbye to impulse snacking and unhealthy takeout, and hello to a healthier, happier you!
Here are some things on my dinner plan for the week:
Shrimp and veggies with rice
Slow Cooker Burrito Bowl
Chicken Teriyaki Bow ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
One of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving because of all the food!! These recipes I have been making for years to creating a healthier meal while not sacrificing any of the taste! Check out some of the recipes below that are from my two nutrition programs, 2B Mindset and Portion Fix.
Cranberry Sauce
2-inch slice orange peel
2 whole cloves
3 cups fresh (or frozen) cranberries
½ cup raw honey
¾ cup water
½-inch slice fresh ginger, peeled
Stud orange peel with cloves.
Heat orange peel with cloves, cranberries, honey, water, and ginger in
medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a gentle ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
Enjoy this bread pudding for breakfast! Yes! You heard me right…. this makes a perfect breakfast option that is fueled with fiber and protein and part of my mindset nutrition program. Make sure to tag me on social when you make it! @alesharose
Nonstick cooking spray
6 large eggs
2 egg whites (approx. ¼ cup)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
4 slices whole-grain bread, cubed
2 medium peaches, chopped
1 tsp. liquid monk fruit sweetener ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
I am so excited that I can FINALLY share this news!!
One of the biggest things I teach my team is to do the things that are scary and may seem impossible.. but if you dont go after it, it will never happen.
In october at our annual event, I decided to put one of the biggest goals that I had for the past few years out there out loud and let it be known by those who could make it happen. I didnt think it would happen right away, but……
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I am so honored to be select ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
I love a great deal! And I don’t share anything that I don’t personally use. So check out some of my favorite items and save!
Save on my favorite pair of shades! The Torrealba Millenia X2! Use Code: ALESHA16.
2. Save 10% on my favorite almond and cashew paste! Never have almond or cashew milk go to waste in your fridge! You can make milks or vegan cheese and so much more with it! use code: ALESHAROSE10
3. Get ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
The past few days has been about celebrating Jessica’s birthday.. Someone I met 10 years ago who forever changed my life by not just sharing this opportunity of coaching with me as a stranger on fb, but has helped me grow internally and professionally over the years.
It is so cool to surround yourself with powerful women entrepreneurs who want to see each other succeed and call each other out on their limiting beliefs and roadblocks, to only help each other grow more.
We all were able to just get up from our lives and head to Vegas for a few days, not worry about the hotel bill or meals, and l ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
Anyone else finding it hard to get back into the groove after a 3 day weekend and kids on summer break?
My biggest rule of thumb is to just DO something. Feeling like you accomplish something can be your biggest win! I have a to do list I start with every day. I have always been a to do list person… even when I was young and had to clean my room, I did a to do list of what order I was going to clean it.
So I write out my to do list while drinking my morning miracle energy juice, I do 1-2 things on my to do list, I get my workout done, and then tackle the rest of my to do list! and no ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
You can live by the status quo or put your future into your own hands.
My life changed dramatically when I decided I was going to take control of my own future and not let fears, judgments, or anyone tell me any different.
So many times we hold back because of the words of others. But really that is them living in status quo and why should they be in control of your future?
#wednesdaythoughts #liveoutsidethestatusquo #youaremeantforgreatness ..read more
Alesha Rose Fitness Blog
2y ago
It’s incredible the changes my husband has made over the past 6 months. He started out small, working out on his own, and then decided to jump into my weight lifting program and is now on his second round! He has so much more energy just to do daily activities and has so much more stamina. It wasn’t long ago just doing chores he would need to take frequent breaks and today we have been doing chores non stop since 8am.
This weekend he went to his first event with one of our super trainers and even worked out with us! if you would have told me he would be doing this a year ago I would have lau ..read more