WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is diagnosed in more than 130,000 people each year in the U.S. alone. Get in-depth colorectal cancer information here on including articles on causes, symptoms, prevention, and promising treatments. WebMD provides credible information, supportive communities, and in-depth reference material about health subjects that matter to you.
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
5M ago
People who drink alcohol, smoke, or have other unhealthy lifestyle habits like poor diet and lack of exercise may reduce their risk of cancer of the colon or rectum by taking aspirin, a new study suggests ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
6M ago
A breakthrough in medical testing now allows for colorectal cancer screening with just a simple blood test, promising a more accessible and less invasive way to catch the disease early ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
8M ago
Genetics and diet are among the top theories on what's fueling the troubling rise of colorectal cancer in young adults. Now, a new look at genetic data from people with the disease further suggests that the cause is linked to what's happening in the gut ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
8M ago
Colorectal cancer cases increased a whopping 333% among 15- to 19-year-olds and 185% among 20- to 24-year-olds from 1999 to 2020 ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
8M ago
Experts have long cautioned against eating late at night – especially a large meal loaded with fats or sugars – and now there’s another reason to listen to their advice. A new study suggests eating within 3 hours of bedtime at least 4 days a week could increase chances for developing colorectal cancer ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
10M ago
A simple blood test to detect colorectal cancer showed promising results in a study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
10M ago
His tumor had a specific genetic makeup known as mismatch repair-deficient, present in 5% to 10% of all rectal cancer patients, meaning he might qualify for a cutting-edge immunotherapy ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
1y ago
Colorectal cancer is on the rise among people younger than 50. Mark Lewis, MD talks about why, what signs to watch for, and what you can do to reduce your odds ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
1y ago
What to know about braking the barriers to colorectal cancer care for Black patients, who are estimated to be 20% more likely to receive a colorectal cancer diagnosis than any other racial or ethnic group ..read more
WebMD » Colorectal Cancer
1y ago
Can green tea lower your risk of colorectal cancer? It depends on who – and what research – you believe ..read more