What oral problems can hamsters get?
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
1y ago
Hamsters make ideal family pets as they are easy to care for, have relatively few health problems and are undeniably cute! However, it is vital you know how to properly care for your hamster’s teeth, so they don’t develop dental problems. Hamsters can get a variety of oral health issues, including excess plaque and tartar buildup, periodontal disease, gingivitis and tooth abscesses. As hamsters’ teeth continuously grow, so is important that they are given chew toys to gnaw on and have a diet that is balanced in minerals and vitamins. This article explores how to check your hamster’s teeth regu ..read more
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10 best chew toys for hamsters
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
1y ago
Unlike us, hamsters have constantly growing teeth, so they need something to chew on to file their teeth down. If you notice your furry friend chewing on the bars of their hamster cage, you may want to invest in some chew toys. Giving your hamster some fun chew toys will help keep their teeth trimmed, provide exercise and improve their mental stimulation. However, you should only choose safe toys made from non-toxic materials. Here are our top 10 best chew toys for hamsters: Bucatstate Hamster Chew Toys – Best overall hamster chew toys Ebaokuup Chew Toys – Best value hamster ch ..read more
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What is the difference between a guinea pig and a hamster?
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
When it comes to choosing a family pet, most people start off with either a hamster or a guinea pig, as both are small animals that are relatively easy to look after. However guinea pigs and hamsters have some fundamental differences, which should help you decide which pet is right for you! The guinea pig is larger, longer and heavier than the hamster, which is the vital physical difference between the two animals. A guinea pig prefers to go around on all fours, but a hamster will use its front paws to hold food. Guinea pigs are also herbivores, while hamsters are omnivores. While these two cr ..read more
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How to hold a Syrian hamster | Step-by-step guide
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
Hamster ownership can be a very rewarding experience. These adorable, fun, and inquisitive animals make for perfect pets thanks to their cuddly and engaging personalities and behavior. But when it comes to holding a hamster correctly, there are some important things to keep in mind. So how best can you hold Syrian hamsters? When holding a Syrian hamster, it is important that you have clean hands that are odor free. Approach your hamster slowly, so that you do not startle them, before allowing them to hop onto your hand or gently scoop them up. Grabbing your Syrian hamster is not advisable as t ..read more
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What is the difference between a gerbil and a hamster?
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
Since the passing of our lovely Syrian hamster almost a year ago, our kids have been nagging us to get another pet. And whilst Oscar is obviously irreplaceable, we’ve been toying with the idea of getting gerbils. After all, both of these rodent pets are small in size, low in maintenance and are relatively cheap to look after. But what are the differences between hamsters and gerbils? Both hamsters and gerbils make great pets but there are differences which may determine which pet is right for you. Gerbils have long tails and snouts, are active during the day and love living with other gerbil p ..read more
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How Often Do You Clean A Hamster Cage?
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
An important part of hamster care is knowing how to properly clean their cage. While hamsters are creatures of habit and tend to use the bathroom in the same areas of their cage, this is not always the case. Anyone who has owned a hamster knows that they have very little control over their bladders and bowels and will relieve themselves whenever the urge strikes them. The frequency with which you should clean your hamster’s cage will vary. The more hamsters you have living together, the more often you will need to clean them. Likewise smaller cages start to smell quicker. On average you should ..read more
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How Big Can A Hamster Get?
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
Hamsters are one of America’s and the UK’s most popular pets. Not only are they incredibly cute, but their small size means they are quite affordable to buy, feed and maintain. Hamsters primarily eat grains, fruits, and vegetables and they tend to drink lots of water. Hamsters are nocturnal, meaning that they sleep during the day and are awake during the night.  When it comes to how big a hamster can get, that will depend on several factors. For instance, the species of hamster will affect how large it can grow. It will also be reliant on other factors, such as lifestyle and diet. If a ha ..read more
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How Fast Can A Hamster Run?
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
So, if you have yourself a pet hamster and you have seen it running around its cage or in its wheel frantically, then it is pretty clear that hamsters can be speedy when they need to be. But, the question we are looking to answer here is: how fast can a hamster run? A hamster can run as fast as 6 miles an hour with the Syrian hamster having the quickest paws of them all. Here we explain more… Just how quick can a hamster run? The short and simple answer to how fast can a hamster run is anywhere between 3 and 6 miles per hour. This includes the super small hamsters too, such as your Dwarf and a ..read more
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Best Syrian Hamster Cage
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
Have you just bought a new hamster? Are you excited to welcome them to your home and get them settled in? It’s an exciting time for everyone! But what can be daunting is the cage. Have you bought a cage that’s too small? Are they too expensive or is the design not quite right for a Syrian hamster? Studies have shown that bigger cages ensure more natural behavior from hamsters and they seem to show fewer signs of stress than those housed in smaller cages, so how big is big enough? Is there enough space for a wheel, after all – your hamster’s going to want to exercise right? With so much to cons ..read more
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Best Dwarf Hamster Cage
Hamster Guru Blog
by Emma
2y ago
When it comes to buying a cage for your new dwarf hamster, you want it to be perfect right? They’re so tiny, fragile, and adorable, you want them to be comfy and feel looked after properly? Well, unfortunately, a lot of hamster cages for sale are designed for slightly bigger hamsters, such as the Syrian hamster, and so buying the perfect new hamster home requires that bit more research. Dwarf hamsters are much smaller animals and often like to live in pairs, so finding a cage suitable for this can be tricky. Not only this, but the cage needs to have enough room for them to move and roam about ..read more
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