Teeth Whitening, Veneers, or Both?
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
According to a study completed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a beautiful smile can make a person appear more attractive, intelligent, happy, and successful. Would you like for those things to be said about you? We all would! Even more important than what others will think is what you think and feel about yourself. If you have stained, gapped, or crooked teeth, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. This can lead to ..read more
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5 Summer Dental Tips
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
Summer is almost here, and there are several good and important ways that people prepare for it: booking vacations, summer activities for kids, working out, saving money, and eating healthier. Another way to prepare for summer is to create a plan to take care of your oral health. Neglecting your teeth for any amount of time can lead to dental decay, damage, and staining. Thankfully, there are many practical habits you can integrate into your ..read more
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Are There Options for Repairing Severely Damaged Teeth?
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
Anyone who has ever experienced the agony of a toothache knows that poor oral health is more than an inconvenience; it negatively impacts your quality of life. Not only can damaged teeth cause physical pain, but they can also create extreme self-consciousness and pose significant health risks if left untreated. Damage occurs to teeth for a variety of reasons, from disease and facial trauma to years of teeth grinding or a misaligned bite. Fortunately, dental ..read more
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3 Ways Dental Technology Can Alleviate Anxiety in Patients
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
If you’re one of the estimated 50-80% of adults with dental anxiety, chances are you’ve avoided or delayed dental care at some point in your life. Whether it be a routine cleaning or a more in-depth procedure, such as a root canal or filling, putting off dental visits often results in more significant issues down the road. In the majority of cases, dental anxiety is a result of a prior traumatic dental experience ..read more
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How To Prevent Bad Breath
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
Mask or no mask, bad breath is never welcome company. Halitosis not only makes for embarrassing social interactions, but it can also be a sign of health issues. Here are the most common causes of bad breath and tips to help prevent them: Foods – This one can be a double whammy. 1) The breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth can increase bacteria and cause a foul odor. 2) Components from food are ..read more
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Holiday Foods that are Good for your Teeth
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
The holidays are here, and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. The best way to enjoy the holiday festivities and keep your oral health intact is to balance those sticky, sugary foods with some that actually benefit your teeth and gums. We promise it’s not as hard as you might think! Fruit ..read more
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How Long do Dental Implants Last?
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
Over 500,000 dental implants are placed each year in the US. If you find yourself among this group, you probably have some questions, chiefly among them, how long will my dental implants last? The answer depends on a number of factors. Implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that create a strong foundation for artificial teeth known as crowns. Crowns are custom-made to fit a patient's mouth and match their natural teeth. By design ..read more
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Benefits of Chewing (Sugar-Free) Gum
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
Chewing gum may not have gotten your school teacher's approval, but as long as it's sugar-free, it will get a nod from your dentist! In fact, sugar-free gum is the only item in the candy aisle that can actually improve your oral health. Adding sugar-free gum to your day can help: Increase Saliva Flow Saliva plays a critical role in your overall oral health. In addition to washing away bacteria, saliva keeps your ..read more
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Anatomy of a Dental Implant
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
The only permanent solution to tooth loss, dental implants have gained favor as the preferred method for tooth replacement. Not only do today's implants restore function, but, just as importantly, they also fulfill patients' esthetic expectations. What exactly are dental implants? Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that create a strong foundation for artificial teeth known as crowns. Crowns are custom-made to fit a patient's mouth and match their natural teeth. Many ..read more
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Top Signs of Tooth Decay
Feiz Dental Blog
2y ago
Tooth decay, or softening of the enamel, is one of the most prevalent dental conditions. Acids produced by bacteria weaken tooth enamel over time, which results in a cavity. According to one study, 92% of adults have had cavities in their permanent teeth. The good news is that decay occurs in stages, and early treatment can prevent it from progressing and potentially spare you from needing a root canal or complete extraction. While our busy ..read more
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