Two Man Congress
Will and Chad are dedicated to solving political issues, and they want you to know how to become politically engaged. We cover a range of political topics and debate possible solutions to political problems. We want to explore the best ways to make a positive political impact.
Two Man Congress
2y ago
In this episode, Will provides an overview of the 5th-10th Amendments.
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Two Man Congress
2y ago
Will discusses the history and first 5 Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Without the Bill of Rights, our Constitution would not have been ratified.
Things in this episode:
Bill of Rights History
Constitution Text
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Two Man Congress
2y ago
In this episode, we talk about local politics and how you can become more involved in benefiting your community. We talk with Mayor Winder of Woodland Hills UT as he instructs us on what it is like to be a part of the local political sphere.
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Two Man Congress
2y ago
Because our series on free speech has been spread out through the podcast, we decided to put it in one place for you. This episode is a combination of four other episodes we have published on free speech.
If you want to support us, go to patreon.com/twomancongress and sign up for a tier. Anybody who signs up before April 30th, 2022 will have their first two months of proceeds donated to help refugees. After that, the support will help the podcast develop and create new and better content.
In this episode:
02: What Speech Is Constitutionally Protected Speech?
Schenck v. United States
Gitlow v ..read more
Two Man Congress
2y ago
Will discusses several cases about the freedom of speech in school. The freedom of speech has always been a heavily contested issue, but with current events, the topic has become more heated.
Instead of choosing a side, we want you to make up your mind. We've done our best to be as objective as possible by providing you with the facts about cases, and the direct text of current legislation. We don't want to tell you what to believe. We only want to give you a nudge along the path of learning.
Things in this episode:
Patreon - Join now (before April 20th, 2022), and we'll donate your first two ..read more
Two Man Congress
2y ago
In this episode, Chad discusses the importance of age in legal documents.
Things in this episode:
Patreon. Anyone who joins Patreon before April 30th, 2022 will have their first 2 months donated to helping refugees
BBC Article relating to the case
Thanks for your support. The podcast is thriving thanks to you! Continue to help us by becoming a patron, giving us a rating, and sharing with your family and friends.
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/twomancongress ..read more
Two Man Congress
2y ago
The Constitution is foundational in all that we do in the United States. Because the Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" every piece of legislation must follow its guidelines. Also, every court case must abide by the Constitution. In this episode we talk about the purpose of the Constitution, what is in the text of the Constitution, and why it is relevant.
As a reminder, every person who becomes a patron on Patreon will have their first 2 months of membership donated to the UNHCR to help refugees worldwide.
In this episode:
Article referenced
Constitution Text
Thanks again ..read more
Two Man Congress
2y ago
Millions of refugees and asylees are seeking protection from their country of origin. In this episode, Will discusses who refugees are and how we can help them. Note, the statistics mentioned in this episode are likely to change often.
What can you do to help? Sign up for any tier on Patreon anytime between March 21st and April 30th and we will donate your first two months to helping refugees worldwide. We will share our donation receipts so you can see where and what your money is doing. This donation can provide refugees with sleeping bags, counseling, travel expenses, and aid in resettleme ..read more
Two Man Congress
2y ago
Ever heard of the sport, Cricket? In this episode, Chad discusses Miller v. Jackson and how it has influenced case law about negligence.
In this episode:
Miller v. Jackson
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Like what we are sharing, give us a rating and share with your family and friends! Thank you all who support us on Patreon. We have a big announcement concerning Patreon coming in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned for that!
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/twomancongress ..read more