IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
The Islamic Finance Guru Podcasts are a series of podcasts aimed at bringing money matters to the forefront of the Muslim community. We've got something for everyone, from our popular Millionaire Muslim podcast where we discuss halal investments, personal finance and entrepreneurship! We also give you a spiritual kick with regular business/finance-focused Qur'an tafseer sessions! Or..
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
2M ago
Samara Iqbal is a leading lawyer specialising in international family law, and if you thought normal divorce proceedings were complicated, wait until the sun, sand and sea of Dubai gets involved. From crazy stories of lawsuits by the dead to an expats legal checklist, you'll enjoy this ..read more
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
2M ago
Entreprenuers rarely think about building banks, but Abdullo from Tajikistan is just built different. He, alongside his business partners, built and grew the first and one of the most successful islamic banks as well as some fintech companies in Central Asia. This is his story. ______
??♂️ Our investment arm, Cur8 Capital ? Sign up to our ? Our website ? Order our book ..read more
Sh Asrar Rashid | Islam vs Capitalism vs Communism, Currency and Money Creation, and Nuclear Weapons
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
2M ago
Invest ethically with Cur8 - https://cur8.capital
In this podcast episode, we speak to Shaykh Asrar Rashid, a well-known scholar, debater and author. Join us as we tackle topics such as the nation-state, an Islamic economic system and the war of ideas both Muslims and non-Muslims face.
Purchase Shaykh Asrar Rashid's books
Islam Answers Atheism: https://amzn.eu/d/5rI3NJ9
Navigating the End of Times: https://amzn.eu/d/8Cxs1iJ
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Sh Sulaiman Moola | The Dust Of RIBA is Everywhere, Passion in Poetry الشعر, and Staying Out of Debt
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
2M ago
Join us as we chat to Sh Sulaiman Moola from South Africa on an array of topics; from poetry to social media, riba to debt. This chat really does have it all.
Invest with us at Cur8 Capital: https://cur8.capital/
Remember, with investing, your capital is at risk. This is not financial advice. If in doubt, always talk to a financial advisor.
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IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
2M ago
Join our community lead, Khizar Mohammad in our IFG tafseer session in which we reflect, ponder and commentate upon specific verses pertaining to business, finance and society.
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?Our Crypto Chat Group: https://t.me/ifgcrypto
?Our Venture Capital/Private Equity Group: https://t.me/ifgvcpe  ..read more
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
2M ago
Join our community lead, Khizar Mohammad in our IFG tafseer session in which we reflect, ponder and commentate upon specific verses pertaining to business, finance and society. In this session, Khizar dives deep into the mindset we must have to succeed in this life and the next.
? Sign up to our email newsletter - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com/subscribe? Our website - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com
? Our Stocks Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/ifgstocksgroup
?Our Property/Fixed Returns Telegram Chat Group: https://t.me/ifgproperty
?Our Crypto Chat Group: https ..read more
Managing Generational Wealth, Mixing Family & Business, Millionaire's Investing Plan | Rizvan Khalid
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
10M ago
In this podcast, we speak to millionaire philanthropist Rizvan Khalid, Managing Director at Euro Quality Lambs, about everything from generational wealth and managing family trust funds to philanthropy and his millionaire investing strategies. For those wanting to create generational wealth, this is one you cannot miss.
??♂️ Our investment arm, Cur8 Capital - https://cur8.capital ? Sign up to our email newsletter - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com/subscribe ? Our website - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com ? Order our book: https://amzn.eu/d/cNZevxo ..read more
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
10M ago
??♂️ Our investment arm, Cur8 Capital - https://cur8.capital We all think of zakat as just a mandatory charity for those with more wealth than others, but it is so much more. Prepare to really understand Zakat like never before as well as how it was meant to and can be used in this 3 HOUR long deep dive with an expert!
? Sign up to our email newsletter - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com/su... ? Our website - https://www.islamicfinanceguru.com ? Order our book: https://amzn.eu/d/cNZevxo ..read more
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
10M ago
In this episode, we get the founder of Muzz (formerly MuzMatch), the largest Muslim matrimonial app in the world to talk about marriage apps, Gaza as well as his various beefs with Penny Appeal, Match Group and Asim Qureshi. For Penny Appeal Rebuttal see here: https://pennyappeal.org/news/setting-record-straight ..read more
IslamicFinanceGuru Podcasts
1y ago
??♂️ Our investment arm, Cur8 Capital
We speak to the Director of @DarulIftaaUK , Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari - an expert in Fiqh and legal rulings according to the Hanafi school about some burning questions discussed by many today.
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