What's the go with Macros?
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
9M ago
Are you a bit lost with the whole talk of macros and tracking food? Well let's break it down to be nice and simple! Macros are macronutrients, such as; fats, proteins and carbohydrates. These are the numbers that people on a low carb / ketogenic follow to make sure they are eating balanced meals. As a rough guideline keto macros are broken up into 65 - 70% fat, 25-30% protein and 5% carbohydrates. With a general rule of thumb to keep net carbs under 20g a day. Low carb macros are a little more relaxed with their ratios roughly looking like 10 - 25% carbs, 40-50% protein and 30 - 40% fat. Its ..read more
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12 Week Meal Plans
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
Look to start keto or need recipe inspiration... Here is your free 12 week meal plan from Keto the Aussie Way..    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Shopping List Shopping List Shopping List Shopping List Shopping List Shopping List    Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Meal Plan Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes Shopping List Shopping List Shopping List Shopping Li ..read more
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Inflammatory Foods and the Keto Lifestyle
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
Did you know that the keto lifestyle is one of the best ways to eliminate inflammation? The keto lifestyle has many benefits, did you know that it is a great lifestyle to elminate inflammation within your body? The keto lifestyle has many forms. Clean/standard, dirty, therapeutic, carnivore etc.(More info here on keto styles). Clean keto is a form of keto which means exactly that; no processed foods. No sugar substitutes. Nice clean food. Dirty keto means almost anything goes as long as you are under a certain carb limit. Regardless of your decision on how to follow your keto journey, yo ..read more
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Quick Fixes - How they set you up to fail!
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
They're everywhere. The promise of a quick fix. The promise of the 'easy way'! But how often have you spent lots of money and got nothing in return but an empty wallet and sometimes some nasty side-effects!   Exogenous Ketones They are all the rage! Instantly switch your body from a glucose burner to a fat burner. How enticing. But ouch the price! And for what.... Let's lift the lid on what is in exogenous ketones: Most exogenous ketones are made with ketone salts. These are the drinks, pills and powders you can buy from everywhere. Exogenous ketones are an artificial ketone that is mark ..read more
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Keto Side Effects
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
What are the most common side effects of switching to a low carb / keto lifestyle?   Anytime we change how we fuel our bodies, there is an adjustment period. Our bodies flush out and use up whatever is around the body and starts from scratch. During this initial phase, some people (not all) may experience some side effects. This article is going to go through them and how to combat them.   Keto Flu (headaches, lethargy, nausea, confusion, brain fog, irritability) The most common side effect on low carb is what’s known as “keto flu,” so called because it can mimic flu-like symptoms ..read more
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Electrolyte Balance
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Sydney McDavid
2y ago
  Why are electrolytes important? Simply put.... They do a lot in the body. They regulate muscle contractions and keep you hydrated. Electrolytes also help balance your pH levels (the measure of acidity and alkalinity). And they control nervous-system function. What are some signs of low electrolyte levels? Fatigue, headache, nausea, blood pressure changes, muscle cramps, low energy, loss of appetite and simply not feeling well. How do you lose electrolytes? Your body flushes electrolytes through sweat, urine. During the initial phase of weightloss you can experience a 'flush' of wa ..read more
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Cheat Meals... What happens to my body?
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
When you transition to the ketogenic lifestyle you may find yourself tempted by non keto foods and treats. Giving into those temptations can do more harm then good. Lets go through what happens to your body when you slide into old ways of eating. Headaches When your body has previously detoxed sugars and other inflammatory foods, your body goes into a bit of stress to process these foods. One of the most common side effects is to get headaches. This is your body's way of saying it is struggling! Stomach bloating and discomfort The rapid extension of your stomach and the discomfort is your dig ..read more
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Thinking About Starting Keto.... Start Here!
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
So you've heard about keto and now you're keen to give it a go, but have no idea where to start? Well lets wrap up all the important info for you in one space!     Keto is really about changing how we view food and what foods help maximize our wellbeing. For so long we have been told by the food industry how we should be eating and that has left many of us unhealthy and confused. So what is so different about keto? Eating real food and staying away from inflammatory foods. How to start? Well clean out your cupboards and fridges! To know what should be in your home check out the food ..read more
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Food Reference Guide - What's the Macros of your food?
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
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Food Swap Ideas
Keto The Aussie Way Blog
by Keto The Aussie Way
2y ago
Looking for ways to transition your lifestyle to a low carb / ketogenic lifestyle. Here are some quick ways to get rid of those high carb foods High Carb Foods  Low Carb Foods Bread Low carb wraps, iceberg lettuce leaves, 90 second bread, fathead dough Oatmeal chia seeds, flax seed meal, almond meal Rice cauli rice or broccoli rice Chips / biscuits nut trail mixes, twiggy sticks, cheese, seeded crackers and some low carb / keto options Hot Chips Haloumi, zucchini chips, swedes  Pasta loupin flour pasta, konjak noodles, zucchini noodles (zoodles), spagetti squash Fla ..read more
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