Quran in English
This podcast is a reading of the holy Quran in English. It is a translation of the meaning of the Quran. Enjoy
Quran in English
2d ago
Dear listeners
We are in sura 41 Fusilat
Verses made clear
Allahs names:
Lord of Mercy Alrahman
Giver of Mercy Alraheem
Almighty Alazeez
All Knowing Alaleem
The most Forgiving Algafoor
The Most Merciful Alraheem
All Hearing Alsameea
All Knowing Alaleem
What lesson does your heart see in this sura?
For me :
-Who speakers better than someone who calls people to God ,
does what is right
and says : I am one of those devoted to God.
-We shall show them our signs:
-within the horizon
-And in themselves.
Have a blessed day ..read more
Quran in English
3w ago
Dear listeners
Happy new year 2025. May Allah bless us with His Love, May the Quran be our shining bright light in our lives, May it be the year of gratitude Alhamdulilah ?????
Sura 42 Alshura Consultation
What life lessons will you take with you from this sura?
The Quran is the light in your life , so make sure to use it.
Allahs names and attributes
I found 21 names of Allah in this sura
How many can you find?
God thank you for all your blessings ,
thank you for the past year 2024
with all its ups and downs.
In you I believe and to you I will return ..read more
Quran in English
1M ago
Dear listeners,
It’s been a while , I hope you are all well and in good health.
How is your gratitude journal ? 2025 ?
How is the Quran in your life?
Alhamdulilah for all the ups and downs of life. As long as Allah is with us we are blessed.
I come to you with a sura that is worth all the gold in the world, and more? We are in sura 43 Alzukruf Ornaments of Gold الزخرف
Do you want to know more about Allah? Understand Allah’s names and attributes :
Alaziz العزيز the Most Powerful
Alkhaleg الخالق the creator
Alaleem العليم The All Knowing
Alrahman الرحمن The Most Merciful
Alhakeem الحكيم the ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
Dear listeners
We are in sura 53 Altoor الطور
My reflection of this sura :
Believe or don’t believe , that is totally up to you but make sure you are ready for life part2!
The sura ends with a beautiful affirmation for us today:
Celebrate the name of your Lord by day and Glorify your Lord at night.
سبحان الله وبحمده
Subhan Allah wa Behamdih
Have a blessed Friday ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
Dear listeners
We are in sura 55 The Lord of Mercy
Alrahmaan الرحمن
Which of your Lords blessings do you deny?
This question is repeated throughout the sura for you to reflect on your life and everything in it so practice being grateful to Allah. Alhamdulilah الحمد لله
Blessed is the name of your lord full of Majesty Bestowed Honour.
تبارك أسم ربك ذي الجلال والإكرام
/ The Owner of Generosity and Honour ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
Dear listeners, My story with a verse from the Quran. ☺️I love this verse I think it’s one of the greatest mercies from Allah, even in paradise we a blessed with knowing our way to our places. So our feelings are comforted in a new place. وَیُدۡخِلُهُمُ ٱلۡجَنَّةَ عَرَّفَهَا لَهُمۡ﴿ ٦ ﴾ • Abdul Haleem: He will admit them into the Garden He has already made known to them. Muḥammad, Ayah 6 Then this Ramadan I heard this verse as of for the fist time ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
Dear listeners
We are in sura 44 Aldukaan, the day of smoke, day of judgment. الدخان
(We have made this Quran easy to understand)
This Quran is send down to us on a blessed night ليله القدر the power night.
This Quran makes things clear. A life manual.
Allah says:
We were not playing a pointless game when We created the heavens and earth and everything in between. We created them for a true purpose, but most people do not comprehend!
So be mindful of God today.
Look at the sky and say Alhamdulilah.
Have God as your intention before you do anything today.
Strive to do good for yourself, y ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
Dear listeners we are in sura 45 Aljatheyah Kneeling الجاثيه ( which means the bowing down to God on the day of judgment).
This sura is one of 7 that start with HM haa meem.
It also starts and ends with God’s names ;
The mighty The Wise
Alazeez Alhakeem
العزيز الحكيم
Everything you see is a sign for you. So reflect!
Who made it? Who created it? Who gives it order? Color? Beauty and style?
Subhan Allah
You can see His beauty through His creation.
You can see His love through His blessings to us.
Be mindful in your day of Allah.( Alhamdulilah)
Have a small good deed with the intention for A ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
All praise due to Allah.
Thank you Allah for All ur blessings , tranquility, peace , wisdom , love.
The voice is by Ahmad Alshegeri from YouTube.
Peace ..read more
Quran in English
2M ago
Dear listeners
We are in Sura 46 AlAhqaf The Sand Dunes الأحقاف
This life seems long but in fact it will be seen as 1hr of 1 day at the ending.
Do good deeds+ Believe in God+ The messenger + follow the Quran.
Stories of other people in history help you in seeing the world , human beings and the choices they make. So it is wise to learn from them and not make similar mistakes.
You are given signs in this world to guide you. So remember to turn off your auto pilot as you go about your day.
Be mindful of God, grateful, have good intentions before you do anything.
Why am I doing th ..read more