Parshas Terumah 5785: Holiness and Physicality
Reb Shaya Guttman
1w ago
This parshah reveals Hashem's instructions regarding the building of the Mishkan, detailing how the physical world can become a vessel for holiness and a place for the Divine Presence to dwell. It even includes a description of the Cruvim, the angels who look like babies, and whose wings are spread over the Holy Ark more
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Parshas Mishpatim 5785: Cosmic Justice
Reb Shaya Guttman
2w ago
Find out the true meaning of carrying out justice according to Jewish law, which involves the participation of both the earthly court and the heavenly court to rebalance scales which sometimes span multiple lifetimes more
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Haazinu: Who's Side is Hashem On?
Reb Shaya Guttman
2w ago
The judgement process culminating in Yom Kippur (and ultimately Hoshana Rabba) can seem scary. But maybe it's exactly the opposite: an opportunity to bring us closer to the Geulah and demonstrate Hashem's love and conern for us more
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Parshas Yisro - Tu Bishvat תשפה
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago
This fascinating discussion focuses on the Ramak's explanation of why Hashem gave us the Torah, which we connect with the holiday of Tu Bishvat to reach a higher level of appreciation of the connection of Torah to life itself more
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Parshas Beshalach תשפה
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago more
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Parshas Bo תשפה
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago
In this parshah, we see how difficult it is to get people, especially leaders, to have the courage to admit their failures and change their ideologies accordingly. The attempt of Hamas, for example, to make their defeat look like a victory, simply mirrors Paraoh's inability to allow the Jews to leave Egypt, despite the fact that even his advisers had already accepted the truth more
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Parshas Vaera תשפה
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago more
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Parshas Shmos תשפה
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago
This parsha begins the series dealing with the enslavement of the Jewish People in Egypt and their ultimate redemption, leading to receiving the Torah on Har Sinai. We attempt to identify the pattern of exile and Geulah, and how it plays out in our own lives more
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Chanukah 5785
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago more
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Parshas Vayeshev 5785
Reb Shaya Guttman
3w ago
This parsha begins the series dealing with the saga of Yosef and his brothers. This complicated story is presented with brutal honesty, and demands that we learn important lessons from it that we can apply to our own experience more
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