#195: "Helpisode" Student Life in Dental Hygiene School with Anistinn
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
2d ago
Are you thinking about going to school to become a dental hygienist? Or maybe you are already on your journey to becoming a dental hygienist - or even have the initials RDH after your name already. No matter where you are on your journey in the profession, this conversation is a must listen. Anistinn shares her journey's ups and downs and shows what it looks like to remain curious as you move toward your goals. One of my favorite things she shared is " Your plans may change, but your goal doesn't" She really embodies what it looks like when you are laser focused on your goals and follow your ..read more
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#194: How the Brain Works when we are learning
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
1w ago
What is happening in the brain when we are learning something new? In this episode, I will share some of the anatomical structures involved with the learning process as well as some of the chemical reactions that occur when we learn. You can use this information to support your efforts to perform well on exams and in the clinical setting. How we recall information is important - especially because we have a board exam at the end of our journey. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful in Dental H ..read more
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#193: Yankee Dental Congress
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
2w ago
What is the Yankee Dental Congress and why should I attend? In this episode I am going to review some of the main benefits of attending the Yankee Dental Convention. I remember when I was a student, I felt very overwhelmed to attend a meeting so big! I was not exactly sure what to focus my attention on to gain the most benefit from attending. We will go over all of the details in this episode and set some goals for you in order to make the most of your trip to Boston! Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to b ..read more
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Bonus Episode - Local Anesthesia: A night with Teacher Tina!
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
3w ago
I just wanted to hop on here and share with you guys an amazing opportunity to hang out with Teacher Tina and learn some of the key essentials about Local Anesthesia. Save the date January 28th - all virtual online event! Register Link Below: https://calendly.com/dhbasics/a-night-with-teacher-tina?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYgg4CdRDAjO7twXNus8bE5NVjUGUqq-xsELYPgRmcbDBwljj8Rek41b30_aem_kcXBE5MYZA5Z73KtrP6gcg&month=2025-01 ..read more
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#192: "Helpisode" Miracles inside every Challenge with Seta MacCrory
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
3w ago
I love the story of how substitoothfairy was born. I really wanted to share this story with students who listen in. I think the message behind what happened to Seta is one that truly inspires anyone who listens. Seta says it best when she states “there is a miracle wrapped up in each and every obstacle. Look for them.” Please take a moment to join us in this conversation about life, timing, and opportunity. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful in Dental Hygiene School⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://billie-lunt-s ..read more
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#191: Prothesis - Fixed and Removable
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
1M ago
If your patient has a prosthetic to replace a tooth or many teeth, you need to be aware of your role in helping them care for those prosthetics. You are also responsible of helping your patient make an informed decision on what type of prosthetic will work best for them based on all of the information provided to them. In this episode, I review some of the main types of prosthetics. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful in Dental Hygiene School ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://billie-lunt-s-school.teachable.com/p/ho ..read more
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#190: Case Studies on the National Board Exam (NBDHE)
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
1M ago
On your journey, you will learn about case studies. These are patient based questions which challenge your knowledge of patient care and clinical process. Case based questions are designed to test your knowledge of theory to practice in dental hygiene. In this episode, we will review some of the strategies to be successful in preparing for your national boards and tackling case based questions. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful in Dental Hygiene School ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://billie-lunt-s-school.tea ..read more
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#190: Case Studies on the National Board Exam
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
1M ago
On your journey, you will learn about case studies. These are patient based questions which challenge your knowledge of patient care and clinical process. Case based questions are designed to test your knowledge of theory to practice in dental hygiene. In this episode, we will review some of the strategies to be successful in preparing for your national boards and tackling case based questions. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful in Dental Hygiene School ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://billie-lunt-s-school.tea ..read more
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#189: Target Populations in Community Dental Health
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
1M ago
Community Dental Health can be a complex course to develop a deep and meaningful understanding of. This episode is designed to support your learning about how to think about a target population in order to develop a successful program or community health project. Listen in as I review the key terms and basics of target population understanding. This information will be on your board exams, so it is essential that you develop an understanding of this content. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful ..read more
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#188: "Helpisode" LifeGuard Approach to Dental Hygiene with Cris Duval
The Happy Flosser RDH
by Billie Lunt RDH MSDH
1M ago
Cris Duval is a paient health advocate and wellness coach. She has decades of knowledge on how to be the very best dental hygienist you ever wish to be! She has unlocked the code to the appointment - and yes - You CAN do it all!! Cris shares so many things in this episode! Connect with Cris - cris@thelifeguardapproach.com She is also on Facebook and Instagram. Additional resources:  Study Sheets: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://thehappyflosserrdh.etsy.com/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Specialized Course: How to be successful in Dental Hygiene School⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://billie-lunt-s-school.teachable.com/p/how-to-be-successful-in-d ..read more
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