10 Metal Detecting Beginners Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
If you go to a large metal detecting Rally, you will see hundreds of people with all different types of metal detectors; there will be a mix of complete beginners right through to very experienced detectorists; it is interesting to see the various techniques and the vast range of diverse metal detector machines. It is also interesting and sometimes frustrating to see some of the common mistakes in metal detecting people make, and hopefully, this article will help to avoid these. Mistakes to avoid Moving too quickly When we go out with our shiny new metal detectors, I think there’s a subconsc ..read more
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Research Your Site before Metal Detecting
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
Despite the restrictions imposed by the Government and some local councils when it comes to metal detecting, there remains an enormous variety of places that are well worth searching. Where to Metal Detect: Places Worth Searching The beachcombing metal detector user is now a familiar sight, if you go down to the beach in the early morning you will find a metal detectorist systematically searching the beach before the crowds arrive to sunbath Before coming out they made a very careful note of the exact location of the ice cream stall The most sheltered spots on the beach were where the noisy co ..read more
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Metal Detecting Code of Practice
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
For responsible Metal Detecting in England and Wales Before You Go Metal-Detecting: Guidelines to Follow 1. Not trespassing; Before you start detecting obtain permission to search from the landowner/occupier, regardless of the status, or perceived status, of the land. Remember that all land has an owner, to avoid subsequent disputes it is always advisable to get permission and agreement in writing first regarding the ownership of any finds subsequently discovered (see www.cla.org.uk/ and nfuonline.com). 2. Adhering to the laws concerning protected sites (e.g., those defined as Scheduled Monume ..read more
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Discover the Secrets of Successful Metal Detecting: Essential Guidelines for Beginner Detectorists
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
Understanding How Metal Detectors Work Let us start with the metal detector itself and have a look at the way it works: A metal detector has three main constituents; the coil, the control box, and the handle/stem on which the coil and box are mounted. The coil is the plastic circular head at the base of the stem which contains two coil elements, one for transmission and one for receiving. When the metal detector is in use the transmitter in the coil sends out a magnetic field that penetrates the ground. When this field encounters a metal object, that object itself becomes magnetically charged ..read more
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Do Long Range Metal Detectors Work?
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
Do Long Range Metal Detectors Work? This is a question we are asked often and so we thought that an article which answers this question should be useful to many detectorists who may have considered purchasing such a device but unsure of some of the hype which surrounds these devices. Anyway I hope you enjoy reading this and please do not hesitate to send us a message if you have any questions. What is a long-range metal detector? A long range metal detector is a type of metal detector that is designed to detect metal objects at greater distances than traditional metal detectors. These detec ..read more
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History of Metal Detecting Part 3
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
History of Metal Detecting Part 3 Have you ever wondered what metal detecting is all about? In this blog, we will take a journey through the history of metal detecting. Metal detecting was first used in the early 19th century. There have been many changes in metal detecting from the start of it all. We will look at some of the history including the invention, the present state of the metal detector and some of the history of metal detecting in the UK. Hobby Metal detecting is a hobby that a lot of different people enjoy. It is one of those things that for some people is a hobby and for othe ..read more
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History of Metal Detecting Part 2
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
History of the Metal Detector Part 2   Welcome to History of Metal Detecting Part 2. We continue to look at the various stages of detector development and their variety of uses. New Type of Detector Further attempts at metal detection were made using the Wheatstone Bridge circuit for measuring resistance, here again conductivity was a determining factor but the conductivity between two points of the Earth’s surface had to be calculated indirectly by first measuring resistance. This method also approved in 1902 by the London Electric and so the company filed an application to the Britis ..read more
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History of Metal Detecting Part 1
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
1y ago
History of the Metal Detector Part 1   This article is about the history of metal detectors, from the very first attempts at building something which can ‘detect’ metal through to the more sophisticated machines we use today detecting metal objects beneath the ground. As this article is lengthy I will post it as a four-part series. Part 1 Chinese Detector It is difficult to believe that 200 BC saw the first metal detector invented in China, yes, it’s true that a Chinese document indicates a metal detector was in use more than thirty years before the birth of Christ. A Chinese emperor h ..read more
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Choosing your 1st Metal Detector
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
2y ago
​Choosing your 1st Metal Detector Some useful tips and information to help you buy a great metal detector. News update, UK Metal Detectors would like to announce that we are the official UK Distributors for the Golden Mask range of metal detectors!   Price? First, how much are you able to afford? Will you have to save up some money? Borrow? These factors may affect your price range but not the care with which you must take to make your selection. A standard model can cost anything up to £1000 but it is certainly not necessary to spend that much on a first machine. I would not suggest ..read more
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Reading Beaches – Metal Detecting
UK Metal Detectors Blog
by timboyk
2y ago
​ READING BEACHES – Metal Detecting Lets take a look at a few ways to improve your beach detecting, looking at how to read a beach, where to detect on the beach and all the ways of helping you get the best out of each metal detecting and your metal detector. WORM CASTS Worm casts are very useful for finding black sand, generally worms cast brown sand, but if there’s black sand below the surface your worms are going to push up the black sand which gives you a good indication that there’s some shallow black sand and the possibility of some good finds that sit in the black sand. SUMMERTIME ..read more
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