Pressplay Pets
I simply adore animals. I have always had a various array of pets since a very young child. I cannot even think of a time in my life when I did not have a fur or feathered best friend and I could never imagine my life without a pet of some sort in it. Pressplay Pets offers a unique and personalized adoption consultation service along with articles on health & care, news, reviews & personal..
Pressplay Pets
3w ago
Do you have the purrfect puss at home by day then by night a superhero? Or your pooch is destined to become a mobster or villain? Have you always wanted to capture their true ..read more
Pressplay Pets
6M ago
Moulting, also spelt ‘Molting’, typically takes place just before the cooler months set in. In Australia, this mean moulting usually commences in late February to early March. When chickens moult the severity between them ..read more
Pressplay Pets
7M ago
Firstly, what are ‘Wetlands’?
Wetlands can be found all over the world they act as filters for waterways and breeding sites for various fish and other animals.
Pretty In Pink
In Australia, our wetlands are found in marshes, swamps, billabongs, and floodplains, and cover approximately 6% of the continent’s landmass. They are an important part of our landscape, not only for the ecosystem and natural beauty, but have significance as ceremonial and initiation sites, traditional hunting, gathering and are fundamental to spiritual beliefs to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ..read more
Pressplay Pets
10M ago
As a new chicken mum I sure have had to learn a lot fast!
From starter feed, grower feed, layer feed, medicated feed, pellets, crumbles, mash, apple cider vinegar with garlic, worming, different poop colours (and that smells that come with the various colours!) and then the annual moult, as you step out the back door in the morning and think a fox has gotten into your coup overnight…yes I honestly thought I was dealing with a crime scene during their first moult.
There was however one thing of which I was not aware. The importance of calcium. I thought if I gave my girls the best quality food ..read more
Pressplay Pets
10M ago
No different to humans, chickens require the correct amount of nutrients for optimal health.
Depending on the breed a hen can lay around 200-300 eggs a year, that’s about 1 egg every 24-26 hours. Each eggshell contains approximately 95% calcium carbonate. That means a chicken needs to eat 20 times more calcium in their bodies to produce hard eggshells.
To make the eggshell hard a hen will mostly use the dietary calcium that is available to them. If free choice access to calcium is not available or the amount is insufficient as the shell is forming, a hen will than need to draw upon their ..read more
Pressplay Pets
1y ago
Looking for a dog friendly day trip that is rich in history, grandeur and a touch goosebumps creepiness? Then jump in the car and head two hours south-west of Brisbane and you will come across Glengallan.
Glengallan is a rural township located in the Southern Downs Region, near Warwick, Queensland. With a population of just 57 residents recorded on the 2021 Census it has a few heritage-listed sites but none arguably more fascinating than Glengallan Homestead, a two-storeyed sandstone mansion located on the New England Highway
Built in 1867-68 by John Deuchar and it is thought he ha ..read more
Pressplay Pets
2y ago
It has been around 6 months now since our ladies Pearl, Violet and Grace joined the pack, and every day since they arrived, I have been working on introducing Amber and Indy. I had hoped it would only take a few weeks for Amber & Indy to accept them or at the very least tolerate them. But I must admit that it has taken quite a bit longer than I had predicted.
On the first day with all hens safe inside their coop I let Amber and Indy into the backyard. I wanted to get an idea how they would react, and what I needed to do differently for future introductions.
I decided to l ..read more
Pressplay Pets
2y ago
Ok I am not talking about the kind you are probably thinking of. I am talking about compost worms. Have you ever considered them as pets?
Sure when you first think about getting a pet for you and your family the classic ones always come to mind; a cute pooch, pretty kitty cats and even the colourful feathered kind, certainly not 1000 or so compost worms right?
I love my compost worms! Let me tell you why; after the initial set up cost, they are cheap to feed (living solely on your food scraps and even old pizza boxes), low maintenance, quiet, educational, contrary to what som ..read more
Pressplay Pets
2y ago
With international borders still closed (aside from travelling over the ditch to NZ) and on and off again Australian national borders suddenly slamming shut every time a state or territory experiences Covid19 rearing its ugly head, it seems a safer option to book your next holiday a little closer to home.
For us it was time to have a little break away in what we think must be the most dog friendly place in Queensland.
The Sunshine Coast, spanning around 60km with over 30 pristine beaches, national parks, stunning hinterland, climate so forgiving it allows all year-round swimming and surfing an ..read more
Pressplay Pets
2y ago
Being a dog mum (or dad) is one of life’s little blessings! We love everything that comes with being a furparent…all the cuddles, snuggles, wagging tails, sloppy kisses, walkies, breakfasts at the local café and the fact that they love us no matter what!
Oh and we love picking up their poop…..said no one EVER!
That is the one little (or big in some cases) thing that every pooch parent across the globe would gladly hand over for someone else to do.
We Love “Everything” That Comes With Being A Fur-Parent
But why is it so important to pick up our dogs poop anyway?
Hello people….it is just ..read more