Have your say on public spending: animal welfare standards must be considered
Eurogroup For Animals
by Eurogroup for Animals
5d ago
A public consultation is open until March 7, giving EU citizens the chance to influence the quality of products that are bought by schools, hospitals, government departments, and other public bodies in Europe. As a recent case study in Sweden demonstrates, empowering public institutions to make more sustainable and welfare-friendly choices can be a big opportunity for animal welfare ..read more
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Better animal welfare brings benefit to all: Commissioner Varhelyi
Eurogroup For Animals
by Compassion in World Farming
1w ago
Event highlighted need to share burden of financing transition towards higher-welfare food systems, with European Commission renewing commitment to deliver promised animal welfare legislation ..read more
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Excellent progress made towards phasing out cages in Sweden and Slovenia
Eurogroup For Animals
by Animal Enterprise Transparency Project
2w ago
Big steps have been taken recently to end the cage age in Sweden and Slovenia. Company commitments have led to a huge reduction in cage farming in Sweden, while the Slovenian government has officially committed to banning cages in the coming months ..read more
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Pregnant dairy cows shipped in their thousands from Ireland to Algeria
Eurogroup For Animals
by Ethical Farming Ireland
3w ago
Over 3,000 pregnant dairy cows have been shipped to Algeria from Ireland since 2024. Not only do these animals face significant stress during the journey due to their increased vulnerable state, but their wellbeing is at great risk on arrival ..read more
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Eurogroup for Animals accepted as part of the European Board of Food and Agriculture
Eurogroup For Animals
by Eurogroup for Animals
3w ago
The European Board of Food and Agriculture is an advisory board set up by the European Commission, following on the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture. Eurogroup for Animals will join 29 other agri-food stakeholders in providing recommendations on EU agricultural policies ..read more
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Eurogroup for Animals joins landmark End the Cage Age legal action
Eurogroup For Animals
by Compassion in World Farming
3w ago
Eurogroup for Animals welcomes the Court of Justice of the European Union’s decision allowing it to join the landmark End the Cage Age (EtCA) legal action as an intervener. The NGO now has the opportunity to present more detailed arguments to the Court explaining the detrimental consequences of this failure on animal welfare ..read more
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Five Member States ramp up pressure for animal welfare legislation
Eurogroup For Animals
by Eurogroup for Animals
3w ago
Members of parliaments in Spain, Italy, Poland, Denmark and Netherlands are all calling on their national governments to put pressure on the European Commission (EC) to prioritise the revision of the animal welfare legislation, asking for a concrete timeline on the remaining proposals for regulations for Kept Animals, Slaughter and Labelling ..read more
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The story of Dier&Recht and its vision for a kinder world
Eurogroup For Animals
by Dier&Recht
1M ago
Dier&Recht envisions a future where people live in harmony with nature, treating both animals and the planet with the respect they deserve. With its sister organisation Varkens in Nood (Pigs in Peril), Dier&Recht strives to ensure that animals can lead lives that align with their natural behaviours and needs ..read more
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How new technology could improve the lives of farmed fish: A Norwegian case study
Eurogroup For Animals
by Dyrevernalliansen
1M ago
Norway, a global aquaculture leader, faces ongoing fish welfare challenges. A new report by our member Dyrevernalliansen highlights innovative solutions to move towards a better future for fish farming ..read more
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First animal welfare proposals by 2026, European Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi promises
Eurogroup For Animals
by Eurogroup for Animals
2M ago
Revised animal welfare proposals will first be unveiled by 2026, European Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare Olivér Várhelyi promised today, speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg ..read more
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