The Spirit of Fear
The Apostolic Housewife
by The Apostolic Housewife
2y ago
The ironic part about the title of this post is that it has taken me a few days to even get started. Part of that is procrastination. I’ll own that haha; but the other part is the fear of talking about fears at all. It’s almost as if talking about the fear, makes it even more real than it already is. Everyone has fears; not just children but adults, too. It could be illness, the potential death of a loved one, or even something as mundane as an impending visit to the dentist. Why, though? Illness, death, and trips to the dentist are an inevitable part of life. Yet those fears still exist. How more
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X Marks the Spot
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
It’s easy to forget that Earth isn’t our forever home. We get so bogged down in stressing about money…bills…petty drama…and so many different things that seem vitally important in the moment, that we forget what the end goal is: To make it to heaven! As I was walking to my car the other day I looked up and noticed God had given me a gentle reminder to always look up and remember where I’m headed. Money problems…overdue bills…health concerns…squabbles with friends or loved ones…God can get you through all of those things if you ask. Then when it’s time, we’ll get to go home with him! The Bible more
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Holidays 2021
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
This holiday season has been pretty decent so far. We had hoped to still have our first foster placement (a story for another time) but they returned home after only a month. My friend from Arkansas came with her husband and three children to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. That was a ton of fun! That was probably the prettiest turkey I’ve ever made! Deuce, who is 13 now made the mac and cheese. He’s been doing that since he was 7 years old and this year he really out did himself! Gouda AND Gruyère. Yum!! But now it’s Christmas!! My absolute most favorite holiday. We’re planning to visit my p more
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The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
We heard a sermon about handicaps and not letting them hold you back from anything that you want to do. Handicaps aren’t just physical. Sometimes they’re mental or spiritual. Also, I made these strawberry shortcakes today. Not from scratch though lol. I cheated and used store bought dessert shells and Cool Whip. Still good! I’m not sure my son actually tasted it, he ate it so fast more
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Holidays 2021
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
This holiday season has been pretty decent so far. We had hoped to still have our first foster placement (a story for another time) but they returned home after only a month. My friend from Arkansas came with her husband and three children to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. That was a ton of fun! That was probably the prettiest turkey I’ve ever made! Deuce, who is 13 now made the mac and cheese. He’s been doing that since he was 7 years old and this year he really out did himself! Gouda AND Gruyère. Yum!! But now it’s Christmas!! My absolute most favorite holiday. We’re planning to visit my p more
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You Will Be Found
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
I was inspired to write this post while I was listening to You Will Be Found from Dear Evan Hansen. It’s a Broadway show about a young man named Evan who inspired a movement from something he wrote. I don’t want to give the story away but definitely check it out. It was recently announced that there will be a movie adaptation coming out in September. I’m very excited! It’s not a Christian based play/movie but listening to this song put me in a mind to worship. I had The Hubs come and listen to the song. He’s heard me listening to it off and on or singing a random verse, but he’s never really p more
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The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
We heard a sermon about handicaps and not letting them hold you back from anything that you want to do. Handicaps aren’t just physical. Sometimes they’re mental or spiritual. Also, I made these strawberry shortcakes today. Not from scratch though lol. I cheated and used store bought dessert shells and Cool Whip. Still good! I’m not sure my son actually tasted it, he ate it so fast more
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Getting Organized Series- The Bookcases
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
So Im starting a Getting Organized series on my Youtube channel and I wanted to bring a version of that series to this platform as well. My apartment isn’t “huge” but there’s still a lot of places that could use better organization. In this first post I’m focusing on the bookcases. I just got brand new white bookcases and the plan is to organize the cases color coded. Not sure how long this will last but at least it will be pretty to look at for a while. That is until its time to put up the Fall decorations!! I’m not sure when it happend but my decor style has become very farmhouse. White furn more
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What Is Your Purpose?
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
Lately I have found myself struggling with what God wants me to do. I’ve convinced myself that I’m supposed to be doing some great work for the kingdom but God hasn’t told me what it is yet. What if he has though? What if he’s been saying it all this time and I’m just not listening? What if it’s not the epic something that I suppose I’ve been expecting? Maybe it’s something simple, but in His eyes it’s still epic. After all, anything you do in His name, no matter how small, can still be so BIG! What IS it though? I know this is a lesson in faith. It isn’t for me to know the steps or the order more
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Modesty According to Men
The Apostolic Housewife
by ML Stewart
3y ago
As an apostolic pentecostal woman modesty is very important to me. How I dress, speak, or present myself to the public as well as in private, matter. I always strive to convey a christ-like image. Modesty is also important to my husband. He is especially particular about gym attire. He prefers me to not have a lot of skin showing and he also prefers that I don’t wear form fitting clothing. As his wife, I respect his thoughts and opinions. Also, I actually enjoy wearing dresses and looking like a woman of God as described in the Bible. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:9 “In like manner also, that more
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