Discouragement and devastation
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
1y ago
2023 was truly a rough year. Of course we had our positives, but it seemed as though the losses, tipped the scales. I suppose that’s where the discouragement part of my blog comes from. In February 2023 my mother passed away peacefully here at my home. She definitely was a bright spot and a grateful individual. It was such a privilege to care for her. She is greatly missed, but her sparkle still shines! So many photographs of her sitting with puppies, caressing and talking to them. She enjoyed the dogs, and I have many fond memories of her patting, heads and cuddling babies! My father will tur ..read more
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Change is in the air....the wind must be picking up!
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
The photo below is my Mum, 98 years ) she loves to share her thoughts on Change. How times have changed. As I sit and listen to her over dinner one night, I realize she has probably seen more change in her lifetime than I ever will. For example; phones. They had a wall, hand cranked early version, with a party line. A lot of younger folks would ask what is a party line….to them it’s a 3 way call! Haha. Or let’s talk computers! My folks have no idea how to use one. Now the old fashion strike key typewriter, then you're talking their language. Change happens to everyone; it’s part of life. How w ..read more
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Doodles, why are the owners or breeder so angry with us?
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
Today I received 2 emails from doodle owners or breeders; accusing me to be “a snobby poodle breeder’. Here was my response: I think the difference of our philosophies is the fact that I’m trying to preserve a historical breed. I’m happy that you like your doodle that’s great. But the research I’ve done between universities: UC Davis and veterinary schools in Madison Wisconsin and Cornell University have all agreed that the mixing of the brains is not necessarily a good thing. So be happy with your dog and enjoy your dog and enjoy your life. And I will continue to do purebred dogs to conserve ..read more
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Enter another year 2022
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
Another year has lifted like the morning mist, 2021 is now a memory book. So we open a new book, full of pages yet to be filled. Last year for Winters Wind was quite the road of discovery. We moved to Oklahoma and after 6 months moved back to the prairie! Covid effected my husbands position and I so longed for my prairie life. So it was a blessing and curse to pack everything up once again and move back to the north. Those of you who have moved very much understand my comment on a blessing and a curse. Try adding into the mix 3 horses, 3 cats and 15 dogs! We had puppies at this time as ..read more
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Reflection of the Heart
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
One Mistake Does Not Have To Rule A Persons Life. Joyce Meyer Reflection is both hard and healing. Looking back on your life with open lens we can see the good and bad we have done. I am having a reflective season in my life. Recalling the moments I am not proud of and the moments that bring me joy for the things I have accomplished. In this time of reminiscing I pray that I have sought forgiveness and made amends for those things I am not pleased that I have done. It is a greater mistake to not say you're sorry for mistakes made. You're probably thinking I thought you would write about Poodle ..read more
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Fall & Route 66
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
In July I made the transition to Oklahoma. That last look of the prairie house was bitter and sweet. I wasn’t going to miss the winters, but the amazing vistas I would miss. But Winters Wind was on the move! As I write this I can see the golden maze colored leaves, just barely holding onto their limbs. When the wind stirs the leaves, a few give up their clingy fight to stay attached to the tree and every so gently float down to join those who had fallen before. Back in Illinois the air would have that chilling bite to it, giving a glimpse of what was to come! Here fall comes in quietly. Mornin ..read more
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The Winters Wind is in the Air
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
April is such a fickle month, you are thinking Spring and then this week we have had 2 snow storms! There has been the shelter in place rules due to the Covid 19 virus; you wonder well…what else! Times such as these require us to be people of resilience and hope. We ultimately are not in control, though I know we want to think we are :). Life is a lot of twists and turns and we best be ready for the ride! Life on the Prairie has been a twisted road these past few years as well. Both Rob and I have had health issues along with Rob’s job changes to the city of Chicago. That left us (the poodles ..read more
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Winters Full Moon
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
Winters Full Moon Today started like most Wintry days cold and brisk.  Very little snow remains on the ground, so sometimes it just makes it feel more like an icebox. The kind grandma used to have where they put the big block of ice in there to keep the food cold.  The landscape even remind you a little bit of food in the fridge little bit frosted because the temperature is not quite right. A morning in the barn always seems rather inspiring.  Horses snorting and pawing at the floor of their stalls in anticipation of their breakfast.  Heads that reach over the stall door t ..read more
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Life is Change
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
I find it interesting that people get so worried, concerned and stressed over change. If we just thought a moment about change and the meaning of the word: make or become different; take or use another instead of; the act or instance of making or becoming different. The seasons change, relationships change and we change. Change can be exciting or in some instances fearful, but change will happen. It isn’t something one can control. Winterswind is going through change here. 2020 will begin one way and look different at the end. I have written before in my blog that I battled cancer a few times ..read more
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Falls blowing into the Prairie
Winters Wind Standard Poodles Blog
by Karen Winters
2y ago
October is almost half over and the harvest has begun out here on the prairie. The clapping of the dry corn leaves in the wind heralds in sweatshirt weather. The Poodles can tell the season has changed, they romp and run more, now that the humid heat of summer has been blown away by the north winds. We have a new litter of 6 puppies that arrived October 4th. It was first time to whelp by myself! Usually Rob is ever present when the event happens. He is gone during the week now, working in Chicago and takes the train home on the weekends. Sounds like a scene from a 50’s TV sitcom! Mystic, Litte ..read more
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