Q&A with Dr. P: Exercise While Aging
Zero Blog
by Yasser
2d ago
Staying Safe, Retaining Muscle and Movement, Knee Replacements, and What to Do About Hip Pain It can be intimidating to think about working out in an aging body. Maybe you want to get back to a former fitness level, or maybe you’re finally prioritizing movement in your life for the first time. Either way, congratulations! Your body will thank you. A lot of exercise advice is geared toward people in their prime, so when I spoke to Dr. Jeremy Allaned, a sports medicine physician at Midwest Orthopedics at Rush in Chicago, Illinois, I brought up some of the questions that are more common from my m ..read more
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Tom’s July Update
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by Tom Conrad
2w ago
I’ve been feeling anxious. It’s not clinical anxiety or anxiety attacks (and I really feel for people who struggle with those), but the nonspecific sort of fear and dread that come on, with seemingly no trigger, in the middle of lunch or while taking a shower. I’ve had these bouts several times in my life, almost always during periods of high stress. And my life right now is definitely stressful. Combining my responsibilities as CEO of a modestly sized technology company with my responsibilities as a new father hasn’t just doubled my stress, it’s increased it tenfold. So, as the stress turned ..read more
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4 Easy Tips to Burn Fat Faster
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by Nicole Grant, RD
3w ago
By Nicole Grant, RDN The key to effective, sustainable weight loss is fat loss. So how do you lose fat? You burn it. The more you burn, the more you lose — and the faster you burn it, the faster you lose it. Read on for four easy tips that will help you ramp up your fat-burning efforts and accelerate weight loss. From dietary adjustments to simple lifestyle changes, discover how you can enhance your body’s ability to shed fat quickly and safely. Want to Lose Weight? You Need to Burn Fat Weight loss is typically synonymous with fat loss. Ideally, you want to preserve as much lean muscle mass as ..read more
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Tom’s June Update
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by Tom Conrad
1M ago
These first few weeks of fatherhood have been, in a word, stressful.  Admittedly my situation is not unique. Every new parent has had that “oh sh*t” realization that there’s this brand new human you’re responsible for keeping alive, and you’re somehow supposed to know what to do despite never having done this before. Add in the sleep deprivation, and it’s no surprise that I haven’t been making the best eating choices . . . which then adds more guilt (i.e., stress) to the mix. It’s a vicious cycle. And whether you’re a parent or not, I’m sure you recognize it. People gain weight during str ..read more
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Q&A with Dr. P: Weight Management Tips & Tricks
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by Yasser
1M ago
Lunchtime Hunger, Chronic Stress, Electrolyte Needs, & Parental Challenges When Fasting By Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD Feeling ravenous by lunchtime? Worried about chronic stress? Wondering whether you need an electrolyte supplement? Struggling to maintain your fasting practice while parenting? Concerns like these come up regularly in my clinic and during Zero Live sessions. These challenges can interfere with health goals, including managing weight and metabolism, that promote longevity. Read on for answers that will help you continue making progress towards your weight loss and health gain go ..read more
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The Complete Guide to Fat Burning
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by Zero
3M ago
If you’re like most people, you’ve already tried to lose weight. You might have done juice cleanses, exercised for hours on a treadmill, or tried your best to heed the advice of “eat less, move more.” The truth is that the information we hear about health and weight loss is often complicated, conflicting, or just plain wrong. At Zero, we want to make reaching your health goals simple. That’s why our science team has compiled years of research into Burn Fat Faster: The Complete Guide to Fat Burning, the all-in-one guide to losing weight and gaining health with Zero. Learn the ins and outs of fa ..read more
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Q&A with Dr. P: Weight-Loss Plateaus, Fasting Metabolism, and More
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by Naomi Parrella, MD
3M ago
As a physician, an educator, and a parent, some of my favorite moments are when someone wants to learn more about their body — I love to answer questions! That’s why the Zero team and I have decided to take Member questions from our Zero Live webinars and answer a few here every month. Over time, you will learn how your body works, what might be happening when it’s not doing what you want, and how to get it back on track to do what it is designed to do: repair, heal, and thrive.  Q&A Q: How exactly does intermittent fasting help me lose weight? Is it by calorie deficit or does it actu ..read more
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Tom’s April Update
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by Tom Conrad
3M ago
I really, really love donuts — to an unhealthy degree. Some might even call my relationship to donuts addict-like. Time and again, I’ll go months or even years without eating a donut, but when suddenly donuts happen to be available, I’ll have one. This, of course, should be a meaningless event; eating one donut is a perfectly okay thing to do. However, if I have that donut on a Tuesday, I’ll be back in the donut shop on Friday. The following week, I’m in there Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I’ll even go in thinking I’m not hungry, this is bad for me, I don’t need this … and then buy a donut. T ..read more
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Debunking 3 Myths Around Fasting and Thyroid Health
Zero Blog
by Rich LaFountain, PhD
3M ago
Your thyroid is a key player in achieving weight loss and metabolic health. You need it to stay healthy and function properly to meet these goals. However, you might have heard that intermittent fasting — an effective tool for losing weight and improving metabolic health — can disrupt your thyroid. This is a myth! Read on to debunk this and other thyroid-and-fasting-related inaccuracies and to better understand how fasting does (and does not) impact your thyroid health. Why Is Thyroid Health So Important? The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck, jus ..read more
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Try This Instead of That: How to Bookend Your Fasts
Zero Blog
by Katya Meyers, RD
3M ago
Consistently logging 12–18-hour fasts is the best way to lose weight, burn fat, and improve your metabolic health. So if you’re already fasting regularly with Zero, congratulations! You’ve taken the most important first step towards weight loss and health gain. If you’re looking to take the next steps on your journey, it’s time to examine your activities before you begin and after you end each fast. Of course, there’s no such thing as a shortcut when it comes to improving your health, but what you do just before starting your Timer and just after the Timer goes off can help you reach your goal ..read more
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