Ryan A. French
Hey, I'm Ryan French. Thanks for taking the time to click around on my blog. Hopefully, you will find my ramblings helpful, or at the very least, slightly inspirational. Apostolic voice is a Christian blog and podcast that discusses biblical topics from a Pentecostal viewpoint. It contains book reviews and a bookstore.
Ryan A. French
3w ago
Summary: Many mainline Christian denominations historically rejected jewelry but have since reversed course. The United Methodist Church's shift towards LGBTQ inclusivity sparked reflections on the potential consequences of loosening biblical standards. Scriptures are examined to illustrate the connection between jewelry, pride, and idolatry, and Apostolic commands against jewelry are discussed in detail.
Related posts:
Should Christians Drink Alcohol?
The Extraordinary Significance of the Royal Priesthood of Believers
Should Christians Dye Their Hair? (Article + Podcast)
It Filled the House ..read more
Ryan A. French
3M ago
Program Transcript
Hello and welcome to Apostolic Voice. I’m your host, Ryan French. And it is my first time trying to do a full-fledged vlog video podcast and we’ll see how it goes. There’s probably going to be a lot of mess-ups today and a lot of mistakes, but I am excited to talk to you about Father’s Day and things that I’ve learned from fatherhood. I love being a father. It’s one of my greatest joys, and having Talmadge and Julia, Talmadge is fourteen now, and Julia is sixteen, and getting to be their dad is one of the greatest joys in my life. And you learn a lot of lessons, some good ..read more
Ryan A. French
6M ago
Every good deception is seasoned with a bit of truth. However, fallacies are especially difficult because they are built on unstable, albeit convincing, logic. A “fallacy” is “a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound arguments, faulty reasoning which renders an argument invalid, or a misleading argument.”[i] Fallacies resemble sound reasoning, which makes them dangerously misleading. Various philosophers have constructed lists of logical fallacies that are pretty interesting. Studying logical fallacies certainly helps people to spot problematic arguments quickly. Some people seem t ..read more
Ryan A. French
6M ago
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with my good friend, Pastor Joe Campetella, to record Ministry Essentials. This was a collaborative episode between Apostolic Voice and Christian Life Broadcast, which is Rev. Campetella’s must-listen-to program. Basically, I asked a lot of questions, and Rev. J.C., in typical fashion, gave profoundly anointed and insightful answers. I hope you will consider listening if you haven’t already. We intentionally tried to keep the topics relevant for all levels of ministry. I’ve received so much great feedback about this episode. Many have asked for a de ..read more
Ryan A. French
10M ago
Apostolic Voice with Ryan French
A relevant Apostolic Pentecostal resource that interacts with exciting guests and covers biblical topics of interest, ministry, Christian living, and practical insights hosted by Ryan French. This program is an extension of the popular blog Apostolic Voice (www.ryanafrench.com). Ryan is the Associate Pastor of Apostolic Tabernacle (www.aptabupc.com), a revivalistic United Pentecostal Church on the south side of Atlanta. Ryan’s greatest passion is helping people walk confidently in the Apostle’s doctrine and live a book of Acts life in the 21st century. Su ..read more
Ryan A. French
10M ago
Full disclosure: I’m not a Popeyes hater. And, at the risk of being burned as a heretic, I don’t think Chick-fil-A has the world’s best-tasting chicken sandwich. I did the Popeyes versus Chick-fil-A sandwich challenge, and Popeyes tasted better by a wide margin. I’m probably risking my life making this admission because I pastor in the treasured heartland of Chick-fil-A headquarters. I live a stone’s throw away from the first CFA, in the epicenter of the eat-more-chicken world headquarters. CFA is revered around here, to say the least.
That said, I still choose to eat at CFA nine times out of ..read more
Ryan A. French
10M ago
A Few Pertinent Introductions
The Mixing of Metaphorical Certitudes
A Lot of Mixing & Matching
A Royal Priesthood of Believers
Similarities Between Old and New Testament Priests
Must Be Born into Priestly Privilege
How to Be Born Again
Must Be Ordained into the Priesthood
Must Be Anointed for the Priesthood
Must Be Cleansed for the Priesthood
Must be Appropriately Clothed for the Priesthood
God Defines Nakedness
The Morality and Righteousness of Modesty
Carnal Garments
Defiled Garments
Keep Your Clothes On
Priesthood is Held to Strict Standards of Obedience
Messengers Calling the ..read more
Ryan A. French
1y ago
Recently my 4-year-old son was happily playing outside when I noticed that he had drifted down to the end of our driveway precariously close to the road. Hastily, I ran to him full of worry induced anger, and loudly reminded him that he is not allowed to play near the road. During my lecture, I noticed that his bike was conveniently located about halfway down the driveway between the house and the road. In a moment of inspiration, I yelled, “Bubs, don’t play past the bike!” I repeated myself several times for emphasis and stepped away confident that he would stay on the right side o ..read more
Ryan A. French
1y ago
I was reasonably sure it was a sinus infection. I get them so often that I’m able to recognize the symptoms. Everything from my neck up felt like it was being hit repeatedly with a hammer. My drab doctor’s office looks like it’s sponsored by the color gray. The fluorescent lights burned my already aching eyes. It was packed with people. I groaned inwardly, knowing the large crowd meant I’d be waiting a long time to see the doctor. I searched in vain for a seat where I wouldn’t have to sit next to another human. Finally, I squeezed into a chair between a man with a necklace apparently salvaged ..read more
Ryan A. French
1y ago
I gazed across a lush, green, undulating field that stretched as far as my eyes could see. This was somewhere in Wisconsin. I’d been driving for hours when I happened to notice farm signs peppering the little country roads. Growing up in a big city, I’d never seen large herds of… well, anything. So, I made a detour and found a farm. The sheep’s white contrasted sharply with the deep green of the fields. There were so many sheep that my untrained eye couldn’t count them. After a few minutes, a middle-aged farmer in stereotypical overalls and various layers of flannel called out to me with a t ..read more