Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
We are a bunch of ordinary people who love God and love people. This Church exists to worship God and connect people to Jesus by whatever means necessary, our hope is to be the loving feet of Jesus that move toward people of all walks of life, and his hands working toward restoring brokenness in our world.
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
4d ago
When I was very young, my preschool was a ministry of the church I grew up in. I’m not sure about you, but I remember my preschool teacher very well. I still even call her ‘auntie Cheryl’ when I have the privilege of running into her occasionally. Auntie Cheryl loved Jesus and helped instill a foundation of biblical truth in my heart as a very young child.
We have an exciting update in our Children and Families Ministries: Abi Markham has joined our staff as giving pastoral leadership to our CPC Kids ages 0-5. Pastor Abi will be with us part-time and we know she will be a great blessing ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
1w ago
Dearly Beloved,
Can you look me in the eye?
Sometimes a parent or boss will say, “Look at me.” They are not asking you to look at their feet or waist. They want you to look at their eyes. Thus the saying, “Look me in the eye.”
When I was in Grade 9 we had a teacher who was a nice man, but not a good teacher. His problem was that he seemed to be afraid of people, particularly Junior High students. He would teach his lesson without looking at us. He would stare at the floor or the ceiling, but he was too shy to look at us.
He was predictable. At the bell he ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
2w ago
With the price of groceries these days, it might be a good idea.
Hopefully, that line sparked your curiosity and now I got you hooked! Unfortunately, I am not giving you tips on reducing the total cost of your grocery bill or encouraging your self-checkout experience to get a little fishy, fortunately, I am giving you tips on a very overlooked spiritual discipline; fasting.
This last weekend I had the privilege and honor to travel over to the mainland and speak at a Jr. youth retreat. One of the best parts was that during the morning breakout sessions, we had these students ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
3w ago
Can’t we just go back to the good old days?
Maybe you’ve said something similar as you look at the up-and-coming generation. I’ve been guilty of this too: “Back when I was a kid, things were GREAT because of X, Y, and Z.” It’s funny how we often choose to reminisce about the “good old days” when life seemed simpler, only to face the stark contrast of the world we live in now.
The reality is, the world is no longer a simple place for kids. This generation is more anxious, more addicted, and more biblically illiterate than anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes. So, the question i ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
1M ago
Right now in my office, the old song "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" is playing.
Do you know it?
While its original composer is unknown, the song's history seems to have emerged from the difficulties of slavery, world wars, and economic depression. Whether life feels difficult or wonderful for you right now, I think the central message of this song's chorus summarizes the heart cry and greatest desire each of us have as we begin 2025: Just a closer walk with Thee!
While we have several things coming together for CPC's calendar this year, I want to tak ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
1M ago
Want new ears?
Perhaps for Christians, the first day of the calendar year could be called "New Ears Day."
Near the beginning of each year, I observe many Christians voicing a fresh resolve to hear God more and better by reading His Word. I experience this myself. Maybe you do too. Even though we are reading the same scriptures again (and again), we want to present 'new ears' to God for the new year in front of us.
In the coming weeks, we will be sharing more about a church-wide Bible reading initiative that we can journey in together leading up to Easter this year. Stay tu ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
1M ago
Dearly Beloved,
Looking back. Looking forward.
Between Christmas and New Years, I enjoy watching shows on the year in review. It’s fun to see the best sports stories. Unfortunately, as a Canucks, Seahawks, and Blue Jays fan, 2024 was not the greatest. No championships for me to view.
Then there are the highlights in the realms of news, weather, and entertainment. I am reminded of wars in our world, natural disasters, political turmoil, and that pop stars make way too much money.
While there will be no video of my personal highlights, I look back and reflect on event ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
1M ago
Santa? Secularism? Consumerism? Political agenda?
There is no doubt that Christmas has changed in our culture over the years. Why is that? Is it Santa, marketing, materialism, or sinister plots in school systems or the halls of parliament?
I heard a compelling podcast recently that said the greatest threat to Christmas is Christians losing the awe and wonder of the first Christmas story and the gravity of its reality.
Theologian Sinclair Ferguson said, "If your intellect has never been staggered by the reality of the Incarnation, you don’t know what the Incarnation me ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
2M ago
Have you ever tried Lechon Kawali?
It is Filipino pork belly and it is delicious. It was just one of the many amazing foods at our CPC Town Hall & Potluck Dinner this past Sunday evening. If you were there you had the opportunity to try three different types of meatballs, roast beef and potatoes, and a myriad of all kinds of other awesome foods and desserts.
When our church eats together I'm sometimes reminded of the pictures of God's kingdom family that are depicted with feast language like we see in Isaiah 25, Luke 22, and Revelation 19-22. There is a rich diversity to be ex ..read more
Comox Pentecostal Church Blog
2M ago
We don't care.
We care A LOT.
This morning I signed 12 cheques on behalf of our church that are being sent to directly help people within our church family facing difficulty, challenge and crisis right now.
In the final verses of Acts chapter 2 we find a passage of scripture that is fairly familiar to many of us about the kind of rich community and inspiring faith-life the early church shared in. It is in Acts 2.42-47 that we find the early church shared meals and food with each other, "had everything in common", and would sometimes even sell possessions and properties so ..read more