Inspire the Mind
Inspire the Mind brings a different perspective from other mental health blogs: viewpoints of clinicians, researchers, and others working within mental health. We want to complement people's accounts by discussing the scientific evidence underpinning these personal experiences, while also sharing with our readers ongoing research and clinical work, discussion pieces, and the various links..
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
of her experience of is shared and conveyed with sincerity, honesty, bravery and with a fundamental insight that many, even seasoned, practitioners find challenging to grasp. This should not though, be a surprise, neither is it a criticism ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
Fresh off of a long-drawn pandemic, young Americans are struggling with mental health at startling rates. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently , “Even before the pandemic, an alarming number of young people struggled with feelings of helplessness, depression, and thoughts of suicide,” adding, “The COVID-19 pandemic further altered their experiences at home, school, and in the community, and the effect on their mental health has been devastating ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
Welcome to the fourth week of our Maternal Mental Health series. This week I wanted to bring you the perspective of professionals in the community that help mothers that are struggling with their mental health. We often think of GPs, psychologists or psychiatrists, but other professionals can complement their work and, as a team, bring mothers back to health and wellbeing ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
It used to be commonly said, both in the West and in Africa, that suicide was a western phenomenon and that it rarely occurred in Africa. This presumption was at least partly based on figures submitted by governments to the ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
Almost thirty years ago, in one of my earlier return visits to India, I was sitting chatting with my mother. Somehow the topic of poverty came up. She was really surprised that there were poor people in the UK. She wondered why that should be the case. I tried to explain the notion of relative poverty but obviously failed. The general assumption was that in rich countries everyone is rich. Trying to explain relative poverty itself takes some doing as people are often working long hours and struggling to feed their families and pay their bills ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
I am a neuroscientist, and I spent the past four and a half years researching whether virtual reality (VR) can be used to assess cognitive functions at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. My PhD focused on developing and validating a novel VR grocery shopping task — . I am passionate about VR because of its potential for the treatment and assessment of mental health conditions ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
I am a Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry of Amsterdam UMC in the Netherlands. In this piece, I would like to share my personal experience with Long-COVID and some thoughts on the research perspectives around it ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
12 years ago, I fell pregnant with my son Joe. He was much longed for as I had experienced miscarriages previously due to a uterine condition, and as we reached each milestone of my pregnancy with a scan, showing our baby growing, our hopes grew. Being a mother was my dream and one I had started to think would not come true, but in January 2010, Joe was born, changing my life forever ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
By all accounts, the last 12 months have been tumultuous. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to food shortages, refugees, isolation of Russia with impact on energy supply. In addition, other natural events around the globe such as earthquakes in Taiwan, hurricanes in the USA, and flooding in Pakistan, have contributed to distress and stress among the populations especially those who are vulnerable. The impact of these events confirms the interconnectedness of the modern world but also highlights the futility of trying to deal with these matters in an isolated nationalistic way ..read more
Inspire the Mind
2y ago
There are many misconceptions about pregnancy and motherhood. Perhaps the biggest one is the idea that becoming a mother is an inherently happy time for a woman. It isn’t. who focuses on understanding how the brain changes with the transition to motherhood and perinatal mental illness. I also like to talk about all things ..read more