Jillian Turecki Blog
Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher, and writer who for 20 years has taught others how to transform their relationships with themselves. Wherever you are in your relationship journey - single and hoping to manifest love, in a relationship and struggling, heartbroken, or happily coupled but wanting to go to the next level, THE CONSCIOUS WOMAN will help you.
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Love bombing is a phrase used to describe patterns of excessive adoration or affection early in a relationship.
Signs of love bombing might include:
Grandiose gestures such as surprise holidays.
Lavish and expensive gifts or constantly sending flowers.
Constant texting or phone calls, often combined with demanding lightning responses.
Wanting to spend every minute with you, ignoring the fact that you might have other plans or commitments.
Constant complimenting and hyperbolic compliments for example saying you are the most beautiful person they have ever met.
Constant love note ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
While the process of love bombing itself may seem harmless. After all, who wouldn’t want to be showered with lavish gifts and told how beautiful and amazing they are? The problem comes with the fact that this is not genuine love but part of a negative cycle will destabilize the individual making it hard to maintain their boundaries. Unfortunately, love bombing is less about love and more about creating dependency and allowing for control.
Love bombing is most often associated with narcissistic individuals who use it as a manipulative tactic that starts a cycle of abuse that can be hard to g ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Love bombing is a manipulative tactic used by narcissists and should be treated as a big red flag.
Love bombing features big grandiose gestures, constant compliments and a level of intimacy or commitment that is out of line with the normal progression of a relationship. But, it can be intoxicating and it’s not always easy not to get swept along.
If you feel like you are being love bombed there are a couple of actions you can take. If its a new relationship it’s possible the person is just being over the top and not intentionally love bombing you. They may not have had healthy relations ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Why Love Bombing Is A Red Flag
Red flags are pretty much a universal signal to stop. In a relationship, red flags can be early indicators of abusive or unhealthy relationships. Recognizing them for what they are can be the difference between getting out before it's too late, or being subjected to mental, physical and emotional abuse that can take years to heal from.
Love bombing is one of the top early indicators of abuse - here are the signs of love bombing. If you are feeling that it’s all too good to be true, or there's a voice in the back of your mind that’s saying something isn’t right ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Being in a new relationship can be giddy and exciting. You’ve met this amazing person and you’re excited to see where it leads. But, perhaps you feel like something isn’t quite right. You’re being put on a pedestal, showered with affection and given lavish gifts that somehow feel too much for a relationship that has barely begun. If this is the case you may be experiencing love bombing.
What Is Love Bombing?
Love bombing is a phrase used to describe over-the-top gestures, excessive affection and intense adoration early in a relationship. Someone constantly complimenting you, expressing the ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Toxic relationships are hard to manage but they can be even harder to end. The realization that you’re in one can spring up on you out of the blue. When you realize it, it can be a huge shock and you may be unsure of what to do next.
You might not even leave as soon as you realize it. It's normal for people to stay in relationships even though they know they shouldn’t. One way to make it easier for you to end a toxic relationship is to understand what makes it so hard to leave in the first place. Knowledge is power and power may be exactly what you need to move on.
Because Leaving Might Make ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Ending a toxic relationship can be scary because you don’t know what the future holds once it’s over. The way your life changes after can be startling and unexpected, especially if you were in the relationship for a long time.
The best way to prepare for the aftermath of a toxic relationship is to arm yourself with knowledge. Here are some of the things you can expect and emotionally prepare for.
You May Feel Like You Want to Go Back
Once you end a toxic relationship, you may feel like you made a big mistake. One of the things that make toxic relationships so toxic is co-dependency. The relat ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
How Do You Know When to End a Toxic Relationship?
Many people don't leave toxic relationships because they don’t realize they’re in one in the first place. Some relationships are toxic from the beginning but you aren’t alarmed by the red flags because of the rose-tinted glasses you wore during the honeymoon period. Other relationships get worse over time.
Regardless of how the relationship started, if you’ve reached a tipping point and can take it no further, end a toxic relationship.
When You Feel Like Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You
Relationships are a two-way street. Your partner needs to ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Toxic relationships are hard to let go of because they are the source of negative and positive experiences in your life. You still love the person despite all the harm they’ve caused and the thought of leaving them hurts.
But if you’re thinking of leaving a toxic relationship, it’s for a reason. Deep down, you know that there are better times ahead if you can end the relationship. Here are 5 things you should remind yourself of if you want to get out of a bad relationship with someone you love:
Recognize That You Can Still be Happy Without Them
Love can make us feel like our partner is the onl ..read more
Jillian Turecki Blog
2y ago
Ending a toxic relationship is a difficult process. It takes a lot out of you mentally and emotionally, both to live within the toxicity and to break the cycle of bad relationships.
The moment you realize you’re in a toxic relationship, and you want to end it, is the moment you begin walking down the long road that will lead to the end of something that brings you great pain. This is true for all kinds of relationships, whether you’re dealing with verbal abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse.
For many, breaking down daunting tasks makes planning things easier. If you understand what the p ..read more