Ivar Grimstad: DevBCN 2024
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
My second trip to Barcelona in less than two weeks was to DevBCN. This community-driven conference is always a pleasure to speak at. And it doesn’t hurt that it is located in Barcelona… This time we had an Eclipse Foundation booth staffed by Carmen, Arjan, and yours truly. We even had some new Jakarta EE swag in the shape of caps and sunglasses. A fun moment was to have a selfie with Jean-Fredric from the ASF where he was wearing his vintage jakarta.apache.org t-shirt and me with my Jakarta EE t-shirt. Despite some issues with the screens, I was able to start my talk at the sched ..read more
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Adam Bien: Live from JCON Europe 2024: "Serverless Java #slideless"
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
The talk "Serverless Java #slideless" was recorded at the JCON Europe 2024. I used the following template in this talk as base for the examples: aws-functionurl-cdk-only. However, most of my real-world projects rely on the: aws-quarkus-lambda-cdk-plain project. See you at airhacks.live!. The abstract: Serverless is the least complex, most secure, cost-effective (or even free) architecture for most enterprise applications and is compatible with the "Green IT" premises. In this session, I will explain the inner workings of a serverless application from a code perspective with IaC provisioning wi ..read more
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Thorben Janssen: Should your tests manage transactions?
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
The post Should your tests manage transactions? appeared first on Thorben Janssen. During my Spring Data JPA workshops and talks, I often get asked if a test case should handle transactions, or not. And if it handles the transaction if it should commit it or roll it back. And as so often, the short answer is: it depends. The slightly longer answer is: it depends on the... The post Should your tests manage transactions? appeared first on Thorben Janssen ..read more
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Thorben Janssen: Databases and AI with Neo4J as an example with Michael Simons
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
When integrating AI into your application, you will most likely want to use a concept called RAG. This acronym stands for Retrieval Augmented Generation and is an absolute game changer ..read more
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Alexius Diakogiannis: From Java 17 to Java 21 And How To Do It: A Comprehensive API Comparison
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
Introduction As we all know, Java is a constantly evolving programming language. With each new release, we get a plethora of new features, enhancements, and sometimes, a few deprecations. In this blog post, we will analyse the significant differences between Java 17 and Java 21 API. We will navigate through the changes, with a focus on deprecated features, new library additions, security enhancements, and performance improvements. Released on September 19, 2023, Java 21 is celebrated for its comprehensive set of specifications that define the behaviour of the Java language, API, and virtual m ..read more
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Adam Bien: The bld Power User--airhacks.fm podcast
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
Subscribe to airhacks.fm podcast via: spotify| iTunes| RSS The #298 airhacks.fm episode with Erik C. Thauvin (@ethauvin) about: using bld in production and the differences to Apache Maven and Gradle is available for download ..read more
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Francesco Marchioni: Getting started with Jakarta REST Services 4.0
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
In this article, we will provide an overview of the upcoming Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0 features. We will show how to test the latest version of this API on WildFly and how to run some examples with it. What’s New in Jakarta REST 4.0: Key Features and Enhancements The latest Jakarta REST 4.0 release ... Read more The post Getting started with Jakarta REST Services 4.0 appeared first on Mastertheboss ..read more
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Ivar Grimstad: Hashtag Jakarta EE #232
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE! There were no conferences for me last week. In the upcoming week, I am going back to Barcelona for DevBCN. As in previous years, we have a booth. You can find me there and have a chat about Jakarta EE. I also have a talk on Thursday. This talk will be a revamped version of my Spring 2.0 to Spring 3.0 migration talk. There is only one specification (Jakarta Security 4.0) left waiting for its release review to be started. It’s been ready for a while, but for some reason, the release review hasn’t started yet. I have a ..read more
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Adam Bien: Lambda Communication, EDAs, Step Functions and llama--Questions for 123rd airhacks.tv
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
Questions and topics for the 2024.6 / 123rd edition of airhacks.tv with the following topics: Conferences attended: jCon and GeekOn Time machine show reviewing questions from 2016 Upcoming courses on serverless NoSQL with Java and using LLMs in enterprise Interesting podcast episodes on Kotlin, LLM integration with Java, and JVector database Various ways for AWS Lambda functions to communicate with each other and external services [from: https://discord.gg/airhacks] llama2.java--Llama 2 in With One Pure Java 21 File [video: https://youtu.be/71t5vjSbfsI] Any questions left? Ask now: https://g ..read more
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Open Liberty: Jakarta EE11 previews and more in
Jakarta Blog
1M ago
The release includes previews of the Jakarta Validation and Jakarta Data implementations, both of which are part of Jakarta EE 11. The release also includes enhancements for histogram and timer metrics in MicroProfile 3.0 and 4.0 and InstantOn support for distributed HTTP session caching. The Open Liberty includes the following beta features (along with all GA features): Validate Java constraints and records with Jakarta Validation 3.1 Preview of Jakarta Data (Release Candidate 1) Enhanced histogram and timer metrics in MicroProfile 3.0 and 4.0 Instant ..read more
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