Java Developer Central
Java Developer Central has tutorials, informational posts on various topics on Java and is aimed to be a one-stop shop for Java programmers. I'm a Software Developer passionate about learning. I believe the most efficient way to learn is by practicing and by teaching or discussing with others the subject you are learning. I also write about design patterns which is language agnostic and..
Java Developer Central
9M ago
Google Guava Maps has many static utility methods operating on Map instances (Map, SortedMap, NavigableMap, BiMap etc.,).
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Java Developer Central
10M ago
The Collections2 utility class in the Google Guava library has four methods, viz., filter, transform, permutations and orderedPermutations.
The post Google Guava Collections2 appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more
Java Developer Central
1y ago
The Apache Commons Lang ObjectUtils class from the Apache Commons Lang3 library has many static utility methods operating on Object instances
The post Apache Commons Lang ObjectUtils appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more
Java Developer Central
1y ago
The Apache Commons Collections SetUtils class has utility methods and decorators for Set and SortedSet instances.
The post Apache Commons Collections SetUtils appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more
Java Developer Central
1y ago
In this post, we will explore all the utility methods and decorators for List instances in the Apache Commons Collections ListUtils class.
The post Apache Commons Collections ListUtils appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more
Java Developer Central
1y ago
We use the Java Stream map (an intermediate operation) to map an element in a stream to a different value (of the same or different type).
The post Java Stream map operation appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more
Java Developer Central
1y ago
In this post, we will learn about using Java Stream min and max methods to find the minimum and the maximum element in a Java Stream.
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Java Developer Central
1y ago
Using Java Stream sorted operation on a stream will return a stream with the elements of the stream sorted according to their natural order
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Java Developer Central
1y ago
The Google Guava Converter class represents a function to convert a value of type A to a value of type B and in the reverse direction as well.
The post Google Guava Converter appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more
Java Developer Central
1y ago
The Google Guava MoreObjects has helper functions to operate on any Object. It has two static methods viz., firstNonNull and toStringHelper.
The post Google Guava MoreObjects appeared first on Java Developer Central ..read more