Dear Brown Girls
Are you sick of aunties telling you how to live your life? Are you exhausted from constantly fighting the patriarchy? Are you tired of having to explain your complicated relationship with your roots to your white friends? Yeah. Us too. So join us (Dia and Iza) as we could loudly complain about all of this and get angry over a cup of chai. And then hopefully (maybe) get less angry as we work..
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Since the death of Mahsa Amini, protests have erupted all over Iran, with citizens calling for an end to the government's Morality Police and demanding "Woman, Life, Freedom." Images of women cutting off their hair and burning their hijabs have made their way to the world, and the world has reacted. We sat down to discuss how we can best amplify the voices of Iranians, along with some background on the Iranian government, our thoughts on the French police comparisons, and why we feel that Muslims and Republicans alike need to stay in their lane. Episode Cover Art Credit: Iran protests: L more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Iza and Dia are back with our (cold) hot takes about Indian Matchmaking season 2. Spoiler alert: the show has definitely gotten worse! Seema Aunty is back again taking the country by storm, arranging meetups (settle for 70% of what you want, please), styling up parties, and throwing stank face when things don't go her way. We come back to a cast of familiar characters (which... why?) and whole host of new ones to watch awkwardly search for love with the help of India's best matchmaker. more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Its been a busy summer, and we've got some exciting life updates to share with you that will make even the aunties rejoice more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Delve into the weeds about the particular relationship brown women can have with beauty and their own bodies. We're hairier than we expected (looking at you, rogue chin hair), plagued with permanent under-eye bags or bi-coloured lips, and grew up taking oily slicked-back braids to school. Sometimes it feels like a lot. We chat about learning to love our own beauty, and recontextualizing it with our own standards rather than others, and embracing the cultural traditions of beauty that we've inherited. (But not the bad ones! Looking at you, colourism more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Do your parents also keep all their savings in gold? When asked what they have saved for the future, they respond, "Well, that's what you're for, aren't you?" Iza and Dia dig into what it's like growing up as an immigrant, and how that has affected our relationship with money as adults. We ask deep-hitting questions like, "Why do I feel bad buying something for full price?" and "Is it normal to want to keep all your money under your bed?" At the end, we tell you how you can bid for our new, unique, one of a kind NFT! Just joking, what's an NFT more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
This episode Iza and Dia dig into our experiences moving out (temporarily or for good) and braving the dangers that come with it. Namely, actually moving out, and telling your parents you're moving out -- both equally treacherous. There's judgy brown realtors, carbon monoxide poisoning, and of course parental disappointment -- what more could you want more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
In this month's episode, we sat down to discuss Netflix's Al-Rawabi School for Girls. If you haven't seen it, go watch it now! Both beautiful and dark, it follows the lives of school girls in Jordan, and leaves much to be discussed about friendship, trauma, and where the lines of justice and vengeance blur. Note: This episode contains spoilers. more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Every single one of us, at some point in our life, has been on the receiving end of the vicious “you look… healthy” comment by some so called well meaning aunty. Whether we’re deemed too fat, too skinny, too provocative, or too boring, we’ve been put to war with our bodies for too long. In this episode, we chat with Trish of Sherni London and discuss the brown communities obsession with policing women’s bodies, and how Trish is using her business to change the narrative and help brown women of all sizes love their bodies. Find Trish at @shernilondon on Instagram or at more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
Welcome back to Dear Brown Girls, season 2! We're back and more tired than ever!
In this episode, we look back at what it's been like to create a podcast in the midst of a pandemic. We talk remote podcasting and editing woes (this is the first episode we've recorded in person!), our favourite and least favourite episodes of the first season, and what it's been like to do collaborations with the amazing brown women we've met because of the podcast! We rope that into how both our lives have changed in drastic and different ways because of the coronavirus pandemic, with Dia moving to work f more
Dear Brown Girls
1y ago
To wrap up Dear Brown Girls' first season, we decided to try to answer the question that's been haunting us all along- why are we (brown girls all over the world) so damn tired? To answer this question we had the opportunity to chat with Nancy Bahl, a PhD candidate in clinical psychology and general brown girl extraordinaire. Nancy breaks down why mental health issues are rampant in our culture, the unhealthy behaviors that are normalized in our communities, and how they manifest and affect us deep into adulthood. Thankfully, Nancy doesn't just leave us hanging in the dark realms of our uncons more