Berlin, Germany: Attack on Bauer drills and extractivist infrastructures! Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en anti-colonial struggle!
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
1w ago
From, translated by Act For Freedom Now! May 6, 2024 Around the world, countless indigenous communities are fighting extractivist projects and infrastructures, such as mining projects, hydraulic fracking, deforestation and pipelines. In the territory occupied by the Canadian state, for example, a huge project is currently under construction: the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, designed to transport gas extracted by hydraulic fracking. This project not only destroys entire regions, but also threatens the Wet’suwet’en indigenous way of life. The pipeline is to be built on their territory more
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Toronto Police Approaching People to be Confidential Informants
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
2w ago
Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info In case you missed it, Toronto Police have recently been attempting an old tactic against Palestinian solidarity organizers: soliciting arrestees to become confidential informants. While this isn’t a new tactic, the blatant and concerted attempt to conjure informants in community organizing spaces is. Writing this, I know of at least four separate individuals approached by police. Each approach has been similar: the individual is arrested, charged, and then prior to being released, approached by a detective from Toronto Police’s Hate Crimes & more
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More Notes on June 6, 2024
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
3w ago
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info A summary of events At around 4 PM, student protesters entered the James administration building of McGill University and disrupted the Board of Governors’ (BoG) meeting to oppose its complicity in the genocide in Gaza. The BoG is the highest instance of the university and decides in which companies its endowment fund is invested, including Israeli, Zionist and arms companies. Hundreds of protesters formed a support rally around the building, with some creating makeshift barricades with fences and furniture. An hour later, on the administration’s reque more
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Union Action at the Head Office of Renaud-Bray
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
3w ago
Soumission anonyme à MTL Contre-info La famille Renaud sont des trous de cul notoires de père en fils. Il sont les ennemis de la classe ouvrière et le seront toujours. Leurs positions et propos anti-syndicaux briment les droits fondamentaux de nous, travailleurs et travailleuses, depuis trop longtemps. Les affiches, c’est comme un syndicat : « C’est fâchant, parce qu’une fois que c’est arrivé, c’est bien difficile de s’en séparer. » Maintenant, allez-vous commenter, ou ça aussi, c’est des affaires internes? Un affront à l’un-e est toujours l’affaire de tou-tes. La classe ouvrière ne vous oubl more
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Report-back on the June 6th Riot
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
1M ago
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info June 6, 2024 will live long in our memories. What happened that day was more than impressive. A riot emerged spontaneously on the McGill campus in response to police violence and a convergence of forces from the student intifada. Since the media coverage seems to gloss over the strength of youth resistance that day, it seems important to take a look back at the day’s events. First of all, a demonstration had already been called by the forces of the Université Populaire Al-Aqsa (UQAM), which ended its occupation earlier in the day. Parallel to this, an more
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Immigrant Detained and Abused at CISSS de Laval
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
1M ago
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Our friend Juba Mahiou, an immigrant to Canada, has been locked up for over six months at Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de Laval. After an argument where police were called, they detained him under the guise of ‘mental health treatment,’ and have been forcing him to take drugs that are destroying his mind and body. Judge Louis Charette noted that Juba was at risk of hypoglycemia and Parkinsons from drugs he was forced to take, but just ordered the doctors to also give him Parkinsons drugs ‘if needed.’ There are no charges of wrongdoing more
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Close the Office in Tel-Aviv
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
1M ago
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info The CAQ, complicit in a genocide! The ongoing massacre in Palestine is a crime against humanity. 40,000 people have been brutally murdered and more than 2 million have been displaced. Meanwhile, the CAQ and its minister Martine Biron will open an office for Quebec in Tel Aviv…! Cooperating with an apartheid regime seems urgent for the Legault government, but not for a large part of the population. The CAQ has blood on its hands! We therefore added some color to the doors of the Ministry of International Relations. The peoples of Quebec need not sanctio more
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Queers, Are You Ready for the Backlash? Preparing for a Poilievre Government
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
2M ago
Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info A zine version of this text is available. I’ve always liked connecting with other queer people and talking politics, comparing notes on how we see society and what is affecting us. But lately, this has been feeling quite urgent. The countdown is on until we end up with a reactionary federal government — there will be a federal election no later than October 2025, and if current trends hold, there will be a Conservative landslide that brings Pierre Poilievre to power. This is soon, but we can still do a lot in 17 months. It feels important to me more
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Solidarity Means Attack – Fuck France, Free Kanaky
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
2M ago
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info This week, an anti-colonial uprising broke out in Kanaky, an archipelago in the South Pacific. Kanaky was named “New Caledonia” by British colonizer James Cook and has been occupied by France under that name since the 19th century. The Kanaks are black indigenous peoples of the islands whose cultures face genocide from white French “immigrants” who drive them from their lands and impose capitalism. For more general information: France is a member of NATO, an ally of Israel, the capital of anti-immigration racism more
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Northvolt: the poison-tree will fall
Montréal Counter-information
by mtlcounter-info
2M ago
Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Let the axe Strike at the root, the poison-tree will fall On Sunday, May 5th, five incendiary devices were placed at the Northvolt construction site in Quebec. This action was taken to damage machinery and reduce the project’s ability to continue. Unfortunately, these devices failed to ignite. If there is one takeaway to share, when choosing materials consider how weather (high humidity or rain) might decrease the chances of a device igniting. The longer the timer, the longer the device will be exposed to environmental factors thereby decreasing the wi more
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