Why Mindfulness Matters
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
It might take repetitious practice to train ourselves to be mindful – but it might be worth it! Sometimes we can become so consumed by the current “worry” of the mind, that even being cognisant that mindfulness is “a thing” is not in our conscious awareness. But why does it matter anyway? Unfortunately in our world today, there is much to be “worried” about…. war, inequality, poverty, displacement, climate, trauma, abuse, relationships, ill-health, pandemic, death – and so that list goes on. But what happens to us as humans when we are constantly worried and not mindful? We can become consumed ..read more
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The Solution is on the Inside
You Inside Out Blog
by Ivana
2y ago
The Solution is on the Inside Dr Gabor Mate has long been someone that inspires me. His philosophy regarding working with people struggling with addiction and mental illness is shared in one of his great books entitled “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts”. I’m sharing this video as he talks about the importance of not seeking solutions on the outside. The drugs, the alcohol, the gambling, the work, the sex, the shopping, the phone, the food.These are on the outide – and not the solution. Contact me to talk about the coaching programs available to you through You Inside Out. Coaching is offered 1-1 ..read more
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Being with our Vulnerability
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
“The only choice we have as we mature is how we inhabit our vulnerability, how we become larger and more courageous and more compassionate through our intimacy with disappearance, our choice is to inhabit vulnerability as generous citizens of loss, robustly and fully, or conversely, as misers and complainers, reluctant and fearful, always at the gates of existence, but never bravely and completely attempting to enter, never wanting to risk ourselves, never walking fully through the door.” – David Whyte Here we are in 2022. Are you feeling challenged as you look around you for some kind o ..read more
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You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia It’s certainly not a new concept. And yet now that we’re living in challenging times, we’re learning what it means to wake up each day to even more change, difference, rupture, division, and the unknown, kindness might have become even more important. If we spend a lot of time on social media or watching and reading the global news, our mental health may start to feel like it’s ..read more
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What’s Ontological Coaching?
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
For many years I remained focussed on DOing. If I DO more, I will achieve more. It was a habit. I had grown up with parents who worked hard all their lives. Yet “abundance” appeared to be something that other families had; not ours. We always “just got by”. But keep working hard, DO more! This attitude wes confirmed by the community I grew up in, the schools I went to, society at large. Until I came across Ontology; the philosophy of BEing. About 10 years ago, I started studying what it means to be human and the nature of human existence. How could I tap into my real potential – beyond simpl ..read more
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Rupture and Repair
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
As philosopher Alain Badiou so eloquently articulated: “All resistance is a rupture with what is. Every rupture begins, for those engaged in it, through a rupture with oneself.” How then, might we begin to repair “rupture with oneself”? So much has presented itself to us over the past year, through the changing world we inhabit now as a result of the rampancy of the Covid-19 virus. Perhaps we are being invited to review life as we knew it and resist the temptation to any “returning to normal”? How focussed were we on the world “out there”, the world outside of ourselves? How driven to achiev ..read more
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What Moves You?
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
Do you stop from time to time and ask yourself “What am I passionate about?” Or, are you perhaps completely clear about what makes your heart sing and what really ignites you and yet something is just “not right”? What would it take then for you to invite curiosity in this regard? Is it that you don’t have enough time to think about it? Could it be that you need a weekend away from everything and everyone to really tune in to yourself? Do you like butchers paper and texters to get the creative juices flowing, or your laptop to make succinct bullet points that reflect the things you love to do ..read more
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Embracing the Unplanned Unknown
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
Are you feeling curious about how life will unfold for you this year? Has the world as you knew it been thrown into a spin? As you know, you’re not alone! This is 2020. The planet and the human species are in massive flux. Never before have most of us experienced such an unanticipated disruption to life as we knew it. Not withstanding, and with great respect for, the massive amount of illness and tragic loss of life that has rocked so many families across the globe, imagine if this could also become the time that you envisaged the benefits that might come from the change. Imagine if this bec ..read more
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What choices are you making as the pandemic changes the world as we knew it?
You Inside Out Blog
by Gael McKenzie
2y ago
What choices are you making as the pandemic changes the world as we knew it? One thing that was resoundingly known to me as we went through the initial phases of the pandemic and its restrictions, was that I didn’t want the “change” in the world to pass without making some significant “change” myself. As without, so within and vice versa. It seems a while ago now, even though just a few weeks. My journaling each morning was relevant to the times: what I was grateful for and what I wanted to remain once the pandemic “crisis” had passed. Looking back on my journal I’d noted things like “Gratef ..read more
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How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health
You Inside Out Blog
by Ivana
2y ago
How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health A growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Now, policymakers, employers, and healthcare providers are increasingly considering the human need for nature in how they plan and operate. Learn more ..read more
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