27 people who became highly successful after age 40
Business Insider » Motivation
by Allana Akhtar,Marguerite Ward
2y ago
Founders in their 20s get a lot of media attention, but research suggests most founders are older.  Insider rounded up successful people who did not get recognition until their 30s, 40s or later. The list includes the likes of Julia Child, Arianna Huffington, and Laverne Cox.  Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates made business lore for creating their multi-million dollar companies in their teens — but data suggests they are anomalies to the norm. In fact, the average age of business founders hovers around 40, according to research conducted by MIT professor Pierre Azoulay, who anal ..read more
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6 workout motivation tips to stay on track with your fitness goals this year
Business Insider » Motivation
by Allison Torres Burtka,Sarah C. McEwen
2y ago
To boost workout motivation, switch up your routine — if you cycle all the time, try swimming. Another way to stay motivated is to ask a friend to join you, which will also hold you accountable.  Remember to start slow and remain consistent with your workouts, as a strong routine is key.  Visit Insider’s Health Reference library for more advice.  Exercise reduces your risk of many health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. It also improves mood, boosts energy, and helps with sleep.  Despite the known health benefits, it’s hard ..read more
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People who achieve their goals share key traits. They’re proactive, have clarity, and ask for help, says the author of a book on the subject.
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by Stephen Jones
2y ago
People who achieve goals share many traits, said the author of a book about long-term strategies.   As well as being proactive and clear, they were also very driven and initiated projects themselves. Stephens was the first British woman to climb Everest and climb the Seven Summits.  Rebecca Stephens knows what it takes to clearly envisage a goal and then achieve it.  In 1993, she became the first British woman to summit Mount Everest. She then went on to achieve the same feat for each of the seven summits — the highest peak on each of Earth’s seven continents.  In h ..read more
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Whenever I start a new fitness regime, I give up after a week. How can I stay motivated?
Business Insider » Motivation
by Rachel Hosie
2y ago
Many people give up on working out because they’re doing something that feels like a chore. Another common error is going too hard at the start, personal trainer Sohee Lee said. Remember that nutrition is key to changing your body composition, she added. Read more Working It Out here. Dear Rachel, I am lazy. The only time I’ve been in shape was when my friend introduced me to weight lifting and we became gym buddies. But our schedules changed and I had no success on my own. I now work a lot, so finding another gym buddy is impossible, and I’m exhausted all the time. I feel like I ..read more
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A reward as tiny as 9¢ could help people return to the gym after missing a session, new study finds
Business Insider » Motivation
by Gabby Landsverk
2y ago
Workout motivation is tricky to predict, according to a study on 61,293 gym members. Researchers found tiny incentives could prompt people to hit the gym more often.  Giving people a bonus for returning after a missed workout was most effective out of 54 strategies.  Getting back into the gym after missing one workout may be a crucial part of sticking to a routine — and it could take as little as a nine-cent reward to get you there, according to a massive study published December 8 in Nature.  Led by researchers from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania ..read more
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I tried the popular pomodoro technique for a week, and I hated it. Here’s why.
Business Insider » Motivation
by Heather Schlitz
2y ago
The pomodoro method involves working for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break before starting again. It was helpful when I was feeling unmotivated, but the method was annoyingly rigid and exhausting. When I was productive and in a groove, stopping for the 5-minute break would ruin my flow. The pomodoro technique is one of the most popular time management methods, and it’s evangelized by everyone from college students to CEOs for its ability to help skyrocket focus and avoid mental fatigue. At its simplest, the pomodoro technique involves working for 25 minutes before taking a 5 minute bre ..read more
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My active social life makes me skip workouts. How do I motivate myself to be consistent again?
Business Insider » Motivation
by Rachel Hosie
2y ago
It’s normal to have phases where you’re less motivated to workout. It’s a mistake to rely on motivation though, sometimes you have to do it anyway. Don’t compare yourself to your past self. Start small and do what you can. Read more Working It Out here. Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories. Dear Rachel, For the first few months of the year I was really focused on my fitness and was so pleased with my consistency and the progress I was making both in terms of performance and my body. For the past couple of months, however, I’ve lost my mojo and am struggling to get it back. I’m barely ..read more
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Ex-Navy SEAL and ultramarathoner David Goggins is the toughest man on the planet. His latest challenge: persuading the world to suffer on purpose.
Business Insider » Motivation
by Chris Weller
2y ago
Everywhere Devin Featherstone goes, David Goggins follows. It starts in the morning when Featherstone opens his eyes and catches Goggins’ thousand-yard stare from the book jacket of “Can’t Hurt Me,” Goggins’ memoir, on his nightstand. Throughout the day, Featherstone, 36, a firefighter and an avid runner in Calgary, Alberta, ingests YouTube videos and podcast clips of the former Navy SEAL and ultramarathoner, who reminds him to “Stay hard!” And as night falls, and Featherstone crawls back into bed beside his wife, there Goggins remains on the nightstand – inert, gazing blankly into the darkne ..read more
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Peloton instructor Jess King says therapy improves her spin performance, and it’s just as important as stretching
Business Insider » Motivation
by Gabby Landsverk
2y ago
Peloton instructor Jess King says self-care is key to avoiding burnout. She prioritises physical recovery, and uses tools like therapy and journaling to manage stress. King also said it’s important to be honest about burnout, and channel stress into creativity. Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories. Peloton instructor Jess King is no stranger to a challenge — teaching an average of eight high-energy bike and tread sessions per week, in addition to her own workouts and personal life, it takes a lot of effort to keep up with her schedule. But even a fitness rockstar like King has felt t ..read more
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6 ways to stay motivated to work out and achieve your fitness goals, according to personal trainers
Business Insider » Motivation
by Allison Torres Burtka, Sarah C. McEwen
2y ago
To stay motivated to work out, you should set achievable, time-based goals that you can measure, like ‘exercise for 20 minutes five days a week.’ You can also stay motivated to exercise by varying the types of workouts you do and asking a friend to hold you accountable. If you want to stay motivated to work out, it’s essential to start slow and be consistent rather than exercising for multiple hours a day. Visit Insider’s Health Reference library for more advice. Exercise reduces your risk of many health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. It also ..read more
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