A Dog, the President’s Son, and a Grieving Sailor
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
3w ago
Sometimes historical research is dry, but often it brings up fascinating stories. While reading excerpts from 1945 issues of Time Magazine, a story grabbed my attention. It involved Antioch, California—the small (at the time) town I used as the hometown for the heroes in my Wings of Glory series. A bit of time over microfiche copies of the Antioch Ledger pulled the details together. Like many good stories, this involves an unlikely assortment of characters. The President’s Son and a Hollywood Actress Col. Elliott Roosevelt, second son of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, served in the US Eighth ..read more
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France’s Other D-Day – Photo Tour of Southern France
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
6M ago
When my family had the opportunity to visit Italy and southern France in 2011, I was doubly delighted. Not only could we tour countries I had always longed to see, but I could conduct research for my Wings of the Nightingale series, which follows three World War II flight nurses in the Mediterranean. The third novel, In Perfect Time, revolves around Operation Dragoon, the Allied invasion of southern France on 15 August 1944, “France’s other D-Day.” Operation Dragoon Operation Dragoon is often forgotten, but it was vital to the war effort. The D-day landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944, had bee ..read more
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Army Nursing in World War II – Who Could Serve
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
8M ago
During World War II, members of the US Army Nurse Corps took care of the sick and wounded throughout the world, often in dangerous and difficult conditions. These brave women inspired four of my novels (A Memory Between Us and the Wings of the Nightingale series), so I’m sharing a four-part series on US Army nursing during the war. Part 1: Who Could Serve in the US Army Nurse Corps Part 2: Recruitment, Training, and Military Rank Part 3: Uniforms Part 4: General Nursing Practice During World War II, 57,000 women served in the US Army Nurse Corps (ANC), 11,000 in the U ..read more
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Hospitalization in World War II – Evacuation of the Wounded
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
8M ago
Photo: Jeep ambulance at Camp Carson, CO, 24 Apr 1943 (US National Archives: ARC 197176) Unlike the US Fifth Army, Hutch crossed the Volturno River backward. While the Allies crossed under machine-gun fire eleven days earlier, Hutch rode in a jeep, turned in the front seat to face little Lucia. Her litter was strapped across the backseat, while two more litters were strapped on the hood. A furrow raced up Lucia’s forehead, and she clutched her doll even tighter. Time for Hutch’s treat. “I have a gift for you. For Lucia.” (On Distant Shores, p. 194) In my novel On Distant Shores, the hero s ..read more
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Hospitalization in World War II – Mobile and Fixed Hospitals
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
8M ago
Photo: US Army nurse preparing dressings, 15 June 1944, 13th Field Hospital, St.-Laurent-sur-Mer, Normandy (US National Archives: 190305-S) Hutch crossed his arms over his soggy mackinaw and gave Bergie half a smile. “You said you’d take over. Ever pitch a tent before?” “In Boy Scouts.” The surgeon raised a three-finger salute. “On my honor–“ “A big old Army ward tent?” “Nope. But I’m willing to get dirty. What’s mud compared to the blood and guts I usually swim in?” Hutch turned to Sergeant Paskun. “I’ll put the captain on my team and mess up his pretty officer’s manicure.” “Heavens to Bet ..read more
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Hospitalization in World War II – Chain of Evacuation
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
8M ago
Photo: US Army medics removing a casualty from the battlefield to an aid station in an air shelter, near Brest, France, 28 Aug 1944 (US National Archives: ARC 531320)   Planes thundered overhead, artillery rumbled in the distance, and cries of wounded soldiers pierced Georgie’s ears. “Coming through.” Two medics rushed past with a litter. A man writhed on top, a shock of red on his gray-green field jacket. Another medic assisted a soldier who clutched his twisted, bloodstained arm to his chest. Georgie took a deep breath. Compared to the ravages of battle, her concerns were nitpi ..read more
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Embers in the London Sky – Tour of London!
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
9M ago
Recently I had the joy of returning to London! While there, I snapped photos of many of the locations from my World War II novel Embers in the London Sky. I’m also giving away three paperback copies of the book. If you’ve already read it, enter to give a copy to a friend! BBC Broadcasting House In Embers in the London Sky, Hugh Collingwood works as a BBC radio correspondent based in the beautiful Art Deco-style Broadcasting House, built in 1932. From here, the BBC made the broadcasts that informed and inspired the British people during the war – and coordinated the shortwave broadcasts transm ..read more
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Courage Under Fire – US Hospitals at Anzio
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
1y ago
Courage under fire. When we hear that phrase, we picture a soldier in the trenches, a sailor manning his guns, or a pilot dodging enemy fighter planes. But how about nurses and physicians? In one of my novels, On Distant Shores, the hero serves as a pharmacist in the US 93rd Evacuation Hospital in World War II. On January 23, 1944, the 93rd Evac landed at Anzio, Italy, one day after American and British forces had landed. The armies succeeded in surprising the Germans and faced very little opposition. Due to overcautious leadership and insufficient reinforcements, the forces waited and consol ..read more
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Thanksgiving in World War II
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
1y ago
During World War II, political wrangling over the date to celebrate Thanksgiving, rationing and shortages, restrictions on travel, and disruptions to treasured traditions might have altered plans, but the spirit prevailed. The country paused to gather with family, reflect on blessings, and thank the Lord—the giver of all good gifts. Norman Rockwell’s beautiful “Freedom from Want” painting made its debut in 1943 and has come to symbolize the holiday. “Freedom from Want,” by Norman Rockwell, 1943 Which Date Do We Celebrate? In the summer of 1939, concerned retailers approached President Frankl ..read more
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Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #19
Sarah Sundin » World War II
by Sarah Sundin
1y ago
THIS HUNT IS NOT YET LIVE. WE’RE STILL WORKING OUT OUR LINKS. WE GO LIVE AT NOON MST/11 AM PST on 6/15. PLEASE RETURN AFTER THAT! Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes! *The hunt BEGINS on June 15, 2023, at noon MST with Stop #1 at LisaTawnBergren.com. *Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer). *There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, June ..read more
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