21st Century Leadership
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
1y ago
The concept of 21st-century leadership is strongly based on the 21st-century learning framework developed by Battelle for Kids. The 21st-century terminology is often used interchangeably with STEM learning. But conceptually, they differ significantly. STEM is an approach to teaching that exposes young learners to innovative approaches to science, math, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It is necessary and addresses the rapid growth of our technology-focused era.  21st-century learning addresses the needs of young learners from a holistic perspective. It prepare ..read more
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Associate Board Members Needed
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
1y ago
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow (LTLT) is an all-volunteer non-profit dedicated to teaching 21stCentury Skills to today’s youth.  Our programs include the following: Arithmetic Development- LTLT focuses on foundation skills so our youth can pursue higher-level math if they choose.  Literacy development- LTLT believes that reading and writing are the foundation skills needed to be successful in the 21st Century.  Risk-Taking Skills- LTLT uses outdoor education like hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing to help youth challenge themselves and develop the skills needed to succe ..read more
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Support learners today, leaders tomorrow on Amazon Smile
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon.com that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as can be found on Amazon.com. The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers. HOW DO I SIGN UP? 1. Create an account with Amazon or sign in to your Amazon account using this link to set Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow. as the charitable organization of ..read more
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We earned a 2021 Gold Seal of Transparency!
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
We earned a 2021 Gold Seal of Transparency ..read more
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Some Kids Do Just Love Circuitry
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
Every summer we see more and more families looking for summer camps, youth sports and an array of activities to keep their children engaged, growing, and learning. For some families, summer is a time to add enriching activities to their children’s lives that were not available during the school year. Summer camps with crafts and outdoor activities seem to be an American tradition that stretches back decades, if not close to a century.  Most Americans have vivid childhood memories of summer camps involving activities like amusement parks, archery, sports clinics, and animal husbandry. Summ ..read more
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21st-Century Skills for Youth: Leadership
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
In one of our previous blogs, we talked about several crucial skills in the 21st century that modern youth simply cannot do without. We based those ideas not just on their value to youth when it comes to building a career in the future, but also because of their inherent good value for young people on a journey of growth and development. In today’s post, we’re going to focus on one of those skills in particular, and that is leadership. What do we mean when we talk about students learning leadership skills? Why are these skills important? What is “Leadership”? In the context of education a ..read more
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Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Empower Learners with Critical 21st-Century Skills
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
In the present digitally and globally interconnected world, a non-profit organization, Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow, empowers the 21st-century skills that enable students to develop the scope of experiences and situations gradually, assuming new roles, gaining new competencies, and building relationships. In the 21st century, students through the organization should be propelled to adopt those required skills which are entailed to evolve within society and to recognize their responsibilities as a citizen of a particular country which in later will reflect what sort of rights they hold livi ..read more
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21st-Century Skills for Youth: Collaboration
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
In one of our previous blog posts, we discussed some of the many skills that young people growing up in the 21st-century need. Among those skills was collaboration. In today’s blog, we’re going to take a more in-depth look at why collaborating is an essential 21st-century skill that the youth can use to their eternal advantage. What is Collaboration as a Skill? The term ‘collaboration’ is certainly a lot less nebulous and abstract than things like “critical thinking.” It’s a word that we use in our everyday lives and have done for some time. It just means working together, doesn’t it? Yes, it ..read more
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21st-Century Skills for Youth: Critical Thinking
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
In a previous blog piece, we discussed the importance of various problem-solving and other things that form invaluable skill sets for young people in the 21st century. Among them was the skill of critical thinking, which now becomes the focus of today’s blog. Critical Thinking For 21st-Century Young People What is Critical Thinking? It’s a term that gets banded around a lot. What do we really mean when we talk about critical thinking? Is it just another educational or psychological buzz word? Let’s be clear about what exactly we are referring to when we talk about this topic. Critical thi ..read more
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21st Century Skills That Young People Need
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow Blog
by Admin
2y ago
While much of the world has changed immeasurably in recent decades, certain aspects seem to remain fixed in their old mold. One of those things is traditional education, which still measures success on a very limited set of metrics that haven’t budged in at least half a century. If these metrics get us into our kids into their chosen colleges in the future, who are we to complain, right? While it’s true that the traditional education model continues to work (just about) for getting students enrolled into institutions of higher education, employers have a rather different perspective. In today ..read more
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