Senses of the Soul Blog
Stay on top of the news from our clinic with this blog. Discovering the soul's journey through chakra archetypes, nature's medicine, and cosmic events. Living conscious evolution with authenticity and courage.
Senses of the Soul Blog
2y ago
July 2022 Ascension Energies Update July's Keywords: Soulful abundance, Rebirth, Walk your talk, Believe Awakened Soul, This month there will be more cataclysmic, evolutionary energy growing ..read more
Senses of the Soul Blog
3y ago
August’s Ascension Theme: Weaving the Golden Future “Our weavings in the cosmic web are not self-contained. Rather, they are part of the design of our collective ..read more
Senses of the Soul Blog
3y ago
November’s Ascension Theme: Crossing The ThresholdKeywords: Adventure, Overcoming, Different Rhythm “Whether we arrive at these between-places by design, by accident, or by the choices that others ..read more