July 2022 Ascension Energies Update
Senses of the Soul Blog
2y ago
July 2022 Ascension Energies Update July's Keywords: Soulful abundance, Rebirth, Walk your talk, Believe Awakened Soul, This month there will be more cataclysmic, evolutionary energy growing ..read more
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August 2021 ‌Ascension‌ ‌Energies‌ ‌Update‌ ‌
Senses of the Soul Blog
3y ago
August’s Ascension Theme: Weaving the Golden Future “Our weavings in the cosmic web are not self-contained. Rather, they are part of the design of our collective ..read more
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November 2021 Ascension Energies Update
Senses of the Soul Blog
3y ago
November’s Ascension Theme: Crossing The ThresholdKeywords:  Adventure, Overcoming, Different Rhythm “Whether we arrive at these between-places by design, by accident, or by the choices that others ..read more
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