Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
We want all our patients to be informed decision-makers and fully understand any health issues you face. We want our patients to be informed about their digestive problems and treatments because informed patients make better decisions about their health and well-being. That is why we've included a section on this website covering common topics associated with gastroenterology and endoscopic..
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Your gastrointestinal system is important to your daily life and when you’re dealing with issues with it, it can really impact your ability to function on a daily basis. There are many issues that may affect your GI tract and it’s important to understand what the symptoms might be and how these disorders are treated so that you can find relief and get back to feeling comfortable.
Common Gastrointestinal Disorders
There are many gastrointestinal disorders that you might face throughout your life that have fairly common symptoms. This could include nausea, bloating, and stomach or abdominal pain more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Colon cancer screening is an important diagnostic tool that can save your life. It’s a simple test that can help diagnose colorectal cancer in its early stages when it is the easiest to treat. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
So, when should you have a colon cancer screening? A first colon cancer screening is recommended by the time you are 45 years old, especially if you have a family history of colorectal cancer. You may also need a colon cancer screening earlier if you are experiencing medical issue more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Occasional feelings of heartburn are normal, but if you suffer from heartburn frequently, your heartburn could actually be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as GERD. Your gastroenterologist can help you get relief.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease often starts out as gastric reflux. Gastric reflux is caused by the sphincter muscle between your stomach and esophagus not closing properly. The incomplete closure of the muscle allows stomach acid to back up into your esophagus, causing the burning sensation known as heartburn.
Acid reflux can grow worse over time, developing more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Ulcerative colitis, also known as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD, is a painful medical condition which affects your colon. It’s caused by abnormal functioning of your immune system. Ulcerative colitis can cause pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms which can impact your life.
When you have ulcerative colitis, your immune system attacks the bacteria, foods, and other substances in your colon as if they were foreign materials harmful to your body. White blood cells are sent to your colon, causing inflammation, ulcerations, and severe pain.
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of ulcerative more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Liver disease can be a scary diagnosis. Unfortunately, it’s also a common medical condition. Seeing the right specialist can make all the difference in how you manage liver disease. A gastroenterologist is an expert at the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal issues, including liver disease.
Your liver has an important job. When your liver is functioning properly, it effectively and quickly eliminates toxins and waste products from your body. When your liver function is impaired by liver disease, toxins and waste products can build up in your body, causing more damage to your liver and more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
You need to eat nutritious foods to stay healthy. Nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates fuel your body, providing you with the energy you need to live. If you’ve ever experienced loss of appetite, you already know how it can affect your body.
Some of the signs and symptoms of appetite loss include:
Losing interest in foods
Not enjoying your favorite foods
Frequently skipping meals
Weight fluctuations and weight loss
When you lose your appetite, you may also experience:
Low energy levels
Nausea and vomiting
Stomach pains
Diarrhea or constipation
Changes to your hair more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Do you suffer from chronic stomach or abdominal pain? If so, you could have a treatable condition known as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Your gastroenterologist is an expert at diagnosis and treatment of IBS and can help you feel better.
Irritable bowel syndrome causes problems in your large intestine. IBS is believed to be caused when the nervous system of your GI tract doesn’t function properly. The small muscles in the lining of your intestinal tract don’t move properly, so food doesn’t work its way through to your stomach easily.
Irritable bowel syndrome can cause unpleasant, painful sy more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
An endoscopy is a vital diagnostic procedure gastroenterologists use to diagnose and treat a wide variety of conditions affecting your upper digestive system. An endoscopy allows your gastroenterologist to view your esophagus, upper intestine, and stomach.
Gastrointestinal conditions an endoscopy is helpful to diagnose and treat include:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Gastric and peptic ulcers
Anemia and celiac disease
Gastrointestinal cancer
Esophageal cancer
Your gastroenterologist may recommend an endoscopy if you are experiencing:
Acute or chronic abdominal pain
Continuous nause more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Crohn’s disease can dramatically impact your life. When you are in fear of eating the wrong foods or having a painful attack, it can make you want to stay home and avoid enjoying your life. Crohn’s disease can make you feel powerless, depressed, and isolated. Your gastroenterologist can help you manage Crohn’s disease, so you can live a full, enjoyable life again.
There are several factors that can contribute to developing Crohn’s disease, although the exact cause of Crohn’s disease is not known. An overactive immune system is believed to be a major factor. Your immune system attacks normal ce more
Nashville Gastrointestinal Specialists Blog
2y ago
Is it time for me to schedule a colonoscopy?
According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the US. While we have seen a drop in colorectal cancer cases since the 1980s, lifestyle and regular colonoscopy screenings may contribute. A colonoscopy is a diagnostic and preventive tool that examines the inside of the rectum and colon. It’s a beneficial tool everyone should undergo at some point during their lifetime. Here’s when a colonoscopy may be recommended,
You Turned 50
Was this year the big five-o? If so, you may have been told by your general d more