Travel Medicine Podcast
A Medical show for non-medical people, about history, comedy, travel and all the ways we find medicine wonderful, hosted by Doctors J and Santhosh
Travel Medicine Podcast
1d ago
In this episode Dr's J and Santhosh cover the holiday of love with infectious investigations in their valentine special. Along the way they cover the history of syphilis in the new world, gumma, herpes simplex one, roman kisses, bans on lip locking, post orgasmic illness syndrome, autoimmune allergy, and depictions of penis size in art through history. So sit back and relax and accept our love of knowledge as we cover valentine medicine!
Further Reading
http://www.iflsci ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
1w ago
In this episode, Dr's J and Santhosh once again round up all their favorite research from the medical world to share with you! Along the way, they cover new methods of hospital disaster relief, electronic monitoring tattoos, biosensors, skynet and cyborgs, medical uses of AI, voice diagnosis, correct pronunciation of luxembourg, jitter and shimmer, dementia ai treatments, smart glasses, world cup training, longitudinal prizes and more! So sit back and relax as we round up whats new in the world of medical research!
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Travel Medicine Podcast
2w ago
In this episode Dr's J and Santhosh cover your largest organ in an episode dedicated to dermatology! Along the way they cover ancient Egypt and the ebers and smith papyri, tumor children, vitiligo and phototherapy, itchy bottoms, greek priest dogs and the asclepiad, the staying power of wound care recommendations, categories of skin disease in the ancient and modern world, peculiar teaching methods, cryotherapy, disease imaging and diagnosis, the seven year itch, impetigo, herpes and a musical interlude to celebrate the return of tiktok! So sit back and relax as we get under your skin!
Furthe ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
3w ago
In this episode, Dr's J and Santhosh return from their California wildfire induced hiatus with everybody's favorite segment and a roundup of new medical research stories focused on food and drink! Along the way they cover the healing power of candy, spinal injury mechanisms, smart insulin, the health benefits of coffee, how and why coffee makes you poop, healing bacteria in feces and more! SO sit back and relax as we discuss whats new in the world of medicine!
Further Reading
https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/news/story/blue-dye-may-hold-promise-in-treating-spinal-cord-injury#:~:text=A%20compoun ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
1M ago
Dr's J and Santhosh are almost back from their holiday break, and in the meantime we invite you to continue a tour through some of our classic and most requested episodes with guest hosts of days gone by!
In this episode, Dr’s J and Praz, with special guest Emily Hook discuss the attributes and health of circus sideshow performers. Along the way, they cover the history of circus sideshows, the Coney Island NICU, the classes of sideshow acts, Geeks, the secrets of human pincushions, glass chewing, sword swallowing, circus endoscopy and intubation, fire eaters lung ,off season care, Ehlers Danl ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
1M ago
Hello folks! We are still on winter break but will be back in a week, so please enjoy this classic episode
In this episode Dr's J, Ward, and Praz cover the history and applications of Anesthesia. Along the way they discuss medical etymology, the Assyrian Vulcan neck pinch, Victorian England, who control the OR music, the founders of anesthesia, humbugs and doctor validation, who administers anesthesia, why the job is stressful, commonly used anesthetics, tools of the trade, trauma surgery, field advancements, abuse statistics, general v regional anesthesia, twilight sedation, and a just the t ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
1M ago
In this holiday episode Dr's J and Santhosh discuss everything diabetes! ALong the way they cover the earliest descriptions and discovery of diabetes in the ancient world, medical etymology, the tasting of urine, horseback riding for urine control, function and purpose of the pancreas, Edward ALbert Sharpy Schafer, the real housewives of insulin, effects on micro and macro circulation, types of diabetes, starvation diets, the surprising history of metformin, the help of Gila monsters and more! SO sit back and relax as we sweeten your knowledge of diabetes!
Further Reading
https://www.research ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
2M ago
In this episode, Dr’s J and Santhosh continue diagnosing the holidays by exploring the health of some holiday characters! Along the way, they cover grinchy skin conditions, snake herpes, greasy banana skin, jerky as a jocky, the encroaching holiday season, grinchy hearts, growth spurts and POTS, tilt tables, takotsubo, and the many medical risks of Santa Claus. So Sit back, relax, and learn why mr grinch was such a mean one!
Further Reading
https://rockymountainbrainandspineinstitute.com/why-the-grinch-stole-christmas-from-a-neuroscience-perspective/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20numerous%20psychologi ..read more
Travel Medicine Podcast
2M ago
In this episode Dr's J and Santhosh perform a roundup of whats new in medical news, this time with a focus on dietary studies! Along the way they cover ancel keys and the seven countries study, italian centenarians , the mediterranean diet, class differences, saturated fats, extra virgin olive oils, food fraud, fermented foods, the benefits of snacking and more! So sit back and chow down as we bite into an episode on food health!
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Travel Medicine Podcast
2M ago
In this episode, Dr's J and Santhosh once again round up whats new in the world of medicine, this time with an emphasis on robots and nanites! Along the way, they cover nanomedicine, specialized blood bots, robot fingers, the luke arm, titanium hearts, blood trauma, techno-endocarditis, the dangers of artifical hearts, currently used healthcare robots and more! SO sit back and relax as we see what the robots are planning for our health!
Further Reading
https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-physical-science/fulltext/S2666-3864(24)00518-6 ..read more