Ep. 7 Michelle and Colin wrap up
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Description: Michelle and Colin wrap up this season’s podcast! This episode touches on where to go from here with spiritual practices. They share their own experience with cultivating a rhythm of practices and offer tips for the listener. They engage with some Enneagram wisdom as it informs spiritual disciplines as well as offer some cautions about your practice. Find ways to connect with Michelle and Colin at @stlukeshouston and follow them on Instagram @michellemanuel__ and @colinbagby   Resources mentioned in this episode: The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun The ..read more
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Ep. 6 Mutuality with Rev. Hannah Terry and Barbara Lowe
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
This week Michelle and Colin interview Rev. Hannah Terry and Barbara Lowe from FAM Houston. Hannah and Barbara share about their faith and how they integrate the practice of mutuality into their everyday living. Follow FAM Houston on Instagram at @famhoustontx ..read more
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Ep. 5 Lectio Divina with Rev. Jenny Veres-Schrecengost
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Michelle and Colin interview Rev. Jenny Veres-Schrecengost about the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina. Rev. Jenny shares her faith journey and impact of spiritual disciplines in her life thus far. Lectio Divina includes reading a scripture passage tree times aloud and reflecting or meditating in between. Listen in for specifics of how Lectio can look for your practice and tips for starting this practice. https://pray-as-you-go.org/ https://www.biblegateway.com/ Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson ..read more
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Ep 4. Prayer of Examen with Rev. Mike Whang
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Michelle and Colin have a conversation with local pastor and church planter Mike Whang about the prayer of Examen. Mike shares his spiritual background and upbringing. He offers us ways to approach the disciplines from his own rich practice of prayer. As always, we invite you to try out Examen this week.   ..read more
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Ep 3. Meditation with Kaitlyn Bowie
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Michelle and Colin Interview Rev. Kaitlyn Bowie about spiritual disciplines that have impacted her faith and life. Kaitlyn shares about crisis’ of faith and the impact of the disciplines during those seasons. Meditation has been a place of grounding for many throughout history. This week you are invited to take a listen and then try adding meditation to your own rhythm of life.   Resources mentioned in episode: Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline Christopher L. Heuertz- The Sacred Enneagram Fowler’s Stages of Faith ..read more
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Ep 2. Sabbath with Rev. Joseph Yoo
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Michelle and Colin interview Rev. Joseph Yoo about the spiritual discipline of Sabbath keeping. Having grown up in the Korean Methodist tradition Joseph has a deep connection to the daily rhythm of corporate prayer. He shares about his journey with his own spiritual disciplines and the process of finding a Sabbath practice that works for him. We invite you to join us in cultivating a practice of a weekly Sabbath- 24 hours in which we refrain from work and find joy in the Lord ..read more
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Ep. 1 Welcome to Yield
Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Welcome to the Yield podcast where we are getting curious about Spiritual Disciplines for the season of Lent. In this episode, Rev. Michelle Manuel and Rev. Colin Bagby discuss the origin story of this project and why these practices are helpful for the Christian life. They share their own experiences with Spiritual Disciplines and how to get started ..read more
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Yield Podcast
by St. Luke's UMC
3y ago
Teaser for upcoming Yield Podcast. New episodes drop every Sunday of Lent ..read more
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