4WDTalk is dedicated to overlanding and off-roading. 4WDTalk offers articles on new technology, reviews of products that are designed for off-road and overlanding enthusiasts
3M ago
I'm flying out to check out an off-road trailer in Washington state on Friday. If I like the trailer, I'll need to figure out how to get it to Virginia. Any ideas what is the most economy way? I would prefer not to drive up and drive back with it. Way to many miles. Can you ship something like this? It's a 14' trailer with 35" wheels on it ..read more
3M ago
Whoever is planning a road/off-road trip abroad, such as in the Pyrenees, the Western Alps, or in Iceland, will eventually face the exciting challenge of route planning. Off the paved roads, it’s...
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5M ago
Fall off road show in Pomona, Sat and Sun.
I'll be there about 9:30 am Saturday morning. I probably should leave my wallet at home ..read more
6M ago
What do you know about these running boards? I want to go higher with my lift, however my wife and kids need a step to get into the cab. How reliable are these during winter conditions where snow and ice are building up ..read more
6M ago
One year have passed since my last started thread here at 4wdtalk: The Quest for Travel, Freedom, and Adventure
I'm probably not the only one wondering how having a baby can impact future...
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6M ago
I’ve seen people towing two cars behind their truck. So not to ask a potentially crazy question: If I’m towing my Turtleback, which we are running out of space for long term trips. If we got something like one of those Space trailers, which are very lightweight. My Turtleback has a receiver in the back of it, so could I tow a Space trailer behind it with our firewood and other stuff ..read more
6M ago
My wife has a work conference in Vegas at the end of the month and we are thinking about exploring Nevada and doing a bit of camping if there are good spots worth exploring? We are hoping the heat will be lower as well. If you know of good spots, please share. We are taking the truck so clearance and traction are covered. Thank you ..read more
7M ago
From time to time should we be somehow cleaning the bottom of our fuel tanks in our rigs? If so how? I know there are fuel additives you can add to your fuel, but those can't remove solids that might have gotten in your tank. So how do you get that out ..read more
7M ago
I have had an electrical issue in my van and was told today that I should replace my batteries. I'm just starting my search, and could use some recommendations. Which brand batteries do you recommend ..read more