44 Clovers » Autism
Here on this page you will find a handful of up to date (2021) helpful resources to guide you into understanding what autism truly is. I am speaking as a late diagnosed autistic women who is also raising a diagnosed autistic son. If you'd like to learn more about my journey, it can be found here. I'm Rachel Bingham Kessler, the creator of 44Clovers. I've been knitting, spinning,..
44 Clovers » Autism
1y ago
I was asked at my last art walk if I'm able to make a living from what I do with all my fiber work. I didn't hesitate when I responded with YES. However, I was well aware that the intent behind the question was asking me if I could support myself BY making a profit ..read more
44 Clovers » Autism
2y ago
"Unknown to us, there are moments when crevices we cannot see open for time to come alive with beginning."~ John O'Donohue ..read more
44 Clovers » Autism
3y ago
Hi and Welcome! Here on this page you will find a handful of up to date (2021) helpful resources to guide you into understanding what autism truly is. I am speaking as a late diagnosed autistic women who is also raising a diagnosed autistic son. If you’d like to learn more about my journey, it ..read more
44 Clovers » Autism
3y ago
February is nearly over. Thank goodness. But what I intended to be a one month off in December has snowballed into three. Guess I needed it. Creating while being a mother is hilarious. Creating while your kids’ schedules constantly change because of a pandemic and weather is annoying AF. Creating while also being autistic and ..read more
44 Clovers » Autism
3y ago
It’s been a YEAR. My studio has become dusty and filled with items that do not belong there. Like legos. And someone else’s banana peels. I’ve been going through some major self awareness stuff and it’s just taken a lot out of me. I am not one to share struggles, or anything that is hard ..read more