Kinetic Revolution Blog
As a sports rehabilitation therapist working closely with a team of great physiotherapists, it's my dream to help as many runners as possible run stronger, and discover the joy of running injury-free. I started Kinetic Revolution back in 2010 as a means of sharing what I learn on my journey as an ex-pro rugby player working in the sports injury world, and becoming a marathon runner!
Kinetic Revolution Blog
3y ago
Mild ankle sprains usually only last 2-3 weeks. However, a moderately sprained ankle can take 6-12 weeks to recover enough for full running training. Severe ankle sprains which require surgery may take up to 6 months for full post-operative recovery and return to sport ..read more
Kinetic Revolution Blog
3y ago
How to prevent knee pain when running. I’ve got ten simple tips for you which will help you to prevent Runner’s Knee and continue to run pain free. This advice will help you to build stronger knees for running and keep you injury free ..read more
Kinetic Revolution Blog
3y ago
Do not run with a calf strain. Running with a calf strain is a bad idea, as you may make the injury worse. You must give the calf muscle time to heal properly. Running too soon after a calf strain increases the potential for further damage to the injured muscle tissue ..read more
Kinetic Revolution Blog
3y ago
You can train for a marathon with only 3 runs per week if you follow this simple marathon training plan. Running 3 times weekly will give you more flexibility in your schedule and helps many runners to prevent running injuries when marathon training ..read more
Kinetic Revolution Blog
3y ago
If you’re wondering how far you should be able to run in 30 minutes, we’ve got the answer for you. Learn how to improve your running fitness and run a 30 minute 5K in 12 weeks ..read more
Kinetic Revolution Blog
3y ago
If you want to run longer without getting tired, these training tips will help you to improve your running endurance, stamina and aerobic endurance ..read more