From Cow Poop to Clear Water
News For Kids
3d ago
From Cow Poop to Clear Water In India, many communities need to clean their dirty water. It's not easy. Many cleaning systems use chemicals and energy. They need workers. 印度有很多人需要淨化髒水,這個工作可不容易。汙水處理系統需要化學物質跟電力,也需要人手。 A man wanted to make a new system. But he didn't want his system to use chemicals, energy, or workers. 有一名男子想要研發新的系統,但是他不希望用到化學物質、能源跟人力。 The man had an idea. A cow's stomach has four parts. Each part has a special job. His system has four parts. Each part has a special job. 他想到讓系統跟牛的胃一樣,有四個部分而且每一個部分都有特殊功能。 Cow poop is in part one. Yes, smelly cow poop! This is smart. Brown wate more
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Spider Webs with DNA
News For Kids
5d ago
Spider Webs with DNA Ahhh! What's that little monster with eight legs? Oh, it's a spider! Spiders can help scientists. They make spider webs. Spider webs are sticky! That’s how they trap flies, mosquitoes, and… DNA! 蜘蛛可以助科學家一臂之力,蜘蛛網很黏,抓得住蒼蠅、蚊子還有…基因! Maybe you know "DNA" from the K-pop song by BTS. All living things have DNA. It's the code that makes living things look and work in one way. 你大概有聽過DNA這首歌,生物都有DNA,它決定生物的模樣跟行為。 Getting DNA is important for learning about living things. Getting it from cats, dogs, and zoo animals is easy. But getting it from wild animals is hard! 要研究生物,取得它的DNA more
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Microplastics Are Everywhere
News For Kids
5d ago
Microplastics Are Everywhere Plastic makes our lives easy. We use plastic bottles for drinks and plastic bags for food. When we’re done with them, we throw them away! 塑膠製品像是塑膠瓶、塑膠袋讓我們的生活更便利。通常使用之後就把它扔掉。 Lots of plastic trash goes into the ocean. After some years, it breaks down into microplastics. Microplastics are very small. How small? They're smaller than 5 millimeters. 很多塑膠垃圾流入海裡。幾年後,就會被分解成塑膠微粒,微粒有多小呢? 小於5毫米。 Fish and other animals eat and drink microplastics. Sometimes microplastics are in our food and water. Microplastics can be everywhere! 塑膠微粒無所不在。魚類跟其他的海洋生物會把塑膠微粒吃下肚。還會出現在我們的食物跟水中。 Mi more
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A Garbage Warning System for Taiwan's Beaches
News For Kids
5d ago
A Garbage Warning System for Taiwan's Beaches Yuck! Nobody likes garbage on the beach. Where does it come from? 沒有人喜歡海灘上的垃圾,這些垃圾到底從哪裡來的呢? Some garbage comes from people at the beach. They drink soda. Then they leave the cans on the beach. Or they eat a bag of chips. Then they leave the bag. 有一些垃圾是去海灘玩的人留下來的。他們喝完汽水、吃完洋芋片,就隨手丟在海灘上。 Lots of the garbage comes from the ocean. Waves push garbage from other places onto the beach. 很多海洋垃圾也會被海浪推到海灘上。 Environmental groups try to help the Earth in some way. Some environmental groups in Taiwan clean up beaches. But sometimes these beaches have lots of more
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Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams
News For Kids
1w ago
Gambian Photographer Works for Her Dreams **Narrator: **One, two, three, say cheese! Do you like taking photos? You can take photos of people, places, food … anything you want! People who take photos are photographers. 你喜歡拍照嗎?不論是人、物或地方都可以拍,專業拍照的人叫做攝影師。 A young photographer loves taking photos of soccer games. She’s from the Gambia.* *Her dream is to be a sports photographer for the Gambia. 一位甘比亞的年輕攝影師很喜歡拍足球比賽。她的夢想是成為甘比亞的運動攝影師。 One day, she got a big chance. There was a men's soccer competition in another country. Teams from many African countries were playing. The Gambian team wanted her to wo more
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Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs
News For Kids
1w ago
Flight Attendant Saves Flamingo Eggs Have you been on a plane? Flight attendants work on planes. They bring food and drinks to people. They help people. One day, a flight attendant helped six… flamingo eggs!?! 你坐過飛機嗎?飛機上的空服員會給乘客食物跟飲料,也協助乘客。有一次空服員救了六顆紅鶴的蛋。 Flamingos are big pink birds with long, thin legs. A zoo needed flamingos. So a zookeeper was taking the eggs to the zoo. 紅鶴是一種腳又細又長、粉紅色的大鳥。有一個動物園需要紅鶴,於是飼養員帶了六顆蛋準備送到動物園。 The eggs were in a special machine. It kept them warm. But the machine stopped working… Oh, no! The eggs needed to be warm! The zookeeper asked the flight attendant for he more
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This Guide Is a Penguin
News For Kids
1w ago
This Guide Is a Penguin At a zoo in England, a young penguin cannot see well. It was hard for her to do things. Sometimes she bumped into walls or other penguins. Oops! And sometimes she fell over rocks. Ouch! 英國動物園有一隻企鵝的眼睛狀況不佳,行動很不方便。有時候她會撞到同伴或牆壁,也會被石頭絆倒。 Getting food was scary. When it was time to eat, lots of hungry penguins ran to the food! They got food with their long, sharp beaks. 餵食的時候也很危險,很多企鵝會衝到食物前,用牠們長長、尖銳的嘴巴吃東西。 But she couldn't see their beaks! She didn't want to get hurt. She needed help! 但是這隻企鵝看不到同伴的尖嘴。她需要幫忙讓她不受傷。 Another penguin was shy. He didn't join the other penguins. B more
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No Phones in England's Schools
News For Kids
1w ago
No Phones in England's Schools Are mobile phones the most important thing kids have? 手機對小朋友來說很重要嗎? England's government doesn't think they are. With phones at school, many kids can't study well. They don't talk very much to others. They sit and use their phones. 英國很多小孩帶手機上學,讓他們沒辦法專心上課。他們也不怎麼一起聊天,都坐著滑手機。 So England's government will have a new rule: kids cannot use phones at school! They cannot use phones in class! They cannot use them during breaks! This means no phones between classes and no phones at lunchtime! 英國政府有了新規定,小朋友不可以在學校用手機,上課、下課跟吃飯時間都不可以用。 Schools can decide what to do with ph more
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This Cat Loves Salad
News For Kids
1w ago
This Cat Loves Salad A woman wanted a cat. She went to an animal shelter to get one. Animal shelters take care of animals with no homes. People can get a pet and take it home. 有一位女士想要養貓,於是她去動物收容所想要領養一隻。 The animal shelter had many cats. The woman saw a cute black cat. She liked him very much. He went home with her. 收容所有很多貓,她看到一隻可愛的黑色貓咪,非常喜歡就帶牠回家。 At home, she learned something about the cat. He ate a lot! And he wanted to eat more than cat food! 這隻貓進家門之後,女士發現牠很會吃,而且想吃的還不只是貓食。 One day, she ate a sandwich. The cat smelled the sandwich. He meowed and meowed loudly. 有一天她在吃三明治,貓咪聞到了味道,大聲的喵喵叫。 T more
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From a Backyard Rocket to a Space Mission
News For Kids
2w ago
From a Backyard Rocket to a Space Mission Narrator: Space is so big. There's always something new to learn. 外太空很大,還有很多新知可以去探索。 In 2020, a girl from the UK was six years old. On TV, she saw a rocket launch to Mars. Astronaut Liz, or Astro Liz, fell in love with space then. 2020年,英國一位六歲女孩在電視上看到火箭發射到火星,從此之後愛上外太空。 Astro Liz loves learning about space. She makes videos about space. She posts them online. She shares her learning and excitement with everyone! Liz 喜歡學習太空知識,也製作太空影片放到網路上,分享給大家。 Astro Liz made a cool rocket in her backyard. She made it with cardboard. The rocket was about two meters more
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