121. 綠島走讀 A Pilgrimage to Green Island: Taiwan's White Terror Prison
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
1w ago
分享我今年去綠島參加「人權走讀」的經驗,和白色恐怖受難者一起回到綠島當時的監獄,和我們分享那時發生的事。In this episode, I share my experience visiting Green Island to participate in a "Human Rights Workshop." We visited the former prison with survivors of Taiwan's White Terror, hearing their personal stories about what happened there. ?Resources 參考資料: 陳欽生口述歷史, 政治受難者口述歷史|簡中生 ?Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast -- Join my Patreon 贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ?Chinese graded readers, lessons and more: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/ ✨Maayot: https://www.maayot.com -- Hosting provi ..read more
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119. 日本之旅 (2)京都 My Japan Trip(2): Kyoto
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
1w ago
In part two of my Japan trip, I talk about what I did and how I felt about Kyoto. 我的日本之旅下集,繼續來聊聊京都。 ?Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast -- Join my Patreon 贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ?Chinese graded readers, lessons and more: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/ ✨Maayot: https://www.maayot.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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78. 在台南30年的英國人 Interview with Rob - 1
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
1w ago
Rob came to Taiwan from the UK in 1993. Since then, he has been living in Tainan. In this episode, he talks about what brought him to Taiwan and why he chose to make Taiwan his home. He also shares how he learned Chinese in the 90s. PS, This interview was recorded in a cafe so the audio quality isn't as good as usual ? Rob和我們分享當初為何大學一畢業就來到台灣、在台南定居至今,還有二、三十年前是怎麼學語言的。 PS, 這集訪問是在外面錄的,所以音質沒那麼好,很在意音質的朋友可以先聽聽看別集~ ► Access the full transcripts and support this podcast on Patreon (02:27) 當初為什麼會想到台灣來? (06:06) 英國人和台灣人在選擇大學科系上的差別 (09:18) 九零年代初期,網路不發達的時候怎麼學語言呢? (14:10) 為什麼選擇在台南生活? ⭐ Special thanks to ..read more
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67. 戴牙套 Wearing Dental Braces | 6 Minute Chinese
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
1w ago
Talking about my experience with braces. 分享我戴牙套的經驗。 ► Support this podcast and subscribe to the full transcripts on my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ► Buy me a coffee to support me 請我喝杯咖啡 https://ko-fi.com/abbychen ► Follow us on: YouTube Channel: Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby Instagram: @TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ► Join my FREE newsletter -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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120. 拆牙套了! Got my braces off!
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Abby
3w ago
Sharing my journey with dental braces and how it feels to finally have them off. 分享戴牙套的經驗以及終於拆掉的心情。 ?Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast -- Join my Patreon 贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ?Chinese graded readers, lessons and more: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/ ✨Maayot: https://www.maayot.com > -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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118. 日本之旅(1)大阪 My Japan Trip(1): Osaka
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
1M ago
Talk about my experience of traveling in Osaka this August. 分享八月去日本大阪旅行的經驗。 ?Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast -- Join my Patreon 贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ?Chinese graded readers, lessons and more: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/ ✨Maayot: https://www.maayot.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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117. 台灣是行人地獄?Is Taiwan A Living Hell for Pedestrians? 
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
2M ago
聊聊我對於台灣的交通和行人地獄的看法和經驗。 In this episode, I talk about my experiences of being a pedestrian in Taiwan and how unfriendly it is for pedestrians, as well as my thoughts on how it can be improved. ?Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast -- Join my Patreon 贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ?Chinese graded readers, lessons, blog posts, and more: www.talktaiwanesemandarin.com ✨Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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107. 高敏感 Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
2M ago
✨Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.com?via=abby 聊聊「高敏感」有什麼特徵和優缺點。Let's discuss the traits, strengths, and challenges of being a "Highly Sensitive Person" (HSP). ?Get PDF transcripts & Ad-Free episodes and support this podcast --Join my Patreon贊助這個節目+下載逐字稿: https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ?Chinese lessons, graded readers, newsletter, and more: www.talktaiwanesemandarin.com ?Reference: What Is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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90. 台灣血淚史(1) Taiwan’s Tragic History: Colonialism, 228 and the White Terror
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
2M ago
In this episode I talk about the contemporary history of Taiwan, which covers Japanese colonialism(1895-1945), the KMT (aka Chinese Nationalist Party)’s brutal rule: 228 Massacre(1947) and 38-year-long martial law period (aka the White Terror, 1947-1987). I also discuss the complexity of Taiwanese people’s identity. 本集談談台灣悲慘的歷史:日本殖民時期、國民黨來台後的228事件大屠殺、長達三十八年的戒嚴/白色恐怖時期,以及台灣人複雜的身份認同。 ? Transcript and Reference 逐字稿&參考資料: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/2023/04/05/taiwan-history/ ? My playlist for this episode ? Listen on YouTube with subtitles ? Check out my Chinese Graded Readers: https ..read more
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86. 紐約 24 hours in NYC
Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby
by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活
2M ago
⭐Improve your Chinese through reading Abby's novels: TalkTaiwaneseMandarin.com/books Join me for a day trip through New York City: seeing a Broadway show for the first time, wandering Brooklyn at night, and having a 'bad trip'. 聊聊我初次的美國行之紐約一日遊, 第一次去看百老匯、夜裡在布魯克林閒晃,還有一場意外的迷幻之旅。 ► Subscribe to the full transcripts for each episode on my Patreon ► Buy me a coffee to support me 請我喝杯咖啡:贊助這個節目 ► Join my FREE newsletter -- Hosting provided by SoundOn ..read more
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