Episode 242: Heroes and Villains
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
1M ago
What's the difference between a hero and a villain? What they do with their suffering. Today we talk about just that. Join the conversation, give us a 5-star review, and connect with us via the inter-web's social media streams... make sure to drop a message and/or comment. Seriously, let us know you're out there and that you're praying for us as we pray for you... Instagram (this gets checked every other day): www.instagram.com/dudecatholic/ Don't even bother with Facebook or X. We're never there ..read more
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Episode 240: Blaiseing Scripture
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
5M ago
Join Adrian and our friend Blaise as we talk about one of my favorite methods for evangelization. Here we dive into how we fell in love with The Word of God and how we use it to evangelize at home and at large. So join the conversation, give us a 5-star review, and connect with us via the inter-web's social media streams... make sure to drop a message and/or comment. Seriously, let us know you're out there and that you're praying for us as we pray for you... Instagram (this gets checked every other day): www.instagram.com/dudecatholic/ Don't even bother with Facebook or X. We're never there ..read more
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Episode 238: Dad's Day
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
5M ago
For our father's day episode this year, we have a really special guest. The one and only, Clara. Adrian's youngest will be the one answering some questions about God and fatherhood. So sit back and enjoy the cutest episode of the year and remember to follow us on social media and stuff. We’re only active on instagram and by proxy through facebook, but if you’re trying to reach out, make sure you do it through insta. Like I said… Stay in touch. Instagram (this gets checked every other day): www.instagram.com/dudecatholic/ Don't even bother with facebook or X. We're never there ..read more
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Episode 237: What is next
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
6M ago
In this episode we talk about the transition from lent to easter, from death to life, from adversity to the victory. Because the greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Ooooh I should have said that in the podcast. Oh well. Remember to follow us on social media and stuff. We’re only active on instagram and by proxy through facebook, but if you’re trying to reach out, make sure you do it through insta.  Like I said… Stay in touch. Instagram (this gets checked every other day):  www.instagram.com/dudecatholic/   Don't even bother with facebook or X. We're never there ..read more
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Episode 236: All along
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
6M ago
So, here we are again to talk about Lent, Easter, the stuff, about, and the things. But you're not here to read and I'm not here to type, so listen to the podcast and pray for us... Stay in touch. Instagram (this gets checked every other day): www.instagram.com/dudecatholic/ Don't even bother with facebook or X. We're never there. For the book - The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich Copy and paste (if not already a link) for a playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiPBCRF5M-Y&list=PLEYDcemW6Gv_kJv45ujNWEAO2lLE8O4kd ..read more
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Episode 234: Review
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
1y ago
In this installment of the podcast that refuses to die, we talk briefly about the Padre Pio movie (like, really briefly) and The Sound of Freedom as well as the implications of the related ailments that plague our society's tearing down of the masculine fabric and what we can and do about them. In order to not plagiarize, the links for the clips we used are at the bottom of these notes. Remember to like, subscribe, and all that junk (give us a 5-star review) and if you want to follow on the socials, here is the stuffs about the links: Instagram (this gets checked every other day): www.instagr ..read more
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Episode 228: Who?
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
2y ago
Have you ever heard a homily that made you upset enough to record a podcast? I forgot this episode was supposed to be about who gets into heaven and I talk about a homily that perhaps contained heresy. Well, let's see if this gets controversial... it shouldn't, but we at least need to call out the bad stuff when it happens. What do you think? Join the conversation, give us a 5-star review, and connect with us via the inter-web's social media streams... make sure to drop a message and/or comment but not both, we start charging if you get too crazy. Here's some notes: Readings for: August 21st ..read more
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Episode 227: Too Much
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
2y ago
When is enough enough? Today Adrian and Ramon talk about that in the newest installment of the dude|CATHOLIC podcast. As usual, please remember to share this podcast (it may help with this whole evangelization process,) join the conversation, give us a 5-star review, and connect with us via the inter-web's social media streams... make sure to drop a message and/or comment but not both, we start charging if you get too crazy. Instagram (this gets checked daily): www.instagram.com/dudecatholic/ Twitter (we hardly go on Twitter): www.twitter.com/dudecatholic1 Facebook (we don't really monitor fa ..read more
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Episode 226: Friendship
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
2y ago
In today's episode featuring the Funky Four - Adrian, Javier, Memo, and Edgar; Javier makes an unsavory joke cocktail by mixing an engagement and the feast of Pentecost. Oh yeah, and as the title indicates; we talk about friendship. Memo did pay his dues, so we are obliged to promote his ever growing blog and podcast "Le Nouvel Esprit" at:  https://www.lenouvelesprit.com Edgar's podcast is available at:  https://brokenspearmedia.com  As usual, please remember to share this podcast, join the conversation, give us a 5-star review, and connect with us via the inter-web's social m ..read more
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Episode 225: Justice
dude|CATHOLIC Podcast
by dude|CATHOLIC
2y ago
Today we hear an episode that should have been released weeks ago, but better late than never. In this -worth the wait episode, we are joined by the lovely Mrs. Dude Catholic herself as Adrian awkwardly flirts with cheesy pickup lines and they both dive into the overturning of Roe V Wade and what it means to America and Catholics. So if you're pro-abortion, you are probably not even listening to this podcast, but if you are; you must love being upset. Fair warning, you will be triggered. Just thought we'd get a woman's voice in for this one. As usual, please remember to share this podcast (it ..read more
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