S10 Día 54 - Misterios Dolorosos en Agradecimiento
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
by Maritza Mendez
4M ago
Hola Familia, Bienvenidos al día 54 de nuestra Novena del Rosario de 54 días, Ayer, Sábado Santo, fue un día de espera en silencio. ¡Pero hoy, todo es emoción y felicidad porque Jesús ha resucitado! En este día, Cristo resucitó de la tumba, asegurándonos el regalo de la vida eterna. Al reunirnos en oración y celebración, que la historia de la Resurrección nos inspire a abrazar la esperanza, a vivir vidas de fe y a amarnos mutuamente como Cristo nos ama. Que este Domingo de Resurrección sea un tiempo de renovación espiritual profunda y celebración alegre para ti y tus seres queridos. Familia ..read more
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S10 Day 54 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
by Maritza Mendez
4M ago
Hello Family,  Welcome to day 54 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena. Yesterday, Holy Saturday, was a day of waiting quietly. But today, it's all about excitement and happiness because Jesus is alive again! on this day, Christ rose from the grave, securing for us the gift of eternal life. As we gather in prayer and celebration, may the Resurrection story inspire us to embrace hope, to live lives of faith, and to love one another as Christ loves us. May this Easter Sunday be a time of profound spiritual renewal and joyous celebration for you and your loved ones. Family, today marks our final pra ..read more
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S10 Day 53 - Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
by Maritza Mendez
4M ago
Hello Family, Welcome back. Today is day 53 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena, Holy Saturday: A Day of Silence and Waiting Holy Saturday is a day of quiet reflection and anticipation. On this sacred day, we remember Christ's descent into the realm of the dead, where he proclaimed liberation to the souls awaiting redemption. It is a time of waiting and preparation, as we await the dawn of the Resurrection. As we observe Holy Saturday, let us enter into the silence of the tomb, where Christ lay in rest before his glorious rising. Let us contemplate the mystery of salvation unfolding, trusting in the ..read more
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S10 Día 53 - Misterios Gozosos en Agradecimiento
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
by Maritza Mendez
4M ago
Hola Familia, ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo! Hoy es el día 53 de nuestra Novena del Rosario de 54 días, Sábado Santo: Un Día de Silencio y Espera. El Sábado Santo es un día de reflexión y anticipación. En este día sagrado, recordamos el descenso de Cristo al reino de los muertos, donde proclamó la liberación a las almas que esperaban redención. Es un tiempo de espera y preparación, mientras aguardamos el amanecer de la Resurrección. Al observar el Sábado Santo, permitámonos entrar en el silencio del sepulcro, donde Cristo yace en reposo antes de su gloriosa resurrección. Contemplemos el misterio de l ..read more
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S10 Día 52 - Misterios Luminosos en Agradecimiento
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
4M ago
Hola Familia, Bienvenidos de nuevo. Hoy es el día 52 de nuestro Novena del Rosario de 54 Días, Viernes Santo de la Pasión del Señor. El Viernes Santo conmemora la crucifixión de Jesucristo y su muerte sacrificial en la cruz para la redención de la humanidad. Es un día de profundo pesar y duelo, pero también un día de profunda gratitud y esperanza. En el Viernes Santo, estamos llamados a contemplar el inmenso amor de Dios, que entregó voluntariamente a su único Hijo para sufrir y morir por nuestros pecados. Es un amor que no conoce límites, un amor que incluso conquista la muerte misma. Mien ..read more
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S10 Day 52 - Luminous Mysteries in Thanksgiving
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
by Maritza Mendez
4M ago
Hello Family, Welcome back. Today is day 52 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death on the cross for the redemption of humanity. It is a day of deep sorrow and mourning, yet also a day of profound gratitude and hope. On Good Friday, we are called to contemplate the immense love of God, who willingly gave his only Son to suffer and die for our sins. It is a love that knows no bounds, a love that conquers even death itself. As we reflect on the events of Good Friday, let us enter into th ..read more
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S10 Day 51 - Glorious Mysteries in Thanksgiving
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
4M ago
Hello Family, Welcome back. Today is day 51 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena,  Thursday of Holy Week. On Maundy Thursday, we are reminded of two key events: the institution of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) during the Last Supper and Jesus' act of washing the feet of his disciples, demonstrating the importance of humility and service. The term "Maundy" emphasizes the commandment of love and service that Jesus imparted to his followers on this day. On this Maundy Thursday, let us follow Jesus' example of humility, love, and service to one another. Let us also deepen our appreciation for the g ..read more
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S10 Day 50 - Sorrowful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
4M ago
Hello Family, Welcome back. Today is day 50 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena,  Wednesday of Holy Week.  On Holy Wednesday, our hearts are drawn to the events leading up to Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the cross.  It was on this day that Judas Iscariot, driven by greed and betrayal, made the fateful decision to hand Jesus over to the authorities. The solemnity of Holy Wednesday calls us to contemplate the reality of human frailty and the consequences of our actions.  Also, on this day, a woman, in profound love and devotion, anointed Jesus with costly perfume, foreshadowing hi ..read more
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S10 Día 50 - Misterios Dolorosos en Agradecimiento
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
4M ago
Hola Familia, Bienvenidos de nuevo. Hoy es el día 50 de nuestra Novena de 54 Días, miércoles de Semana Santa. En el Miércoles Santo, nuestros corazones son atraídos hacia los eventos que conducen al sacrificio final de Jesús en la cruz. Fue en este día que Judas Iscariote, impulsado por la avaricia y la traición, tomó la decisión fatal de entregar a Jesús a las autoridades. La solemnidad del Miércoles Santo nos llama a contemplar la realidad de la fragilidad humana y las consecuencias de nuestras acciones. Además, en este día, una mujer, en un acto de profundo amor y devoción, ungió a Jesús ..read more
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S10 Day 49 - Joyful Mysteries in Thanksgiving
“54 Days of Roses”- Catholic Rosary Novena
4M ago
Hello Family, Welcome back. Today is day 49 of our 54-Day Rosary Novena,  Tuesday of Holy Week.  On Holy Tuesday, we reflect on Jesus' teachings and parables, especially those from his time in Jerusalem. A significant moment is the Olivet Discourse, where Jesus discusses the end times and stresses the need for readiness for his second coming. Holy Tuesday also prompts us to examine our own lives and spiritual practices. Are we truly living out the teachings of Jesus? Are we prepared to meet him when he comes again? As we reflect on Holy Tuesday, let us strive to embody the teachin ..read more
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