What is Graduated Exposure?
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
Many of the children who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder experience an array of issues that can include communication, and social skill problems, as well as behavioral issues. In some, this can lead to overstated responses to certain environments and conditions. This might manifest as a child who demonstrates aggressive behavior when they are exposed to cold or heat. One of the ways ABA therapists help autistic children with these reactions to irrational fears is with a therapeutic technique known as Graduated Exposure. What Is Graduated Exposure? ABA therapists sometimes use gradu ..read more
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What Is Operant Conditioning
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
Operant conditioning was originally developed by the pioneering behaviorist psychologist B.F. Skinner. Also known as “Instrumental Conditioning” It employs associative learning principles that specifically focus on the strength of behavior as well as how it can be modified through either positive or negative. Reinforcement. In the modern landscape of psychology, operant conditioning’s principles can be applied to adults as well as children. It can even be used to train pets, and companion animals. Though the most widely used form of operant conditioning is Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy ..read more
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What is Non-Verbal Autism?
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
Autism spectrum disorder can manifest in a variety of ways, symptoms, and behaviors. It’s estimated that roughly 40% of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder are considered nonverbal. This means that they might never learn to speak more than a few words. Yet, it’s important to note that the term “Nonverbal Autism” isn’t a technical diagnosis. Instead, it is a trait that is often found with more severe forms of autism or level 3 autism. In a lot of these cases, the child might eventually learn to speak or make significant strides in their communication skills with time and a strat ..read more
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Exposure Therapy For Children to Overcome Anxiety
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
The philosopher Aristotle once noted that nature outfits human beings with emotions for a reason and that all emotions serve a purpose. In this light anxiety is a normal, adaptive emotion. In a healthy context, it serves to motivate us to prepare for future threats. Yet for some individuals, and children in particular, anxiety occurs too frequently, and sometimes too intensely for the given situation. In these instances, anxiety can impair specific functional areas of the brain, leading to significant distress. Helping Kids Cope With Fear & Anxiety Of course, parents naturally want to elim ..read more
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Career Types In Applied Behavior Analysis
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
Behavior analysis and the psychology of operant conditioning is the scientific study of behavior and learning. In the professional realm, behavior analysts study socially significant behavior as well as its relationship to the individual’s environment to better understand why people do what they do. Applied behavior analysts operate as both scientists and therapeutic practitioners. This leads to a wide variety of specialties within the applied behavioral analysis fields. Career specialties can range from medicine to psychology, as well as marketing and even law. This means there is a lot that ..read more
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ABA Therapy Techniques
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy (ABA Therapy) is a data-driven approach to behavior science that has proven itself to be the gold standard for helping individuals on the autism spectrum to improve their skills and social interactions. ABA therapy’s principles can be applied to a wide range of other behavioral disorders including: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Physical abuse Emotional abuse Psychiatric disorders Substance abuse ABA Therapy Principles ABA therapy focuses on altering negative behaviors and creating positive behavioral patterns through positive reinforcement as well ..read more
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What Is Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy for Autism?
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
Applied behavior analysis, which is often referred to as ABA Therapy is a process that teaches skills and instills positive behavior patterns through data-driven reinforcement. When it comes to therapeutic outcomes for individuals on the Autism spectrum, ABA therapy is typically thought of as being the gold standard. ABA treatment strategies have a long reputation for success when it comes to helping individuals with autism learn behaviors, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and learn new skills. To help you understand if ABA therapy is right for you or your child on the autism spectrum, we wi ..read more
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What Is A Registered Behavior Technician?
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
A Registered Behavior Technician is an individual who works under the close supervision of a BCBA, BCaBA, or FL-CBA to implement behavior-analytic services to patients and clients. Often referred to as an RBT, they are in high demand through the ABA therapy spectrum. What Does An RBT Do? RBTs play a critical role in providing mental health services to patients who are struggling with various behavioral problems. This can include things like: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Physical abuse Emotional abuse Psychiatric disorders Substance abuse It’s important to note that an RBT does not c ..read more
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How to Become a Registered Behavior Technician
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
A career as an ABA therapist is one of the most rewarding callings a compassionate individual can aspire to. One of the best pathways for making a positive impact on the lives of others is to become a registered behavior technician. Often referred to as an RBT a registered behavior technician is essentially a paraprofessional who uses ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) treatment plans under the supervision and direction of board-certified ABAs therapists. What Does A Registered Behavior Technician Do? RBTs are directly responsible for executing the interventions and treatment strategies that are ..read more
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Autism: Symptoms and Treatment
Magnolia Behavior Therapy Blog
by Magnolia Behavior Therapy Team
3y ago
What is Autism? A developmental disorder appearing in the first three years of life, autism influences the brain’s ability to maintain normal development of communication and social abilities. Although significant amounts of research continue to be done to identify the causes of autism, there have been very few conclusive studies defining specific causes. In Seattle, many believe that genetic factors are key in determining the developmental disability. Other factors include vaccine sensitivity, mercury poisoning, vitamin deficiencies, and diet. Autism Symptoms Parents typically recognize behav ..read more
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