UX24/7 » UX Research
Learn more about user experience, research, methods, and more! UX24/7 is an International UX Research Agency. We help businesses deliver transformational change in the areas of user experience strategy, digital processes, and online performance through UX consulting, insight generation, and UX design.
UX24/7 » UX Research
1y ago
Every year, at around the same time, UX design experts worldwide make predictions about the most significant areas they expect to impact our industry. Over recent years, we’ve seen many regular contenders, such as virtual and augmented reality, AI and machine learning, responsive UI, and voice assistants, all regularly raising their heads, and rightly so, as the impacting elements pushing how we build digital products forward.
We exist in a growth mindset industry, so forward movement is a must, and that means (as you read similar articles to this) you can expect to see areas connected to t ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
1y ago
An Introduction to Ethical UX Design
“You won’t believe what happened next—follow our link to find out.”
“Close the page if you don’t want to get rich the easy way.”
“Sign up for our free trial (credit card required).”
While spending so much of our everyday lives online, the above phrases are likely commonplace within our daily scrolling. Despite rolling our eyes at such obvious exploits and feeling despair at the clickbait and emotional manipulation, we’re often still driven by subconscious needs and desires to find out what’s behind that next click or to sign up for something we feel might ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
1y ago
This July, we are celebrating 10-years since the launch of UX24/7. When we launched, I felt the time was right for building a global design research agency with a different operating model to that of traditional agencies. As the industry goes through another transition, I thought I’d take the opportunity to look back at our achievements of the past decade.
There were many achievements in the first year, and not least that we survived at all! We were very fortunate that the people who new us were willing to trust in us to deliver their research. And I am forever grateful to Neal Preece and Se ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
2y ago
There are many reasons you might deliver UX surveys:
Deliver insights into what potential users want from a new or existing product;
List the qualities and failings of an existing website or app;
Explore the value of a new feature or function;
Measure changes in attitudes or performance of a product over time.
When delivering a survey, user research is direct and straightforward. Used in conjunction with other methods, they’re a valuable way of narrowing down customer behaviour trends and opinions that, when used to deliver an improved product, lead to a flawless customer user experience ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
2y ago
When it comes to user experience, it goes without saying that not all users are created equal. People come in all shapes and sizes, every level of intelligence, and here’s the vital part, with very different wants and needs.
Building a product that satisfies users’ needs demands that you know who your typical users are, how they operate, and what motivates them. User experience personas deliver the easiest way to digest and understand precisely that.
User personas highlight what your users want and need and how they feel and act before, during, and after achieving their goals.
They need to ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
2y ago
Success. Every business, no matter its size or operation, strives to do better: to come out above its competition, to capture more sales than last week, last month, or last year, to thrive instead of just getting by.
There are many avenues those businesses must pursue that, when carried out well, lead to the type of success we’re talking about. In the digital age, where your customers engage and buy through their tech more often than they do from walking into a store or picking up the latest catalogue, a business is only as good as its website, intranet, or app.
And that’s where a UX researc ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
3y ago
Ultimately, UX design and research isn’t just important but essential in driving data-led solutions to problems you may never have known about without them. Understanding your users, how they found your digital product, and how they interact gives you the precise information required to deliver what they want and need from you.
With the short version of our answer taken care of, let’s dive a bit deeper into how and why it works so well.
Why UX research? Why usability testing? And what’s the difference?
For those who prefer the why to the how, here are a few popular statistics that are regula ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
3y ago
The relationship between UX wireframe and UX research
In this article, we’re going to look into the questions:
What are UX wireframes?
How are they used in the design process?
What could replace them?
How do they benefit UX research?
When we consider website design, the first thing most of us think of is branding and brand style, the colours and features it throws out as soon as the page loads, and how enticing that is to propel us through our journey in achieving what we need from it.
Before that page of striking images, cleverly written copy, and whirling bells and whistles becomes a livi ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
3y ago
Good news! More organisations than ever are doing UX Research. For those going it alone, either all or some of the time, storing and managing participant data is a growing challenge.
As organisations recruit their customers to participate in research they need somewhere to store the data. Many are running lengthy Mailchimp lists having carried out recruitment activities via website links or mail outs. But a huge and growing list of customer details is difficult to manage and raises numerous GDPR risks. What can they do about it?
A new panel management solution
One solution is PanelFox. I hav ..read more
UX24/7 » UX Research
3y ago
I was asked recently whether Research Ops should be involved in UX Research strategy. My initial response was that we don’t involve Res Ops in UX Research strategy. But on consideration it is more nuanced than that. I have therefore set out the reasons why we don’t and also how we do.
The focus of Research Ops in UX24/7
We consider Research Ops a strategic capability. It has always been the case that in agencies like ours the pace of work is frenetic. At any one time we are organising and aligning any of the following:
participants ..read more