Emotional Sobriety
Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, wrote in 1952, "If we examine every disturbance we have, great or small, we will find at the root some unhealthy dependence and its consequent demand." Wilson suggested that if we could identify and continually surrender these unrealistic and unrecognizable demands, we may then be able to accomplish what he imagined to be..
Emotional Sobriety
1w ago
Allen and Thom return to familiar emotional sobriety territory of living in the pauses and managing our reactions to fears both real and imagined, which this time revolve around recent Presidential shenanigans.
Thom's book, Embracing Fear: https://www.amazon.com/Embracing-Fear-Turn-Scares-Greatest/dp/0062517759/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Join an ongoing Zoom meeting wherein participants read Bill Schaberg’s 30 Things: Practical Advice for Living Well chapter-by-chapter here:
11.00am East Coast / 4.00pm U.K.
ID: 875 319 1947
Password: 2GROWIN
&n ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
1w ago
Returning to our definition of a more mature love, challenging not the concept of “self” entirely, but an expanding our sense of self to include others, embracing relationships. We only get better at this by practicing!
More about Thom’s book “What Love Is” on his website: https://www.thomrutledge.com/thom-s-books
Actor Michael Shannon on love: https://www.npr.org/2025/01/31/nx-s1-5272576/actor-michael-shannon-explains-how-his-idea-of-love-has-changed-as-hes-grown-older
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
  ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
2w ago
Picking up the discussion from last week, in crafting our emotionally sober foundation and cultivating our awareness, what do we need to be aware of to fully “see”? What we’re aware of and what we’re conscious of is determined by our current level of development.
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast: https://pod.link/1460539626
Join an ongoing Zoom meeting wherein participants read Bill Schaberg’s 30 Things: Practical Advice for Living Well chapter-by-chapter h ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
3w ago
Our awareness is what we use to make contact with the world. The quality of that contact will determine how well we can cope with or adapt to any situation that we’re facing. If our awareness is entirely focused on others instead of ourselves, our contact will be diminished, just as the same is true if the polarity shifts the other way. Our ability to respond to situations will be compromised if our awareness is compromised.
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast: https ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
1M ago
Patrick and Allen deal with their own fears and resentments surrounding the Los Angeles wildfires. Patrick welcomes to the pod Los Angeles residents Josh S. and Danny B. to discuss how this natural disaster has touched them and their loved ones, stress testing their own recoveries. The appropriate alignment with reality that emotional sobriety entails puts us in touch with the darker side of human nature as well as the light. We spur to action but leave space for the grief that must occur for us to fully heal.
Help Josh’s family who lost their home in the fire: https://www.gofundme.com ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
1M ago
Why are some people surpassingly resilient in sobriety, not only restoring to their wellness conditions pre-alcoholism and pre-trauma, but emerging even better than they were before? Conversely, why do some of us languish in stress and depression as a new normal, post alcohol, drugs, or traumatic exposure?
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast: https://pod.link/1460539626
Join an ongoing Zoom meeting wherein participants read Bill Schaberg’s 30 Things: Practical ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
1M ago
Responsibility creates empowerment. Closing this year of the podcast as we look ahead to 2025, Allen, Thom, and Patrick consider the evolution of the concept of emotional sobriety. So much of it comes down to relationships. Standing for ourselves while continuing to show up for others. The more we allow for flexibility, the freer we become.
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast: https://pod.link/1460539626
Join an ongoing Zoom meeting wherein participants ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
2M ago
A quick one, before Christmas - Thom and Patrick talk about their sideways shuffle towards emotional sobriety, accepting the things they cannot change and locating the courage to change the things they can.
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast: https://pod.link/1460539626
Join an ongoing Zoom meeting wherein participants read Bill Schaberg’s 30 Things: Practical Advice for Living Well chapter-by-chapter here:
11.00am East Coast / 4.00pm U.K.
ID: 875 319 1947
Pa ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
2M ago
Allen, Joe, and Patrick continue their ongoing discussion of the holiday season, encountering new challenges and opportunities to hold onto themselves while showing up for others.
Learn more about Joe C., Secular AA and Rebellion Dogs here: https://rebelliondogspublishing.com/
Check out Howard Malitz’ Seasons of Sobriety podcast: https://pod.link/1460539626
Join an ongoing Zoom meeting wherein participants read Bill Schaberg’s 30 Things: Practical Advice for Living Well chapter-by-chapter here:
11.00am East Coast / 4.00pm U.K.
ID: 875 319 1947
Password: 2GROWIN
Upco ..read more
Emotional Sobriety
2M ago
Thom, Joe, and Patrick (with a late episode appearance by Allen, fresh off his somatic therapy workshop) discuss how our individual conceptions of rightness and wrongness intersect with our recoveries. How can they enhance or detract from our relationships? And as always, how can we expand our emotional sobriety within these value markers?
Check out Joe's latest Rebellion Dogs episode for more on this and a look ahead to recovery in the new year:
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