Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
  Wolves are fantastic animals. They are known as the ancestors of Dogs. Wolves are strong animals. I love the way they work in packs; such unity. I also love the way they howl at night, their speed. All these in short, I love wolves. Now let's talk more about these wolves. WHAT ARE WOLVES (SCIENTIFICALLY) Wolves are of the species CANIS LUPUS, the genus CANIS, the phylum CHORDATA, and the kingdom ANIMALIA WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF WOLVES? Wolves are actually very intelligent animals and  as I have seen in a show sometimes even playful. They have long snouts and long tails ..read more
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Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
The dog, what a beautiful and living animal. No wonder why it is called man's best friend. If you have ever had a dog I think you would understand how precious and loving a dog can be. I used to have a dog. It was wonderful while it lasted. I really loved my dog. I felt very sad when it died. Well In this article I am going to talk about dogs. WHAT ARE DOGS(SCIENTIFICALLY)? A dog is a mammal of the family candae, the order carnivora, phylum chordata and from the kingdom Animalia. It's scientific name is canis lupus familiaris. They are really beautiful with their long noses(or snouts). We kno ..read more
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The fox-The forest trickster
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
People normally don't see foxes like honest or sincere animals. Of course animals can't be honest, but they are normally seen as tricky. In a movie the fox was a thief. Why? Well we are going some cool facts about the fox and maybe you will see them in a different light. FIRST, WHAT ARE FOXES? Foxes are of the family canidae,of the class Mammalia, phylum chordata,order carnivora and kingdom animalia. They are not usually very big. They are omnivores. They live in burrows in forest areas. Cool right? Really digging a burrow and living in it is cool. As long as you don't go close to the earth's ..read more
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Lightening-A mighty force of nature
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
Lightning is a powerful force. It can blind you, sometimes even makes you scared. What is it and how is it formed? We will see that and so much more in this article. WHAT IS LIGHTNING AND HOW IS IT FORMED? Well lightening is that big spark you see during a storm, that big outburst of electricity that probably scares you. So how is it formed? Well during storms, friction happens between the bottom of the clouds and the ground. The bottom of the clouds has negative electrons and the ground has positive electrons. You know what they say: "opposite attracts". The positive and negative electrons ..read more
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Drill monkeys (the old world monkeys)
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
The drill monkey is known for its shyness and its great big smile. It is a native or indegenous to southeast Nigeria. One state you can find it in is Obudu in Cross River State, Nigeria. It can also be found in western Cameroon and on Bioko island. It is a primate of the genus Mandrillus, class Mammalia, family Cercopithecidae, of the species Mandrillus leucophaeus and from the kingdom Animalia. WHAT KIND PLACE MAKES THE RIGHT HABITAT FOR THE DRILL MONKEYS? Drill monkeys live in big and dense forests. They live in coastal and reverine forests according to this website-https://animalia.bio/dri ..read more
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The king of the jungle - The lion
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
the lion, the king of the jungle, the model of courage, strength and power, the king of the pride. In this article we will talk more about the lion and it's characteristics. I am not really a cat lover, but I must admit that the lion is a cool animal.  WHAT ARE LIONS? The lion is a big cat of genus panthera. It is indegenous to Africa and India. It is well known for it's mane. The lion is a very muscular animal, little wonder why it is so strong. It is sexually dimorphic which means that the two sexes, male and female, exhibit different characteristics. Like the lion has a mane ..read more
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The honey bee
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
Bees, well known for their honey making and it's buzzing sound. Having it's scientific name to be Apis. Let's learn more about it. WHAT IS A BEE?  A bee is a eusocial flying insect. This means that they are organized in a certain way in which a single female produces the offspring and non-reproductive individuals co-operate in caring for the young. The honey bee is of kingdom animalia of phylum Anthropoda, family Apidae and order Hymenoptera. A bee starts as an egg, the it turns to a larva (first stage) and then the larva (second stage), then it turns to a pupa and then an adult bee ..read more
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The giant in the rain forest
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
The kapok tree is a giant tree. It can grow up to 200 feet in height. And sometimes can grow as much as 13 feet per year. Can you believe that? Now you can see why it it called a giant. The kapok tree is a deciduous tree, which means it sheds all it's leaves during the dry season. Did you know that the oldest kapok tree is more than 50 meters and 700 years old? The kapok tree grows in tropical rainforests. So it can be found west Africa and southeast Asia today, but it originated from central and south America ..read more
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Picea asperata(The dragon spruce)
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
Picea asperata is a spruce native to western china. It is a broadly conical crown and horizontal branches. The wood is mainly used for pulp wood and sometimes for construction in china. What do think about this ..read more
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The common dandelion(the blow -ball of nature)
Nature the Dress of the Earth
by Franke
3y ago
The common dandelion is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the dandelion genus in the family asteraceae. It is well known for it's yellow flower heads that turn into round balls of many silver tufted fruits that disperse in the wind ..read more
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