Nurse Lionella Blog
A blog featuring articles on Christianity, Life Experience, Education, Nursing. Lionella Betts-MacCormack also known as Nurse Lionella is first and foremost a Follower of Jesus Christ, a Wife, a Mother, a Sister, a Friend, a Registered Nurse Leader, an Aspiring Non-Fiction Author, Blogger, and Educator.
Nurse Lionella Blog
11M ago
March is Reading Awareness month, so I would be posting books all month long that have helped me over the years to be successful. For this week, I would be promoting books that have helped me grow in my Christian journey ..read more
Nurse Lionella Blog
11M ago
This week, I would be promoting books that have helped me in my Nursing Career. So, I am happy to share my 12 favorite Nursing books on how to become a successful nurse ..read more
Nurse Lionella Blog
2y ago
Nurse Lionella Blog
2y ago
As a Nurse Manager of Special Populations, Case Management, population health is dear to my heart. Population health is simply the quality of the health status and the components of healthcare delivery of a particular po ..read more