Moonlight Mommy
Moonlight Mommy motivates, inspires, & encourages you to believe in your potential and win in life.
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
You may have chosen resolutions, goals, or ideas about what you want to accomplish this year. My goal is to help you truly understand how to inspire your wise choices with 3 needs your why, your purpose, & your reason.
Your root cause.
Don’t just go through the motions or blow with the wind. Be solid. Stay true. When choosing between options, you need to understand 3 key points. Look closely at your why, your purpose, and your reason behind your choices. Deeply believe in who you are and understand your choices. A closer look gives you insight into your mindset and perception of life.
Beco ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
1, 2, 3: RELAX
I get it. I truly do. Especially during our current times. Many of us are not as patient as we used to be. So much going on. Who has the time or energy to be patient? Yes, energy. It takes more energy to be patient than it does to be impatient. And the payoff it well worth it. Patience is a virtue, but it’s not easy. Responding, not reacting, relaxes the mind, heart, & soul. The goal is to relax. Now, help yourself learn to respond and not react in 3 simple steps.
No huffing and puffing. No elevated heart rate. Just calm, smooth, rhythmic, relaxed breathing. This takes pract ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
Loving your work, but hating your job is more common than you think. Understanding the difference between your work & your job can & will affect you mentally, physically, & emotionally. Your job, simply put, are the instructions you get paid to follow or the task you get paid to complete. Your work, on the other hand, is who YOU are & what YOU were born to do. Your work is the gift, the skill, the talent, etc. that was given to you to make a difference with or without getting paid. It all boils down to what you believe. Do you believe you have a job, or do you believe you ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
What you believe, is who you become? Your beliefs have power. Your beliefs have control. Your beliefs determine who you are and what you do. Understand your beliefs & become successful. Understand your remarkable truth, you control your beliefs.
Do you believe mistakes and failures are bad? You’ve made too many to to be successful. Something’s stopping you from succeeding? With every 2 steps forward, you’re pushed back 3. You have struggle, after struggle, after struggle. What do you feel? Frustration, anger, tired? You have good reason. Understand ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
Know a mom with depression, help her.
Women, in general, suffer in ways many will never know about. It’s our strength that keeps us moving forward. But sometimes our strength isn’t enough, especially for a single mom. It can, and often does become too much. What if, we stopped moving and no one noticed? What if, we stopped laughing and no one noticed? What if, we simply stopped, and no one noticed (until it was too late). Depression is real. Don’t allow the silent cries for help to go unnoticed. Take notice. You can help a single mom with depression by reducing and/or eliminating the “What if ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
Moments creating new life.
Changes occurred that would change her life.
Weight gain, mood swings, cravings, & urges.
Her eyes wide shut, God had a purpose.
Moments of conception, she was not alone.
Now, she’s raising a child, all on her own.
A mother and father, she fulfills both roles.
Preparing her child for life, anything goes.
Awake & asleep, her mind constantly on the go.
Making every moment matter, as her seed continues to grow.
Her nights of tears, crying why, wondering how.
Her days of proud struts ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
Do you consider yourself financially smarter than a 5th grader? There’s no right or wrong answer. A better question, are you where you want to be, financially? If not, why not? Start making money moves to change your financial status. It’s never too late to start investing. Invest in yourself, invest in property, invest in a business, stocks, or bonds. The point is invest, invest, and invest some more. Not sure where to start, no worries. I got you.
1) Invest in yourself
Thinking about a career change. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or an entry level employee in the retail, corporate, or ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
How does a single mom manage depression and become successful? You’re a mom with income, a home, & maybe a boo, but you’re still unhappy. Why? Maybe you’re depressed. You’re not selfish or greedy, you’re simply unhappy (on the inside). Figure it out. I can help you self-manage depression & become successful, just like I did.
Some prefer to seek professional medical assistance, pharmaceuticals, or depression groups. Others prefer non-professional options. I prefer a cure over a Band-Aid. At some point, the tire must be changed. Fix-a-flat & air pumps are temporary. The ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
Be Brave. Be Bold. Be Smart.
Maximize your money. Would you prefer a stimulus paycheck or a stimulus payoff? 3 Best Tips for your stimulus. Time to fill up and increase your net worth.
Don’t waste your money buying a bunch of new things that depreciate. Don’t waste your money paying off all your bills. Put your stimulus check to work. Get the payoff you deserve. Maximize benefits from your stimulus check. Invest in your future, invest where you shop, and invest in yourself. Dare to be brave, bold, and smarter than before.
Invest in your future.
Not sure where to st ..read more
Moonlight Mommy
3y ago
Vegan Delights
Color Coded Cupcakes
Strawberry Cupcakes
Rainbow Cake
Made with no animal products. DELICIOUS Stay motivated, follow us at http://www.facebook.com/themoonlightmommy
The post Looking for Tasty Treats? Look No Further. appeared first on Moonlight Mommy Strive2Thrive ..read more