Best Albums of 2024
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
1M ago
As with my previous post for best songs/singles of 2024, please remember that I am not a professional music reviewer. I do not have the time or ability to listen to every new album that comes out. So yes, these are really just my personal opinion on the things I managed to check out this more
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Best Songs of 2024
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
1M ago
It’s that time of year, y’all! Time for my annual “Best Of” lists for both albums & singles. I used to just do albums but since the consumption of music is now heavily weighted toward streaming, many artists are focusing more on singles than albums. Part of me finds that sad but I also understand more
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This Ain’t My Mama’s Broken Heart
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
3M ago
Have you ever heard an old(er) song & realized you had totally forgotten about it? And furthermore that the song was far more profound than you had previously realized? That happened to me recently with a Miranda Lambert song- Mama’s Broken Heart to be specific. On the surface the song is about a breakup & more
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Dear Conservative America, I’m Breaking Up With You
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
3M ago
Dear Conservative America, I’m breaking up with you. Actually, the truth is I broke up with you a long time ago- I’m just finally making it official. But, you see, this wasn’t an instantaneous process. I guess you could say it wasn’t a “clean break.” It was a very gradual moving away. Sometimes it was more
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Musings of a Disillusioned Millennial
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
7M ago
This post is aimed primarily at my fellow millennials, though I suspect those both younger & older will likely relate equally well. If I had to choose one word to describe my generation it would be disillusioned. This isn’t meant to be a full blown thesis on the subject, though I imagine with enough time more
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Hot Take: I Love Adulthood
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
9M ago
You’ve seen them, I know you have- all the memes about how much adulthood sucks. About how much we all wish we could go back to being children who get to take naps & have our biggest worry in life be something that- as an adult- seems incredibly trivial. I’ve laughed at those memes, maybe even shared them a time or two. But I’m coming at you today with what I know is, as they’re calling them these days, a “hot take.” The truth of the matter is I love being an adult. Yes, I do- I really 100% do! Furthermore I love being in my 30s even more than I loved being in my 20s. Crazy? Maybe- but it more
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What Harrison Butker Got Right (& Wrong)
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
9M ago
Despite winning a couple of Superbowls in the past few years, I think it’s safe to say that most of us had never heard the name Harrison Butker (or wouldn’t have recognized it anyway) until the past couple of weeks when suddenly his name has been all over the news because of his remarks at a recent Catholic graduation ceremony. As usual, most folks have reacted in the same tired, predictable ways as they tend to do when these sorts of controversial remarks are made. (As a side note, it’s depressing to me just how often I can predict exactly what most people will think about certain issues.) I more
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Black Heroes in Medicine & Metal
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
1y ago
As most of you probably already know, February is Black History Month here in the U.S. The murder of George Floyd back in 2020 was a real turning point in my life in regard to race. As a white person, I had become quite a bit more aware of racism over the years even before that horrific incident, but afterward it became something I truly couldn’t ignore any longer. The way some of my friends & family reacted to that situation showed me that despite the vast amount of progress we have made in this country over the past few decades, we still have a ways to go. Anyway, this year I thought it more
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The Real Problem With Aging
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
1y ago
Evolve or die. Adapt or get left behind. Those two lines have swirling around in my mind for months now. I haven’t been quite sure how to broach this subject properly, but I’ve unexpectedly gotten the day off of work (over-staffed instead of under-staffed for once) so I’m going to try to tackle it today. The subject? Aging. Or rather how our society handles it. Let me preface this by saying that I may be an odd person to write this post seeing as I have been “old at heart” basically my entire life. Even as a child/teen, I was often taken for being older than I was. I was often taken for being more
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Best Albums of 2023
A Thicket Of Musings Blog
by rlcarterrn
1y ago
Yes, it’s that time of year again, time for my annual albums of the year post! If you haven’t already seen it, check out my previous post for my choices for songs of the year. Since so many bands/artists no longer release actual albums (or even EPs), I felt the need to create a separate post to highlight some of my favorite songs that either aren’t part of an album or that really touched me even if the rest of the album didn’t (or in some cases I never got around to listening to the rest of the album because I’m not a professional music reviewer & definitely don’t have unlimited time for t more
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